If your checking over the comment section, you obviously see your anonymous handywork. Congrats Joe. Anyone would think your going off the rails :) Tee Hee
2:57 regularly refreshes this page to make sure of that. poor deluded fool. lots of bigfoots out there is he'd only take the time to do a little research
Another weekend passes with 100,000+ people in prime bigfoot habitat who have a camera in their pocket. Yet, zero bigfoots. Wow this creature sure has luck on its side.
^ speaking of weekend passes you must have been let out on a weekend pass . How does it feel to be out of your straight jacket for a few days mate ? Lots of photos around pal but you just can't expect a shy creature to come out of the woods and start posing for everyone now can you ? twonk
Enthusiast #1 – “I have filmed a Bigfoot”. Pseudosceptic – “Though I have no means of demonstrating otherwise, no you don’t”. Enthusiast #2 – “I have filmed a Bigfoot”. Pseudosceptic – “Though I have no means of demonstrating otherwise, no you don’t”. Enthusiast #3 – “I have filmed a Bigfoot”. Pseudosceptic – “Though I have no means of demonstrating otherwise, no you don’t”. Enthusiast #4 – “I have filmed a Bigfoot”. Pseudosceptic – “Though I have no means of demonstrating otherwise, no you don’t”. Enthusiast #5 – “I have filmed a Bigfoot”. Pseudosceptic – “Though I have no means of demonstrating otherwise, no you don’t”. Enthusiast #6 – “I have filmed a Bigfoot”. Pseudosceptic – “Though I have no means of demonstrating otherwise, no you don’t”. Enthusiast #7 – “I have filmed a Bigfoot”. Pseudosceptic – “Though I have no means of demonstrating otherwise, no you don’t”. Enthusiast #8 – “I have filmed a Bigfoot”. Pseudosceptic – “Though I have no means of demonstrating otherwise, no you don’t”. Enthusiast #9 – “I have filmed a Bigfoot”. Pseudosceptic – “Though I have no means of demonstrating otherwise, no you don’t”. Enthusiast #10 – “I have physical evidence that amounts to repeatable, scientific evidence for Bigfoot”. Pseudosceptic – “Though I have no means of demonstrating otherwise, no you don’t”.
… Pseudosceptic – “Another weekend passes with 100,000+ people in prime bigfoot habitat who have a camera in their pocket. Yet, zero bigfoots. Wow this creature sure has luck on its side."
Iktomi – (Sigh)
Got monkey suit? Oh... And I really don't know how anyone else would draw a female "Bigfoot"?
One day you might attempt to demonstrate just how fictional those monkeys are. Until then... You're just a person who has a daily issue with "imaginary monkeys".
^ Man without a real life - states the same unproven tosh on a daily basis along with uncountable stories that are nothing more than hearsay - yes,he does this daily - he has to fill the lonely hours with something away from the dreary paint peeled walls of his inner self.
MK Davis slowed down the Patterson film and showed not only hairy breasts but also a penis, his theory is that they were actually filming the Queen of England
You mean to tell me patterson actually drew a photo of patty before it was filmed? Wow, i used to believe in bigfoot, but now am leaning towards the negative. Each and every piece of evidence always crumbles. If the patty footage were shown to be a fake, then footers would literally have nothing. DNA always turns up contaminated, human, or a common known animal. Photos are always blurry and grainy save patterson and mark anders. And reports, illustrated by selene, are made up for fun. I have to say bigfoot does not exist.
Patterson was a bigfooter way before patty. He drove around in a bigfoot van with the words "bigfoot expeditions" plastered on the side and wrote bigfoot books and promoted it in anyway he could. After the filming he never went back. Not once. Instead he drove around the country on a money grabbing tour promoting his film and the real kicker is that he hired an actor to pretend to be gimlin. Gimlin of course did not go due to his wife threatening divorce if he was to continue with his silly hoax with roger.
The Mystery Disappearances of the Bennington Triangle...
