Video Game Cam Maintenance in Sasquatch Canyon

Kelly shaw of the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization takes off on his own to service cameras in an area affectionately known as Sasquatch Canyon.


  1. Me arse is greased and splayed as it awaits the correct rodger of the "FIRST"!!!!!!!! sauce quatch.


    1. Pump pump pump hut hut hut haaaahhhhh - wow I managed a three stroker this time.


    2. Fake Joe is hoping to get a penis pump for xmas
      He'll wind up getting a box of diapers from santa bloody claus !


    3. ^ the noise Joe makes when a hard fat cock is up his ass

    4. No, once again its your mother you are speaking of.

  2. Has anyone else noticed how, instead of doing his own research coming up with his own methodologies, Kelly Shaw only ever copies what he sees other bigfooters doing? And copies them without really understanding their methods. Also, he doesn't copy the bigfooters who are getting results. He only copies the bigfooters who get attention. That really makes me question his intentions. Is he really interested in proving the existence of bigfoot, or is he just looking for fame?

    This is why I think Kelly Shaw is more of a cargo cult bigfooter than the real thing. He goes through the motions of other researchers, and yet he can't quite grasp why that doesn't work out for him.

    And that's a shame, because he has the potential to do real work, unlike so many other bigfooters I could mention. He just doesn't.

    His ego keeps tripping him up.

    1. All i have noticed is,,
      """ Pat Rance"" ???

    2. You mean Kelly imitates the Bigfooters who are unsuccessful at finding Bigfoot instead of those who are successful at not finding Bigfoot?

    3. ^ have you ever searched "AC collins" on U tube??
      Wow,, The Dude is Awesome!!!!

      AC(thats me) collins

    4. Tens of thousands of good ole american folks(from oklohoma,an other mid american Shitholes) just love good ole AC(thats right assholes)collins,,


    5. That's correct 12:58! Shaw is clearly not a researcher, and has the proof to show it!

    6. Tune in next week, when Matt posts Shaw's deer pics as "Bigfoot Evidence"

    7. I suggest Kelly Shaw copy Steven Stupidfart. Buy a bookstore near bluff creek because you know a bookstore in today's economy will keep him on welfare. Then he can claim poverty and beg for donations to help him bigfoot. Instead of using the donations to search for Bigfoot he can then harass other bigfooter and plant fake evidence at thier favorite research locations. He can make up a fake bigfoot experience to share with national t.v. And then in his spare time because he will have plenty of that sitting in his broke bookstore on welfare. He can stalk,harass and troll other bigfoot enthusiasts on Facebook and blogs. Steven has the formula for being an expert bigfoot loser. Suprised only Dr Squat has followed this formula.

    8. ^ either Kelly Shaw or his unit sucking groupie.

    9. Kelly Shaw must be very insecure if all he can do is blame everything on some guy running a bookstore and trying to share reading and knowledge with the world.

    10. Whose that? We ment that bug eyed turd ranger who lies about the pgf site and weasels and acts like a troll.

    11. That bugeyed turd ranger is a f****g maggot.

    12. Total fail. RMSO has nothing, plays with turds all day. Blames everyone else for his fixation on turds.

    13. Kelly Shaw ^^^ again pathetically defending himself and blaming Steve for the fact that the world outside his safe space doesn't believe him no matter how much he trolls.

    14. ^Stupidfarts pal Randy trolling with bug eyes trying to make RMSO look bad

    15. ^^^ RMSO always looks bad, especially the way they troll their own posts on some dumb clickbait blog every time the least criticism arises. They think the only people in the world who would dare not believe Shaw is a legitimate "researcher" just have to be in the Coalition group. We've got news for him... the whole world would laugh, could they be bothered to watch his pointless, tedious self-love videos.

    16. Every troll comment you make feeds the click bait turd burgler. I mean Krampos. Lolz.

    17. Kelly lives for his daily poo. He can't stop thinking about it all night and day, and when it finally comes he's overwhelmed, and plays with it for hours like his best friend and greatest personal creation. When he thinks about Bigfoot or anything else he can't help the thoughts of his poo that keep intruding. We should really pity him that he never got past the toilet-training phase of life.

