Real Dogman Captured On Video!

This video was posted anonymously on youtube. Nobody has been able to determine what it is.

The camera died during this filming. This is raw footage filmed on a Blackmagic camera (notorious for battery issues). The person that gave me this footage does not wish to be identified but has stated that he will interview and comment with his face blurred.


  1. Looks like a helium balloon the way it seems to float! It's not a Dogman, not even close! The dead battery excuse is getting old!

    1. How about the boasting of being the best, yet nobody recognizes you? That they have the ability to blur cameras. Hell, with enough contrast and resolution adjusting, you may even see a shadow man's penis. Again, awesome stuff. Number 1 for a reason, right?

    2. You have a penis fetish Vegas...most Satanists do!

      Show me what researcher has better, and repeatable evidence!

    3. The thing is only you find it repeatable. Everyone else just sees shadows and stumps.

      You're like a guy who sees shapes in clouds- then gets angry when others don't see it. On top of it all, you are a boastful fool.

    4. This is a WHERE wolf .

      where is it ?

      G-g-g-g osh - I`m so funny !!

      Aren`t I.

    5. Only blind idiots in denial would claim shadows and stumps, PERIOD!

      Where's my little penis buddy???

  2. Clearly the battery died after the UFO which dropped the creature off in the first place returned....and drained it.
    (Sarcasm for those not aware of that )

  3. Skeptical To the degree that it exists in this site's a mental disorder. Great breakdown here:

    1. Offering a shadowy video that suggests it shows a "Dogman" doesn't bolster your position any. At least Joerg puts forth an argument.

      Better the world be full of mental patients than that of your type of


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