The Bennington Triangle has long been a hotspot for a wide range of paranormal phenomena, such as UFO sightings, Bigfoot, anomalous sounds, lights, shadow people, and various other inexplicable happenings since at least the 19th century. Native peoples of the area considered it a cursed region, and were said to shun venturing there, only daring to use it as a burial ground. Early loggers and settlers were startled by strange lights in the skies and many instances of “wild men” lurking within the dark woods, as well as enormous Thunderbirds and various specters. Stories also abounded of people venturing into the area to never come back, suffer miserable hardships, disease, or go stark raving insane. Yet for all of this high strangeness perhaps the most notorious and spooky stories to emerge from the so-called Bennington Triangle are its long history of unexplained, bizarre disappearances.
People have been mysteriously vanishing in the area for a long time. Since the earliest colonial days, there have been people who ventured into the wilderness here to never come back. It was once thought that this was an area to be avoided at all costs and that those who dared to step foot in there were doomed to never return. Natives often spoke of people vanishing here, and early settlers and loggers also reported travelers dropping off the face of the earth in the area, often leaving behind all of their possessions in an orderly fashion, as if they would return at any moment. This disturbing history of strange disappearances became thrust into the limelight with a series of bizarre vanishings that occurred over a five year period between 1945 and 1950, which would cement the Bennington Triangle’s reputation as a sinister place not to be taken lightly.
The first disappearance happened in November of 1945, when a 74-year-old hunter by the name of Middie Rivers was out hunting with a group of four companions in the mountain wilderness near Glastonbury Mountain. As the group was heading back to camp from their excursion, in the Long Trail Road area near U.S. Route 9, Rivers strayed ahead of the group and proceeded to simply vanish. A thorough search of the area turned up only a single shell from the hunter’s rifle near a small stream. Although Rivers had been coming along in years, both the hunters and authorities alike were nevertheless perplexed as to where he could have gone, since he had been an extremely experienced hunter and woodsman and he had been very familiar with this particular area, a place he had hunted in many times before. It was speculated that Rivers may have leaned over at the stream and the shell had fallen out of his pocket, but other than that it remains a complete mystery as to what happened to him and he has never been seen again, seemingly engulfed by the forest itself.
The second disappearance occurred a mere year later, in December 1946, when 18-year-old Paula Weldon, who had been a sophomore at Bennington College, also vanished without a trace.
Yes... I mean to tell you that someone who had researched Bigfoot for years before hand, eyewitness reports of both male and female Bigfoot, drew a female version amongst countless other drawings prior to filming Patty. If you draw a lion, and I draw a lion... We're pretty much gonna come up with the same drawing. One of the only anatomical features that differentiates a female from a male Bigfoot are the breasts. This is based on innumerable sightings reports. You have never, nor has anyone ten times cleverer than you ever demonstrated how the evidence for "Bigfoot" has crumbled. You live in a far bigger fantasy world than anyone clever enough to understand the evidence, let alone be without agenda to acknowledge it. A fantasy world where every track impressions, however remote it's been sourced and however much forensic detail it has in it, is the product of hoaxing. A fantasy world where lettering on a van equates to a magic monkey suit. DNA comes back as human, because "Bigfoot" is a large archaic human. And there isn't anything blurry about these photographs; http://www.texasbigfoot.net/images/bigfoot2.jpg http://www.texasbigfoot.net/images/bigfoot1.jpg http://www.texasbigfoot.net/images/bigfoot3.jpg
... Enough detail it seems to compare her biological tissue to that of elderly overweight people, to which was not remotely possible in SFX even 20 years after the film was shot. When someone who fails daily to explain away the evidence for "Bigfoot", when he says "Bigfoot does not exist", it means nothing.
