Are Aliens Trying to Contact Bigfoot?

Are aliens trying to contact bigfoot? Mysterious radio signals have been picked up from space, but why do we assume they are trying to contact us?

In 2007, astronomers discovered a brief and strong burst of radio emission that came from somewhere in deep space. Being the first discovery of its time, the radio waves were dubbed fast radio bursts (FRBs), which only lasts for no more than 5 milliseconds. The bursts vanish just as fast as they appear. FRBs are one of the biggest mysteries known to physics. Some scientists suggest that blitzars are the explanation FRBs. Blitzars are defined as a hypothetical type of celestial object in which a spinning pulsar rapidly collapses into a black hole.

It’s been a decade since the first discovery of an FRB. On February 15, 2015, the 22nd was discovered by a team of researchers from the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy. Scientists used the Parkes Telescope in Australia to spot the latest burst dubbed FRB 150215. This one is said to be the strangest and perhaps the most mysterious of them all.

For more, click here. 


  1. I used to be such a sweet sweet thing till they got a hold of me. I used to open the doors for little old lady's and help the blind to see.

    1. I got no friends cause they read the papers

      They can't be seen

      With me


    2. Only Bigfoot bleeds,,,when he reads that he has a photographic memory that helps him with photography and renewing his Guns and Ammo subscription.

  2. I was hoping someone else would pick up a few lines for me. Great job MMC. Always knew you were a good dude. lol.

    1. Way to thank someone on a new line where they will have a difficult time finding it. I went to a lot of trouble finding out the meaning of what you wrote and then finding additional lyrics that I could copy and paste to impress you with what I'd hope you'd recognize as my Alice Cooper expertise and a bonding experience as well.


    2. ^ iktomi posting as anon instead of researching the photographic memories and camera expertise of imaginary creatures.

    3. Big fan of the coop' s. Unique music in every way. It was sick Wagner who came up with so many of the lead guitar riffs in the coop' s biggest hits. I like songs like Hello Huray or elected or killer. Killer is a great song if you have to get pumped up for a sporting event


    4. Dick Wagner I meant


    5. Dude, you're a kindred spirit. I love the ride of the Valkyries from "Die Walküre". Richard Wagner was awesome! I didn't know he wrote for Coop.

    6. Dick Wagner, the guitar player behind Aerosmith &…:

      Found this vid

      Killer guitar for rent


    7. Never head of him. Get lost, MMC.

    8. I understand Stuey ^^ Your retarded

    9. That's because all you listen to is rap and your brain cell is preoccupied with Joe


    10. Come in number 42 - your time is up.

      said the alien to the hairy one.

  3. Schools out for summer, schools out forever, schools been blown to pieces

    1. The words he says are true, we're all humanary stew if we don't pledge allegiance to..THE BLACK WIDOW, duh, I love testicles

  4. Did you know Bigfoot can emit light from his eyes, speak telepathically, vibrate his frequency, bend light to camouflage his body, create and use portals, grow to lengths of 15 feet,kill deer and bear with his bare hands, create orbs of energy, stun with infra sound, see light emitted from game cameras thus avoiding them, has a photographic memory, can't make a pair of pants or decent shelter, probably maybe lives in caves or trees, acknowledged the existence of Jesus, why can't you people wrap your heads around the existence of Bigfoot already?

    1. Bigfoot is in an eternal state of hide and go seek. Its life revolves around not being photographed. It has not invented clothes yet but is familiar with firearm technology and photography.


  5. I believe some people are abducted by aliens so maybe aliens abduct bigfoot and have been for a while.In fact it wouldn't surprise me if bigfoot and ourselves are alien hybrids xx

    1. Thats nothing, iktomi believes bigfoot have photographic memories that help them evade photographers. He has yet to give his opinion on whether or not bigfoot is a speed reader or can juggle.

  6. Bigfoot uses trans-dimensional portals and UFOs so he can come to Earth, eat out of dumpsters, hang around mobile homes and get hit by cars.


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