Horror Stories From The Woods

Check out these terrifying horror stories from the woods. You never know what you're going to experience.


  1. Replies
    1. Check out my favorite youtube channel.Just search, "The Doctor Of Common Sense"


    2. Hey guys

      The above is not me but I do like the doctor


    3. I knew it wasn't. Hope you are well brother!

    4. "I like a nice fresh slice of pizza with my magic milk. My dream job is to be a preschool teacher with a full class of beautiful children"........lktomi

    5. 3:19 you don`t know anything do you ?

      hahahahah hahahahah


    6. hey ,funny this, there was a time i was a cop (won`t tell you where) and in the locker room where guys n` gals left uniform and clothing etc it was great fun to take a guys cap and run the rim around my sweaty and greasy ass .. would also often run the collar of any shirt/jacket left laying about around the crack of my ass and hang it all back up .. was easy enough getting into the lockers too if needed to do the same .. lemme tell ya`, on a hot day out on the streets the smell would permeate the surrounding close air and BOY,it was the BEST FUN to watch and hear these cops ask where the ass stench was coming from..true story this is..and i did the deed many times.

      Hah hah hah hahahahahahahahahahahahah

    7. ^ That sounds like the right behavior for a cop.

    8. ^ MMC, the only black poster here. Who hates whites and cops because his parents taught him too

    9. Barrett Sanders ^

      Idiot extroadinair


  2. Horror stories indeed. Bigfoot is no more than a campfire story elevated into the mainstream by hucksters and perpetuated by the gullible. One should be extremely critical of the evidence presented when dealing with such a massive claim. That there is an upright human relative alive with a viable breeding population that can elude us with 100% effectiveness is not just a massive claim, it is intellectually dishonest to even entertain such lunacy. Ultimately there is nothing out there. Never has been. Zilch. Nadda.

    1. hey ,funny this, there was a time i was a cop (won`t tell you where) and in the locker room where guys n` gals left uniform and clothing etc it was great fun to take a guys cap and run the rim around my sweaty and greasy ass .. would also often run the collar of any shirt/jacket left laying about around the crack of my ass and hang it all back up .. was easy enough getting into the lockers too if needed to do the same .. lemme tell ya`, on a hot day in the cruiser or out on the streets the smell would permeate the surrounding close air and BOY,it was the BEST FUN to watch and hear these cops ask where the ass stench was coming from..the BEST FUN was hearing the partnering cops speak about how so and so was a smelly stinking tramp etc and cuss the other guy off .. true story this is..and i did the deed many times.

      Hah hah hah hahahahahahahahahahahahah

    2. "Bigfoot is no more than a campfire story elevated into the mainstream by hucksters and perpetuated by the gullible. One should be extremely critical of the evidence presented when dealing with such a massive claim."

      The problem is that statement is oxymoronic in your case. One cannot realistically explain away hundreds, thousands of years of anecdotal evidence, that are supported by physical evidence in the present, with the alleged actions of "mainstream hucksters and the gullible". It would take a very illogical and impossible conspiracy for that to be the case. The funny thing is, pseudosceptics assert that we believe in things that have no evidence, yet there is no evidence for the existence of such a conspiracy, in comparison to the evidence there is for a viable breeding population of relict hominins residing in North America. As the burden of proof falls upon the claimant; and the more extraordinary a claim, the heavier is the burden of proof demanded... Your massive claim is that there is nothing to the many hundreds of years of reports & accompanying physical evidence, and being scientifically prudent does not equate to attempting to substantiate that with a mere conspiracy theory.

      The very origin of the first commonly used name for this hominin, "Big Foot" (as much as I hate the name),
      was in direct reference to what was being documented even before these creature's sightings were being widely disclosed by witnesses. This essentially erodes any suggestion of major media influences on eyewitnesses, before any major powers of suggestion. We have had physical evidence to reference and have done since the very first moments that this subject was introduced into pop culture. Pseudosceptics have become so far removed from this very fundamental fact that they forget that when asserting there is no physical evidence, that the reason these creatures first came into most people's minds, was on the very basis of which it was seen to be leaving its physical evidence on the environment of North America.