"Roger's next plans were to capture a Bigfoot, which he planned a full expedition returning to California and searching all the way up to Canada. He planned a one-year expedition with tracking dogs, cages, a large crew, and the entire project filmed. This would have been a huge financial project. So they immediately went to Hollywood for funding, but they turned him down. Roger then went on his film tour- he made lots of money, started his own organization, and started investigating capture claims to bag one that way (and was duped in the process). He partnered with Ron Olson to fund the 'capture expedition' that he originally planned. They were going to fund the expedition themselves by making a movie, but that never panned out and the expedition never happened. Roger kept investigating claims. He eventually had Ron do investigations for him because by that time he was getting too sick. Roger died and Ron basically continued where they left off doing research, and ended up making a docudrama movie based on Roger's ideas (Sasquatch: Legend of Bigfoot). For one, a lot more people were in and out of that area immediately following the film. So the odds of seeing another in the general area were much more slim. He also had no means to capture a Bigfoot which would be the next logical step. We could speculate all day long and go over 'would haves' and 'could haves', but reality is never that black and white. The facts show that Patterson did make immediate plans for a return to California and a capture- it just didn't pan out financially." - Roguefooter from the BFF
Pseudosceptics discredit people for finding what they set out to look for. But pseudoscepticism IS a fundamental, quasi-religion, after all.
When you set out to find a fictional creature and you find it first time and remain after 50 years the only one to do so then yes it very much is a fictional creature.
9:16... Says who? You? Considering this is coming from someone who regularly "forgets" about the physical evidence amateur researchers source every time they go looking for "Bigfoot", then that's ever so slightly audacious.
Here's a comparative concept you might understand. You haven't seen your little pecker in years, but I'm sure it exists based on the stains on your mattress every morning.
I can't believe what just happened. I have always been a bigfoot believer and it looks like sh@t has litearlly hit the fan. My unce is a truck driver and is currently running a load down through Huntsville. He just got off the phone with my dad and I can't sleep any more. He said he was headed south at about 3:45 a.m. when he rolled up on an accident scene. He said there were 3 patrol cars on the scene with flashing lights and one paramedic. He got the impression he was the first one to have come upon the scene other than the emergency vehicles. As he moved into the other lane to pass, he clearly saw on the ground about 10 yards in front of the vehicle, a very large body. He said he couldn't see the face but that it was covered in hair and had to be at least 500 lbs. When the cop saw my uncle staring at it, he yelled at the paramedic who covered the thing up, and the cop began to walk over towards the truck cab. My uncle just pulled forward and kept going. The cop didn't come after him. He got on the phone with my dad and said that shortly after the CB was coming alive with other truckers talking about it. They said people have gotten pictures of it and that too many people saw it for it not to be in the press today. Apparently one of the guys on the CB was following the ambulance it was loaded into with his chevy crew cab. I think this is finally going to be it guys. Watch the news stations. I think we are about to be vendicated.
Joe you know a lot about infestations of your private parts. It goes along with your overly promiscuous homosexual lifestyle. Perhaps easing up on the solicitations for sexual encounters ("sexy blokes") is in order.
5:19... That's quite a conspiracy theory there mate. One that requires a far greater leap of faith than believing that the actual creature, which has read been reported thousands of times by reliable, credible people leaving them.
the children are hard at work today on here with their inane comments and attacks. They must have all been let out on day passes or one lonely stump has been going crazy posting as different people. it wont work pal, bigfoot is real and all of your special pleading wont change that. Speaking of changing , you may want to check your diapers before dinner mate
Vegas, don't respond to the "DS" troll, that isn't me!
Since you never been in the woods, and don't have any evidence of your own, you wouldn't have any idea how hard it is to get a full body picture....Since the Juvenile's back is facing me, I can't see what he looks like.
It's about 3 -4 feet tall, so i am assuming it's a juvenile, the Albatwitches full grown are 4-6 feet, but this fella isn't shaped like them. I have a pretty good idea from all of my research, which one's are male, female, and juvenile. And another kaboom this morning!
Someone tell merchant that the curvature of the earth can not be applied to a lake with land surrounding it as the topography of the land surrounding the lake is unlikely to be identical to the curvature of the earth.
