Police Officer Talks About The El Reno Chickenman of Oklahoma

From Brenton Sawin Mysteries To Search:

Police officer Bill captures on camera a Sasquatch sitting by his pond. The Oklahoma officer collects several pieces of evidence showing Bigfoot activity on this ranch. Bill tells of the El Reno Chicken man and several other stories about this elusive Bigfoot creature. To Bill's surprise he also finds a huge Dogman print which he casts and shows to us all. The Bigfoot or Chicken man was big news in Oklahoma and Bill wanted to tell his story to help us all understand what happened in this town of El Reno Oklahoma.


  1. The best candidate for the yeti/sasquatch/bigfoot is the Denisovan lineage of archaic humans. Equipped with the high altitude EPSA1 gene that the sherpas also posess and have inherated from the Denisovans. It was extremely robust is size.

    1. So Sorry there "ACE KOOL"!
      (google it)!!
      180deg off this time!

      denisovan had minascule PECKER'S,,,,FACT--JACK!!

      carry on!!

      AC collins

    2. Thefacts are the recovery of a finger, toe, and teeth....and the complete genome of both mtDNA and nuclear DNA. No peckers...peckerbrain AC collins.

    3. all this time i was under the impression the DNA (denisovan)was from a pinkie bone only! however they sequenced a tooth also !
      learning somthing new EVERYDAY
      is a good thing..

      in your own words what does the N & Mito sequencing DISCRIBE TO YOU??? HAA HA HA ,its all good man!

      AC(pecker brain) collins!!

    4. Nothing about Patty is denisovan.

  2. Their looking for you A.C.-----

    Chickenfoot finally got caught peering through a little boys window, and now he is on the run!

    1. Quit projecting TK ,no body cares about your issues!

      you SICKO!!

      AC collins

    2. I saw the queen of England on tv,when
      They took the crown off her head there Was a big fresh turd tangled in her hair...WTF

    3. WUT, YA, X,PEK K ?

      cream cheeze ?

    4. Where is iktomi?

      he's so cool!

  3. Wasn't this an episode of Invader Zim?


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