    18. Shaw is a paranoid little crybaby. I have not posted here in months.
      Shaw rides on the coat tails of the BFRO and lies about photos he says he took.
      Oh, and he confirmed a hoax as real.
      Jelly Jaw should get a job and quit whining like a bitch.

  3. How many of these trolls are the stewfart turd bangers? Get a life.

    1. i would say not a single one Shaw! People are sick of your waste their time video's that don't show any proof!
      Do you need some lessons on how to find them, i'd be glad to help you out!

    2. How about a plaster cast of a print doc ? surely you must have come across a few in your time as a "researcher"
      i want to see your proof or i want to see you leave here and never return !
      I know meldrum and Doc, you are no Meldrum

    3. How refreshing this blog is without the vermin like IktomiJo troll.

    4. Show me a video of Meldrum going out and finding his own prints.
      That's correct, i'm no Meldrum, I HAVE PROOF!

    5. Have you ever had an encounter DS?

    6. he has no prints. He keeps evading the question in a typical slimy fashion
      Ok, forget about meldrum for a minute. i asked you if you had any prints and i will assume that if you say you got all these video images you must have found some prints around ?
      No more games doc- do you have any prints, yes or no ?
      This will verify you are a fraud without a doubt

    7. Indeed I do, see my playlist! But if I didn't, you somehow think that would undermine the HUNDREDS of pics I have?
      Yes, 10:40, 2 encounters

    8. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
      Those prints on your playlist look fake AF !
      Funny how you have video of the fake prints but all your images of bigfoot- no video, just photos where you outline in your imagination things you think are bigfoot in red
      You are worse than Todd Standing . at least his muppet creations are clearly visible but yours is such a total epic fail
      Sorry buddy, you have ailed to convince anyone on here anything other than you are a fraud and snake oil salesman . You are the Trump of the bigfoot world

    9. stupidfoot is a mall krampos

    10. Kelly lives for his daily poo. He can stop thinking about it all night and day, and when it finally comes he's overwhelmed, and plays with it for hours like his best friend and greatest personal creation. When he thinks about Bigfoot or anything else he can't help the thoughts of his poo that keep intruding.

    11. ^^ Sick Shaw, Troll of the Year, 2016.

  4. What's this? Some kind of video by Kelly Shaw checking his game cams and seeing if he has any evidence of Bigfoot? I think we all know how this will turn out.

    Not interested. Done.

  5. Dr. Squatch is a failed researcher who has become embittered by the success of others. He lacks any normal boundaries to his behaviour and lashes out towards anyone enjoying even marginal success. His claims are absurd and borderline maniacal. He is clearly mentally unstable.

    1. Who the heck wants "Marginal Success" there even such a thing?
      You either have proof, or you don't!

    2. you wouldn't know marginal success if it smacked you in the noggin doc. all you know is how to fake evidence
      KABOOM !

  6. You've been pegged as a nutter doc. You speak in absolutes, what the mental health experts call "unjustified certitude". You react exactly like a classic sociopath and exhibit many of the traits associated with an unsettled mind.

    Noone consider your videos as even worth mention. Most hope you take a dive from great height. Considering the harm you've done I rather hope that is the outcome.

    1. No, I'm pegged as a thorn in your side,because I have all the proof, and you have Squat!
      If you don't have proof like yourself, you're going to hear from me, guaranteed!

    2. Dont you have necks to crack or something? You seem unemployed with all the time you spend hanging around here.

    3. DR.SQUATCH = 367 wins!
      K.SHAW = 360 losses!
      VEGAS T DOG = 7 losses!

      Lol .

    4. 6:59 Super Dork go outside and get some exercise maybe your eyes will straighten out: -10,000


  7. Whats stupidfarts problem with Dr Squatch? Such a troll.

    1. I see what you are doing there. Trying to plant the seed that it's Steven S. making these comments against Dr. Squatch. Nice try..........Kelly.