The curvature of the earth can be applied to the oceans however. Here, as has been demonstrated for centuries we see ships disapearing below the curvature exactly where we expect them to.
merchant has been on a downward spiral for a couple of years,He's just trolling the flat earth mongoloids to get some ink...or he's now a blathering fool hopped up on shrooms
Yeah, his channel is dying, and it's a way of marketing it to a new blood. The thing is, he's a super intelligent and has a ton of knowledge when it comes to nature. It's too bad he feels the need to pander to fools.
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Suzie M., a sasquatch enthusiast. Crypto-linguists believe that the species known Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti/Yowie ect speak and understand a complex language, which by all accounts seems to stem from Asia. When one listens to it there is definitely a sense of it being Chinese or Japanese. It is a very odd mix of sounds, clicks and what could be actual words. This is the reason some experts are looking into the Asian dialect theory, some have said it could be a lost dialect, which was carried from Asia by the Bigfoot species that colonised America.
What's up TimF? Reo Has invited you up to MW. Are you a BF researcher or no?
ReplyDeleteWow! Just checking over the comment sections. What crud hole this place is. Shout out to all the human beings who regularly frequent!
DeleteIf your checking over the comment section, you obviously see your anonymous handywork. Congrats Joe. Anyone would think your going off the rails :) Tee Hee
DeleteWow! That was a quick response... Anyone would think you've been refreshing through to the early hours in hopes that I would post a comment?
DeleteGood grief Joe. How narcissistic of you. Anyone would think your full of delusions of grandeur. Try some breathing excercises. Enjoy life. :)
Delete"Refresh, refresh, refresh..."
DeleteYou're the embodiment of my success. Just remember that.
; )
He calls me on the line
DeleteHe does it all the time
He says he wants my Joerg
And he says he wants my slime
He often goes downtown
He moves his head all around
He pees all over the floor
And sucks on thick ground round
What are you doing there Iktomi, douching, good for you, very refreshing, very refreshing
DeleteI`m just creating a fresh bowl of joergness ...nice and thick clots of joerg juice
DeleteI'm "Joe" now.
DeleteThats because Stu is craysay!
DeleteFoolish Vegas, stupid foolish Vegas
Delete^ but not as stupid or foolish as the TomiJoe boy
Delete2:26. LOL
DeleteWaxing poetic for Joe
^ please ... fondle my b*lls
DeleteYou have none so....
Deletemmc is not a testicle maven. he is the
DeleteMan Meat Connoisseur
Zero bigfoots? Oh yes
ReplyDelete"Zero bigfoots" whilst checking on the existence of "bigfoots"... Every... Day... Of your life...
Delete2:57 regularly refreshes this page to make sure of that. poor deluded fool.
Deletelots of bigfoots out there is he'd only take the time to do a little research
Another weekend passes with 100,000+ people in prime bigfoot habitat who have a camera in their pocket. Yet, zero bigfoots. Wow this creature sure has luck on its side.
Delete^ speaking of weekend passes you must have been let out on a weekend pass . How does it feel to be out of your straight jacket for a few days mate ?
DeleteLots of photos around pal but you just can't expect a shy creature to come out of the woods and start posing for everyone now can you ?
Well aparently patterson had no problem, on his first attempt. Lol
DeleteAnd coincidentally photographed the female he drew previously. My, my, my...
DeleteEnthusiast #1 – “I have filmed a Bigfoot”.
DeletePseudosceptic – “Though I have no means of demonstrating otherwise, no you don’t”.
Enthusiast #2 – “I have filmed a Bigfoot”.
Pseudosceptic – “Though I have no means of demonstrating otherwise, no you don’t”.
Enthusiast #3 – “I have filmed a Bigfoot”.
Pseudosceptic – “Though I have no means of demonstrating otherwise, no you don’t”.
Enthusiast #4 – “I have filmed a Bigfoot”.
Pseudosceptic – “Though I have no means of demonstrating otherwise, no you don’t”.
