The Bigfoot Files with Dr. Bryan Sykes

This documentary caused quite the stir in the bigfoot world. Geneticist Bryan Sykes collected various samples from around the world, looking for proof of sasquatch dna.


  1. Sykes determined that the sasquatch is actually a negroid with harry, unshaved nuts. No news here.

  2. Iktomi, PIB, Joe and the other Enthusiasts, Happy New Year. Do any of you know if Dr. Sykes is still continuing his research, or has he walked away from the topic? Cheers, Tim,U.K.

    1. Hey Tim! On Coast to Coast AM of March 19th 2016, Sykes made two very interesting statements;
      "You can tell the difference between modern and ancient human within DNA."

      "I've almost finished studying Zana's DNA."

      ... Hopefully his results won't be much longer. What will be interesting is seeing if first he finds ancient DNA, and then if he attributes this find to either what is as widely reported as a relict hominin in the US, Asia, Russia and Australia, or something completely different. It's all subjective to what Sykes thinks "Bigfoot" or the "Yeti" are in the end (Ancient human or whatever else). Personally, & considering Zana's descriptions are exactly what we have come to know in "Bigfoot" of the US, it'll finally be a no-brainer as to what we're dealing with.

      Ancient human.

    2. Thanks for the reply, mate. I think you may well be right. Cheers, Tim,U.K.

  3. Remember when Iktomi was all like, "Wait for Sykes! Wait for Sykes!"

    LOL. Well Sykes has confirmed that he found nothing in the way of conclusive evidence of bigfoot.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sykes was the first kick at the cat, doctor Melba Ketchum was way better at the task.

  4. What is this? Some blog about some creature called bigfoot? And some story about bigfoot files and somebody named Sykes? More liberal propaganda from the lame stream media. I'm not interested. Done.

    1. AnonymousFriday, December 30, 2016 at 1:49:00 PM PST
      You n*ggas erased my post. Typical libtards trying to suppress free speech! Fuck Bigfoot evidence!

      What a lovely guy.

  5. You mean looking to make sure the concept of unknown creatures remaining unfound stays nothing more than a subject to be cackled at and about. Sykes is another one of those people who KNOWS there IS no such thing as bigfoot-or at least he HOPES there isn't...he's very sceered

  6. The problem with Sykes is all the samples he found had human contamination. Well if the thing is part human its going to have human contamination. He spontaneously rejected all those samples because they were part human at least on the mother side. So his study was doomed from the start.


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