Wow! Look how many people believe in Bigfoot!

From the Pennsylvania Sasquatch Research channel on youtube:

BIGFOOT stats say 30% of America believes in Bigfoot. But, where are all these people? Are they in hiding? How can we help direct a culture towards helping people discuss the topic intelligently to create a more broad acceptance?


  1. I guess there are fewer stupid Canadians than stupid Americans.

    1. Hmmmm. So true Haints. If we factor you into the equation the stupid in America really is more robust.

  2. Some of what this gentleman says I agree with whole heartily however when it comes to the statement that 30% of America believes in Bigfoot I must raise my eyebrows. There are lies, damned lies and statistics - I question where he comes up with this figure. What would be the percentage of those who believe in angels, ghosts and UFO's? To gauge the strength of a person's belief I would present the question as such:

    Would you be willing to bet a hundred dollars that Bigfoot will be discovered in the next 5 years?

    I'm willing to bet that amount that it will not. I'm also confident that the average person would not be so charitable with that belief if they have something to lose. I've noticed (especially in the political arena) that people love to throw numbers around. I've also noticed that most of the time they are wrong.

    1. "Americans are as likely to believe in Bigfoot as in the big bang theory"

      ... Provided in the link above, is a graph from a survey of 2,500 Americans, that shows that the belief in the existence of "Bigfoot" is actually as unpopular as widely accepted scientific theories, such as the Big Bang theory and the theory that life evolved from natural selection... Whilst the majority of these Americans favoured legitimacy for things such as haunted houses and dreams being able to tell the future.

    2. Curious... Would you bet that mainstream scientists would put together a lengthy expedition to investigate the evidence in the next five years?

    3. I've already beat them all to it...They wouldn't even touch what i've accumulated in 10 years!

    4. More people would believe if people were out RESEARCHING instead of filming themselves!

    5. I'm afraid I would have to bet against that happening lktomi. If it hasn't taken place by now chances of that happening look pretty slim. I think the Sykes study was the best shot it had at proving conclusively that Bigfoot was out there.

      "Whilst the majority of these Americans favoured legitimacy for things such as haunted houses and dreams being able to tell the future."

      I find that depressingly sad.

    6. Don't right Sykes off yet buddy! He's not quite done yet.

    7. Sykes and Melba have had more than ample time to produce the goods!! They are both idiots, and I just did a video mentioning them, and also how Dr. Meldrum stole my hair samples!
      I would be willing to place a wager on Sykes, I'll give you 20 years!

  3. Curious, here is a link to one of the sites talking about that stat I mentioned. Though I didn't hear it from this site. It was mentioned in a forum I was following and we were discussing it. As I mentioned in the video, I thought that number was high and one of my friends thought it was low. So, unless we see detail reports (which we never will) it all is pretty much subjective I would say.

    Dr. Squatch, it saddens me that you would suggest I spend my time filming myself rather than researching. The fact of the matter is I was film in the car with my phone rubber banded to my mirror because I was driving back from a 6+ hour hike in the mountains where I was doing my best to find more evidences. I've always enjoyed your work. When others said it was boarder line hoax and suggested things about you that were not factually based, I defended you. I would appreciate the same courtesies. It would help the local and global community greatly if we weren't all in it for ourselves and held upstanding, thoughtful conversation about this topic we all love.

    Hope you all keep up the great work,
    Tony of PSR

    1. I reached out to you asking if you needed any help, and where in Pa you were from, and I didn't get a response back.?
      I apologize for saying you film yourself, seems like that's all researchers do these days...I didn't know u were on your way back from a trip..again my apologies.

    2. That message must have gotten lost in the shuffle. I have a bad habit of not checking my email.

      My YouTube channel is for many different things. From documenting things we find out in the woods to publishing videos of thoughts I've had to create discussion and talking points. I want people to experience my growth in this topic as it happens. I also want people to feel that they don't need to have it all together to actually go out there and pursue the topic of Bigfoot. As long as they understand that they might be wrong on some things and that's OK! Humility is a wall most cannot get over. I want people to be empowered so that the community as a whole can be more productive in finding evidence is to present to the world. and I'll try to keep a closer eye for new messages!

    3. Cool....where in Pa are you? I saw some nice structures in one of your vids.

    4. If you look at all of the researchers out there, they film themselves more than actual research! This is a pet peve of mine, and that's why I made the comment about you earlier...I wish people would walk and talk in the woods, instead of at home...REO gets on my nerves, NO EVIDENCE and acts like he has ALL the evidence. I haven't really looked at your you have any pics of them?


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