Enthusiast #5 – “I have filmed a Bigfoot”.
Pseudosceptic – “Though I have no means of demonstrating otherwise, no you don’t”.
Enthusiast #6 – “I have filmed a Bigfoot”.
Pseudosceptic – “Though I have no means of demonstrating otherwise, no you don’t”.
Enthusiast #7 – “I have filmed a Bigfoot”.
Pseudosceptic – “Though I have no means of demonstrating otherwise, no you don’t”.
Enthusiast #8 – “I have filmed a Bigfoot”.
Pseudosceptic – “Though I have no means of demonstrating otherwise, no you don’t”.
Enthusiast #9 – “I have filmed a Bigfoot”.
Pseudosceptic – “Though I have no means of demonstrating otherwise, no you don’t”.
Enthusiast #10 – “I have physical evidence that amounts to repeatable, scientific evidence for Bigfoot”.
Pseudosceptic – “Though I have no means of demonstrating otherwise, no you don’t”.
… Pseudosceptic – “Another weekend passes with 100,000+ people in prime bigfoot habitat who have a camera in their pocket. Yet, zero bigfoots. Wow this creature sure has luck on its side."
Iktomi – (Sigh)
Got monkey suit? Oh... And I really don't know how anyone else would draw a female "Bigfoot"?
Nice damage control but zero bigfoots is zero bigfoots
DeleteYes... You keep telling yourself that. And nothing a troll looking for a reaction has ever said, has made any damage.
DeleteStill got that fictional monkey on your back i see
DeleteOne day you might attempt to demonstrate just how fictional those monkeys are. Until then... You're just a person who has a daily issue with "imaginary monkeys".
Delete^ Man without a real life - states the same unproven tosh on a daily basis along with uncountable stories that are nothing more than hearsay - yes,he does this daily - he has to fill the lonely hours with something away from the dreary paint peeled walls of his inner self.
DeleteMK Davis slowed down the Patterson film and showed not only hairy breasts but also a penis, his theory is that they were actually filming the Queen of England
Delete^ the teeth aren`t yellow enough for her Maj.
DeleteYou mean to tell me patterson actually drew a photo of patty before it was filmed? Wow, i used to believe in bigfoot, but now am leaning towards the negative. Each and every piece of evidence always crumbles. If the patty footage were shown to be a fake, then footers would literally have nothing. DNA always turns up contaminated, human, or a common known animal. Photos are always blurry and grainy save patterson and mark anders. And reports, illustrated by selene, are made up for fun. I have to say bigfoot does not exist.
DeletePatterson was a bigfooter way before patty. He drove around in a bigfoot van with the words "bigfoot expeditions" plastered on the side and wrote bigfoot books and promoted it in anyway he could. After the filming he never went back. Not once. Instead he drove around the country on a money grabbing tour promoting his film and the real kicker is that he hired an actor to pretend to be gimlin. Gimlin of course did not go due to his wife threatening divorce if he was to continue with his silly hoax with roger.
DeleteYea totally seems legit guys.
The Mystery Disappearances of the Bennington Triangle...
DeleteThe Bennington Triangle has long been a hotspot for a wide range of paranormal phenomena, such as UFO sightings, Bigfoot, anomalous sounds, lights, shadow people, and various other inexplicable happenings since at least the 19th century. Native peoples of the area considered it a cursed region, and were said to shun venturing there, only daring to use it as a burial ground. Early loggers and settlers were startled by strange lights in the skies and many instances of “wild men” lurking within the dark woods, as well as enormous Thunderbirds and various specters. Stories also abounded of people venturing into the area to never come back, suffer miserable hardships, disease, or go stark raving insane. Yet for all of this high strangeness perhaps the most notorious and spooky stories to emerge from the so-called Bennington Triangle are its long history of unexplained, bizarre disappearances.