      "There is no pervading model of anthropology & zoology, I would suggest, that eliminates the possibly, let alone the likelihood of Bigfoot. Not on an evolutionary ground, not on a biogeographical ground, not on an ecological ground, not on a metabolic ground... The only thing that keeps scientists, I think, from putting their necks out and saying this is something worth our looking into, is their own fear of ridicule."
      - Robert M Pyle, PhD

    3. Can you offer an example of a report that goes back "many hundreds of years"?

    4. That was quick "Haints", have you been refreshing that long? It is generally accepted by modern anthropology that Native Americans, a race that have always had these creatures embedded in their cultural core, have inhabited North America for 14,000 years. I think I was in fact being modest by suggesting that these creatures have been reported for hundreds of years.

    5. Now your turn... In relation to the evidence their is, can you offer an example of how Bigfoot is no more than a campfire story elevated into the mainstream by hucksters and perpetuated by the gullible?

    6. "Preschools are good for many things. I like to sit in on classes from time to time and enjoy the beauty of children"........lktomi

    7. "Embedded in their cultural core" is not a "report." And how do you know what is "embedded in their cultural core"?

    8. Start with the basics;


      Click on "Legends" down the left hand side. Now your turn...

    9. And if something is "embedded in their cultural core", it means that the general understanding of their anatomy and behavioural traits would have had to have been witnessed and reported down through generations for hundreds of years.

    10. The sad truth is that you don't care about native culture except as it relates to your bigfoot obsession. Why don't you try learning about native culture from non-bigfoot sources? It's much more interesting.

    11. "Sharing your bed with a child is spiritual. I would never harm a child. Places like Neverland ranch are magical"........lktomi

    12. Argh right... So...

      As an example of how Bigfoot is no more than a campfire story elevated into the mainstream by hucksters and perpetuated by the gullible... AND as a response to the cultural truth behind long term Native acknowledgement... I simply "don't know enough about Native culture".

      Nuff said.

      I don't know if your narcissism is due to a very typical pseudosceptical pedestal of not having to provide when the tables are turned, or your narcissism is more down to your psycho-troll diagnosis. Maybe you can help me out here? Maybe if you actually learned something of the basics of a subject you attack people over every day of your life, you wouldn't come across like such a blithering idiot when the chips are down.

      Troll on.

    13. The tables have been turned on you 50+× yet all you do is Ignore and deflect,,everybody knows it Joe Fitsgerald.

      Troll on

    14. Someone with a psychological disorder would probably misinterpret, appropriate, and abuse native culture as part of an insane attempt to prop up a delusional fringe obsession.

    15. Um... Don't you like, think that "Bigfoot" is a goul or goblin from Skinwalker Ranch?

    16. Argh of course, "Haints", something tells me you didn't open the beginners link I provided you? I would normally ask you to provide a little substance to the suggestion I'm misinterpreting and abusing things, but you've repeatedly shown you're not too clever at that.


    17. "I am a big fan of NAMBLA".......lktomi

  3. I really enjoy this video. Gave me some chills hearing these stories.
    This plus the stories from missing 411 are really eerie


    1. ps...I also enjoyed the "cop" story posted above.


    2. ^ Fake cop enjoys getting anally probed by aliens .such a strange duck


    3. ^ It`s all becoming too much for you huh Joe ?

      Are you breaking inside ?


  4. Newfound Ancient Chinese Statues Depict Unknown Technology


    1. Can't tell. Whatever he is holding is not all there any more


    2. Neanderthals 'self-medicated' for pain;


    3. When you can't spell LOSER correctly, what's that say about you.

    4. Vegasthedog, your great dane is awesome, you not so much!

    5. Ikdummy, of course neanderthals self-medicated, do you think they had doctor's prescriptions back then. What an idiot!


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