Bigfoot Destroys Everything In Its Path

The Squatch Master finds a trail that he believes belongs to bigfoot. His suspicions are strengthened when he finds a recently destroyed tree. 


  1. Replies
    1. Enough is enough, thats it!
      Im emailing Shawn,And im going to get you and your tosser troll buddys banned!


    2. oh no no arrrgh oh please please please i beg you Joe - anything but NOT THAT - oh NO oh please please please have a heart Joe Oh how could you - oh now i`m going to cry (with laughter).

      ha ha ha haha

  2. Younger trees often develop frost cracks this time of year in areas where temps fluctuate between above and below freezing. Nothing particularly unusual.

    1. ^ the complaint is in tosser!

    2. Why haints are you crazy? To even suggest a logical explanation is paramount to blasphemy here. Of course it HAS to be a Bigfoot because they have nothing better to do than go around destroying small trees at random. Apparently it's their idea of a good time.

    3. Your gonna get banned for just making sence "tosser" at 8:14


    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Haints you're an idiot, Squatchmaster even bigger of an idiot, and Matt takes the cake for posting it!!

    6. Joe 8;19 is exhibiting a certain level of schooling in spelling - well done ,Joe - you get a star for being nearly right, some of the time.


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