People have been mysteriously vanishing in the area for a long time. Since the earliest colonial days, there have been people who ventured into the wilderness here to never come back. It was once thought that this was an area to be avoided at all costs and that those who dared to step foot in there were doomed to never return. Natives often spoke of people vanishing here, and early settlers and loggers also reported travelers dropping off the face of the earth in the area, often leaving behind all of their possessions in an orderly fashion, as if they would return at any moment. This disturbing history of strange disappearances became thrust into the limelight with a series of bizarre vanishings that occurred over a five year period between 1945 and 1950, which would cement the Bennington Triangle’s reputation as a sinister place not to be taken lightly.
The first disappearance happened in November of 1945, when a 74-year-old hunter by the name of Middie Rivers was out hunting with a group of four companions in the mountain wilderness near Glastonbury Mountain. As the group was heading back to camp from their excursion, in the Long Trail Road area near U.S. Route 9, Rivers strayed ahead of the group and proceeded to simply vanish. A thorough search of the area turned up only a single shell from the hunter’s rifle near a small stream. Although Rivers had been coming along in years, both the hunters and authorities alike were nevertheless perplexed as to where he could have gone, since he had been an extremely experienced hunter and woodsman and he had been very familiar with this particular area, a place he had hunted in many times before. It was speculated that Rivers may have leaned over at the stream and the shell had fallen out of his pocket, but other than that it remains a complete mystery as to what happened to him and he has never been seen again, seemingly engulfed by the forest itself.
The second disappearance occurred a mere year later, in December 1946, when 18-year-old Paula Weldon, who had been a sophomore at Bennington College, also vanished without a trace.
more ----->
Selene has had her wheaties this morning. Dont use up all your energy here dear, and do save some of it for singing on stage!
DeleteYes... I mean to tell you that someone who had researched Bigfoot for years before hand, eyewitness reports of both male and female Bigfoot, drew a female version amongst countless other drawings prior to filming Patty. If you draw a lion, and I draw a lion... We're pretty much gonna come up with the same drawing. One of the only anatomical features that differentiates a female from a male Bigfoot are the breasts. This is based on innumerable sightings reports. You have never, nor has anyone ten times cleverer than you ever demonstrated how the evidence for "Bigfoot" has crumbled. You live in a far bigger fantasy world than anyone clever enough to understand the evidence, let alone be without agenda to acknowledge it. A fantasy world where every track impressions, however remote it's been sourced and however much forensic detail it has in it, is the product of hoaxing. A fantasy world where lettering on a van equates to a magic monkey suit. DNA comes back as human, because "Bigfoot" is a large archaic human. And there isn't anything blurry about these photographs;
... Enough detail it seems to compare her biological tissue to that of elderly overweight people, to which was not remotely possible in SFX even 20 years after the film was shot. When someone who fails daily to explain away the evidence for "Bigfoot", when he says "Bigfoot does not exist", it means nothing.
"Roger's next plans were to capture a Bigfoot, which he planned a full expedition returning to California and searching all the way up to Canada. He planned a one-year expedition with tracking dogs, cages, a large crew, and the entire project filmed. This would have been a huge financial project. So they immediately went to Hollywood for funding, but they turned him down. Roger then went on his film tour- he made lots of money, started his own organization, and started investigating capture claims to bag one that way (and was duped in the process). He partnered with Ron Olson to fund the 'capture expedition' that he originally planned. They were going to fund the expedition themselves by making a movie, but that never panned out and the expedition never happened. Roger kept investigating claims. He eventually had Ron do investigations for him because by that time he was getting too sick. Roger died and Ron basically continued where they left off doing research, and ended up making a docudrama movie based on Roger's ideas (Sasquatch: Legend of Bigfoot). For one, a lot more people were in and out of that area immediately following the film. So the odds of seeing another in the general area were much more slim. He also had no means to capture a Bigfoot which would be the next logical step. We could speculate all day long and go over 'would haves' and 'could haves', but reality is never that black and white. The facts show that Patterson did make immediate plans for a return to California and a capture- it just didn't pan out financially."
