Pennsylvania Bigfoot Group Talks About Their Experiences In The Field

From Nite Callers Radio:

Pennsylvania Bigfoot Investigations are a group based out of Central/Northeastern Pennsylvania who look for evidence and investigate reported sightings of Bigfoot. They have been together as a group since Nov 2013, but 4 of them have worked together in the past with another group. When that group didn't work out, Jason, Bob, Teri and Michele decided to form Pennsylvania Bigfoot Investigations. They added Rob in the summer of 2015 as a member. Rob has a background in ghost hunting and saw a Bigfoot when he lived in Washington state. As a group, they have investigated reported sightings or evidence, no matter how old the reports might be. They also look for areas to investigate that they believe might be able to support a Bigfoot even though no reported sightings were reported for that area. Pennsylvania Bigfoot Investigations does not believe in looking for Bigfoot for the purpose of hurting or killing one. They are primarily interested in finding evidence, documenting sightings and furthering their knowledge of this species.


  1. Replies
    1. ^As are yours with your imaginary friend.

    2. Watch him start responding to his own comments now...


    3. that first comment would be mine,and as it was made to address the lack of evidence they have shown in the last year. so sorry my imaginary friend ran away when i was 5, tragic really. and as to responding to myself, I'm married so yes i do on occasion.
      keep up the guesswork though even a broken clock is right twice a day

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. well uno , to quote your elegant use of the English language, he is he married??? drunk are we? AC is that you again ?
      see joe
      your being trolled by the master hahahaha

    7. Did anyone understand that? Looks like AC's drunk again.

    8. Reposting my exact same comment without my typo. Excuse my multi-tasking. I don't for a minute think he's lost his imaginary friend, nor do I think he is married. His imaginary friend is the only friend he's got!

    9. "I don't for a minute think he's lost his imaginary friend, nor do I think he is married. His imaginary friend is the only friend he's got!"

    10. Well if you've seen the amount of times I've caught him out responding to his own comments, nobody could even begin to argue with that.

    11. But c'mon troll. You can do better than a simple little typo, can't you?

    12. Hi guys

      It is true that I have trolled. Approximately two people. The second being Barret and that's self explanatory. The first was the sleeveless one

      I was so disgusted that this person was trying to make a name for himself by admitting to shooting and leaving a young one for dead that I risked being banned to speak out. At the end of the day I bleeve people saw it the way I do, and I am still here.

      I bleeve that these creatures are real and a lot like us. That's why I feel so strong about it


    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. That's the worst MMC impersonation possible.


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