    2. Steve has nothing to do with Dr. Squatch, save in the warped and juvenile, paranoid mind of Kelly Shaw.

    3. ^Stupidfart busted trolling

    4. ^^ Kelly Shaw busted trolling his own articles, just to impress Matt and Shawn with all of his "clicks."

      Ask yourself, who starts these troll wars here on the RMSO articles... it's always Shaw, because he just cannot handle even the lightest criticism. It really hurts him, it seems, and he just has to start babbling about turds and farts because he can't think of anything even close to intelligent to say.

    5. Rumor is the Turd Burgler moonlights as the mall krampos.

    6. Ha ha ha. Says the very same idiot troll who just made five foolish and pointless posts on three different Facebook fan pages using yet another fake identity just to be an annoying twerp. Grow up, Kelly. What, are you five?

    7. no, im 38 yrs old,,, and??^

      K Shaw.

    8. 6:56 is stupidfart trolling anon. BUSTED. Way to shine Mall Krampos!

    9. The trolling starts with you Kellyfart Shawturd. See how this works, you idiot? You've been voted troll of the year unanimously. When I first commented on this article there were already some 30 comments, with you blaming me for every one that criticized you before I'd said a thing. How pathetic can you be?

    10. Or you just lie. You and your fellow turds lach on to every Rmso post here. You are the mall krampos you chode.

    11. Noone bleeves that bug eyed nazy anyway

    12. No lies at all, but for yours, Kelly.

      Not me, and not Randy either. Even Doctor Squatch sees that. Yet, you blamed us, and posted you're usual last of lies:

      AnonymousTuesday, December 20, 2016 at 12:58:00 AM PST
      Has anyone else noticed how, instead of doing his own research coming up with his own methodologies, Kelly Shaw only ever copies what he sees other bigfooters doing? And copies them without really understanding their methods. Also, he doesn't copy the bigfooters who are getting results. He only copies the bigfooters who get attention. That really makes me question his intentions. Is he really interested in proving the existence of bigfoot, or is he just looking for fame?

      This is why I think Kelly Shaw is more of a cargo cult bigfooter than the real thing. He goes through the motions of other researchers, and yet he can't quite grasp why that doesn't work out for him.

      And that's a shame, because he has the potential to do real work, unlike so many other bigfooters I could mention. He just doesn't.

      His ego keeps tripping him up.

      AnonymousTuesday, December 20, 2016 at 8:07:00 AM PST
      ^ either Kelly Shaw or his unit sucking groupie.

    13. * your

      So anyway, this wasn't me, either, yet there you were mentioning me again when I'd not even been here or seen your stupid article or video:

      AnonymousTuesday, December 20, 2016 at 1:08:00 PM PST
      "Whats stupidfarts problem with Dr Squatch? Such a troll."


      AnonymousTuesday, December 20, 2016 at 3:44:00 PM PST
      "I see what you are doing there. Trying to plant the seed that it's Steven S. making these comments against Dr. Squatch. Nice try..........Kelly."

      What that is is a clear case of paranoia. You just fail to comprehend that there are billions of people in the world who would think you're a fool, besides myself or members of the Coalition group.

      If I reply later to your ridiculous lying troll posts where you so obviously struggle for relevancy and clicks like a fish out of water, that's not me trolling you. I'm just replying to your own trolling idiocy with the facts.

      I'm not the one who is compelled to make fake identities and pages on Facebook every day like you do, either.

    14. Merry Jrampusnacht you bug eyed nazi

  8. Unsettled... lol.

    Massive understatement. Must be a Brit.

  9. Keep up the good work Kelly Shaw !!!


    1. First fail is when ^ you said "keep up"!

      Dont be a KEKKY! ---Joe.

  10. HaHaHaHa!

    "The trolling starts with you Kellyfart Shawturd. See how this works, you idiot? You've been voted troll of the year unanimously."

    Did Shaw ever graduate from elementary school? OMG.


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