Encounter With A Skinwalker In New Jersey

From Swamp Dweller on youtube comes two scary, true stories of encounters with Skinwalkers. Keep the lights on when you listen to these.


  1. Who is the authority on skinwalkers? How many people research skinwalkers? How many dogman researchers are there? Is bigfoot the most researched out of the three? How many bigfoot, skinwalkers and dogman have been captured? Has finding bigfoot ever found bigfoot?

    1. Ask some questions and get abused by trolls. Itkomi you are the biggest troll on this site. Nobody can ask a question without your abuse and nastiness. I'm starting to think that you and your man are the only ones on this site. I just wanted some answers without the constant abuse. You should be banned!!!


    2. Maybe you should attract the attention to Matt so he can for once have a look at the comment sections, and maybe take a look into some IP Addresses?


    3. Why? How about you don't be a nasty troll all the time. Why do you enjoy bringing negativity and insults into people's lives? You should get help. I think you have psychological problems.


    4. That's some great information for you Itkomi. I hope it helps. :)


    5. Itkomi just got destroyed again. Dazz sure has his number. Keep it up Dazz. It's hilarious!!!!!!

    6. You know what folks? Have you ever noticed that Iktomi(VD Joe f..ect..) is EXACTLY the same THING that he accuses other people to be?
      He must have broken every mirror in his little english basement!

      AC collins

    7. maybe,,maybe not 5:47 !!

      Its still the TRUTH!

      AC collins

    8. Iktomi trolls all of the skeptics here, but won't say anything negative about the bogus researchers here, who constantly have ZERO EVIDENCE! Why is that Iktomi?

      Huge White Bigfoot!


    9. ^ Because he is a confused and immature prick, as we`ve witnessed time and again on here.

      Remember too, he`s the fool who kept quoting a source as genuine ... the worldnewsdaily spoof site ... which despite being told a number of times by a number of people he kept on believing...haha haha

    10. DS.

      Are you sure that's not a sweet wrapper? i mean that as nicely as possible xx

    11. You know I have proof, no need for comments like that.
      Comments should be directed to the idiots who waste your time.


    12. But how do i know for sure that's a bigfoot? xx

    13. Haw, Haw Haw Haw, Happy New year

    14. PIB, trying to reason with DS is an exercise in futility.

    15. Well i don't know.It looks a bit like a face but does that mean that it is? xx

    16. Hello there mate, she called it a "sweet wrapper" which incidentally is the same way my lips have been described by certain sexy blokes !


  2. Another very odd fact is that JoeTomi continually posts about how to "deal with trolls" - except he can`t handle his own ideas and certainly can`t handle the trolls - they beat him hands down every time ( in his case it`s often hands down trousers and pants so watch out for the Jotomi queerboy)

    1. I disagree, he does a fine job with the trolls, but won't give credit where credit is due, and won't discredit the idiot researchers who aren't researchers....that makes no sense at all!

    2. Any good new shots or is it quiet for the winter?

    3. DS, are you saying that Iktomi isn't giving YOU credit? The nerve of that guy.

    4. Hey mate, I'm searching for some "good new shots" from sexy blokes if you catch my meaning !


    5. Yes, but they tend to leave at the 3rd snow, and the other day was our 3rd snow....Going thru old video's, still getting evidence everyday!



  3. Iktomi seems to have an open mind about things.You would do well to have one to.

    1. Iktomi Joe has an open mind as long as you believe exactly as he does. Otherwise, he calls you a troll.

    2. ^ head troll Haints.
      iktomi calls it as he sees it. You seem to be butthurt a bit. The truth hurts doesn't it ?


    3. By the way mate, I'm a bit butt hurt myself after a wild night with a sexy bloke !


    4. Haints and blokes is all you ever think about.

  4. Dr. Squatch you sir are a joke. Iktomi knows this. Its why he doesnt (verify) your bad images.

    1. I certainly don't need his endorsement, or anyone's else's, i'm just curious why he does what he does...seems like Matt's paying him if you ask me!

      9:19, I have the best evidence on the planet, and you know it!

    2. You're better off without the support of a pedophile.

    3. We are all better off without any fake evidence from doc Squat
      What an embarrassment

    4. ^ another bloody sock puppet


  5. I dont beleive in bigfoot because I know theyre real. What others think including Iktomi doesnt matter to me nor should it to you sir. We all have brains enough to think for ourselves Dr. Squatch.


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