- Roguefooter from the BFF
Pseudosceptics discredit people for finding what they set out to look for. But pseudoscepticism IS a fundamental, quasi-religion, after all.
Lol nice try DWA
DeleteJotomi = C0CKSUCKER
DeleteLet me guess... Does DWA keep you up until the early hours worrying about "magic monkeys" as well?
DeleteEats yer Queens anus
DeleteJoe = sucker of stiff c0ck
Deletehahah hahah hahah hahah hahah AHAHAHAH
Thanks 5:57 xx
DeleteIt was great reading.
DeleteThaaank kew Iktomi, can you smell my horrendous stench through my knickers
DeleteWhen you set out to find a fictional creature and you find it first time and remain after 50 years the only one to do so then yes it very much is a fictional creature.
Delete8:06 man without a real life...has cardboard one instead.
Delete9:16... Says who? You? Considering this is coming from someone who regularly "forgets" about the physical evidence amateur researchers source every time they go looking for "Bigfoot", then that's ever so slightly audacious.
DeleteHere's a comparative concept you might understand. You haven't seen your little pecker in years, but I'm sure it exists based on the stains on your mattress every morning.
^ said whilst fondling his master`s large stiff todger
DeleteIt appears there is a theme as to what you enjoy imagining of other posters.
DeleteBut you are also correct about me
DeleteI can't believe what just happened. I have always been a bigfoot believer and it looks like sh@t has litearlly hit the fan. My unce is a truck driver and is currently running a load down through Huntsville. He just got off the phone with my dad and I can't sleep any more. He said he was headed south at about 3:45 a.m. when he rolled up on an accident scene. He said there were 3 patrol cars on the scene with flashing lights and one paramedic. He got the impression he was the first one to have come upon the scene other than the emergency vehicles. As he moved into the other lane to pass, he clearly saw on the ground about 10 yards in front of the vehicle, a very large body. He said he couldn't see the face but that it was covered in hair and had to be at least 500 lbs. When the cop saw my uncle staring at it, he yelled at the paramedic who covered the thing up, and the cop began to walk over towards the truck cab. My uncle just pulled forward and kept going. The cop didn't come after him. He got on the phone with my dad and said that shortly after the CB was coming alive with other truckers talking about it. They said people have gotten pictures of it and that too many people saw it for it not to be in the press today. Apparently one of the guys on the CB was following the ambulance it was loaded into with his chevy crew cab. I think this is finally going to be it guys. Watch the news stations. I think we are about to be vendicated.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes
wow, that's a great story Selene. I really do hope you are right about this because it can change everything !
Hook line and sinker^
DeleteAint noone killing a non existant monkey
The only thing that's non-existent, is confidence in the drivel you post daily.
Delete4:04 - may 10,000 crab lice infest your private parts
So wheres the monkey? Did it just cloak itself to avoid detection again?
DeleteJoe you know a lot about infestations of your private parts. It goes along with your overly promiscuous homosexual lifestyle. Perhaps easing up on the solicitations for sexual encounters ("sexy blokes") is in order.
DeleteOMG Selene i bet they had fun lifting that in to the ambulance :) xx
Delete4:22... The "monkey" is in the physical evidence it has left, subsequently being documented and scientifically verified for that past half a century.
DeleteWhat's equally as fascinating, is your short memory.
Sorry did i forget the bit where you found an actual bigfoot? Please refresh my memory
DeleteI wonder what other very large bipedal primate is leaving tracks all around the US and Canada?
DeleteHumans. Humans leave them
DeleteThere's Juvenile's too ya know!
Yawn...another hoax story to keep the idiots and fantasists hooked.
Delete5:06- keep refreshing the page and soon enough you'll be seeing monkeys in your dreams
OMG , someone hit the Queen of England?
DeleteThis is Selene reporting back. I made it up. AHHHHHHHHHHH HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
DeleteOh Selene you little devil xx
DeleteProof MUST be required, in the Bigfoot world!
Delete5:19... That's quite a conspiracy theory there mate. One that requires a far greater leap of faith than believing that the actual creature, which has read been reported thousands of times by reliable, credible people leaving them.
DeleteShut up Zaskey ^
DeleteMake me, loon.
Delete^ such a stupid childish remark is befitting - you juvenile minded jerk
DeleteYes... Now proceed to use every toilet humoured gesture in the book and pretend to be three other posters.
DeleteYour morals are certainly the bench mark to aspire to.
Eats yer Queens anus
DeleteIktomi = assumption , presumption and a thorough lack of gumption.
Deletewhat an immature boy
ha ha ha hahaha ha ha hahaha
^ Nailed it !!
DeleteDS, so you have adults resembling that cone shaped body "juvenile" you found?
DeleteI will be releasing my images soon, I just have to draw the body parts on the bushes/stumps.
You sure you can work a pencil ?
Deletethe children are hard at work today on here with their inane comments and attacks. They must have all been let out on day passes or one lonely stump has been going crazy posting as different people. it wont work pal, bigfoot is real and all of your special pleading wont change that. Speaking of changing , you may want to check your diapers before dinner mate
DeleteGod save the queen !
Vegas, don't respond to the "DS" troll, that isn't me!
DeleteSince you never been in the woods, and don't have any evidence of your own, you wouldn't have any idea how hard it is to get a full body picture....Since the Juvenile's back is facing me, I can't see what he looks like.
I'm guessing it looks like tree bark with a bit of blurry green (almost leafy tone to it)
DeleteDS is not able to get a picture because they aren`t really there.
DeleteDS, I'm aware which is the "real" you. My point is, how can you say that is a juvenile?
DeleteSee, I drew a face on what I'm saying is his back, this is really, really me,foolish Vegas, stupid foolish Vegas
DeleteWho is more irrelevant and boring than "vegas the lame"?
DeleteNO BODY!
It's about 3 -4 feet tall, so i am assuming it's a juvenile, the Albatwitches full grown are 4-6 feet, but this fella isn't shaped like them.
DeleteI have a pretty good idea from all of my research, which one's are male, female, and juvenile.
And another kaboom this morning!
I saw the Queen of England on TV and when they took the crown off her head there was a big fresh turd tangled up in her hair..WTF
ReplyDeleteYou do realise the queen is reptilian in nature and will bite your head off xx
Delete^ Yes, with her yellow teeth !!
DeleteI wonder if she enjoys non organic, basement raised, hot pocket fed sausage fingers?
DeleteHelp me Joe, I've shat my knickers again
DeleteSit and spin Fake Joe
Delete^ Which number do you want ?
DeleteI`m guessing any number as long as it`s fat,eh ?
Someone tell merchant that the curvature of the earth can not be applied to a lake with land surrounding it as the topography of the land surrounding the lake is unlikely to be identical to the curvature of the earth.
ReplyDeleteThe curvature of the earth can be applied to the oceans however. Here, as has been demonstrated for centuries we see ships disapearing below the curvature exactly where we expect them to.
Get a grip. The earth is not flat.
He knows it's not flat, look at the Sun, Moon, and all the other planets....Duh!
Deletemerchant has been on a downward spiral for a couple of years,He's just trolling the flat earth mongoloids to get some ink...or he's now a blathering fool hopped up on shrooms
DeleteYeah, his channel is dying, and it's a way of marketing it to a new blood. The thing is, he's a super intelligent and has a ton of knowledge when it comes to nature. It's too bad he feels the need to pander to fools.
DeleteThe moon exists, the bright shiny orb exists, bigfoot doesn't exist, my pictures proved that ,I'm the real DS you jealous foolish fools
Deletevegas the lame,,is controlled by fools with 2× the intelligence and Gile...LOLZ!
DeleteFor as "lame" as I am, I sure do elicit response from the paper thin skin crew.
DeleteFoolish Vegas, stupid foolish Vegas
DeleteDance puppet.