Hunter Has Terrifying Encounter With Dogman

From the Supernaturalist Channel on youtube: 

The day I went hunting, I made it to the campsite around 6p.m I rode there on my dirtbike and chose the northern deer stand for my main use for the night. I set in for the peace and quiet of the forest and started frog giggin, which means hunting frogs with rocks or hand crafted spears. Then set up in my stand and just waited, listening and hoping for a good sized buck to take a sip from the pond below.

I heard a pack of coyotes in the distance, but wasn't worried since coyotes are heavily populated in the country, I didn't even think much of it but turned to see if i could get a glimpse of the pack. I saw them in the distance in the cornfield, their shadows were moving swiftly. I was pretty amazed at the site but something didn't look right. There was a larger figure moving near them on all fours. This stunned me because I was unable to think a coyote could be this large large.

The pack started to move closer to the wooded outskirts where my deer stand was. I realized the figure was too large to be coyote or a wolf and this scared me. When it was about 20 or 30 yards away i could smell the outstandingly disgusting odor this creature produced. It smelt like old urine mixed with cow crap. I freaked out and slammed the door to my deer stand closed. I don't know if the creature could smell me or if the banging of the door attracted it but I realized I messed up bad.

I looked out of the window and it's figure was just 10 yards away and moving from tree to tree. I could hear it's heavy footsteps circling the stand. I grabbed my flashlight to see if this thing was any where closer so I could see it. To this day I regret grabbing that light. I looked out and turned on the flashlight. Standing on its to back legs, 3 yards away was a jet black, very hairy, wolf snouted creature looking right at my stand. It noticed my light and looked dead at it holding its hand in front of its face, it's eyes haunt me until it's day, angry, mean looking amber eyes.

His hands were human like with a gray palm. It was pretty damn large and buff and easily looked like it could weigh 400 pounds. As for the height my stand was around 10 feet, this things head was just maybe about 2 feet below the bottom,so I say 7 and a half to 8 feet.

I must of frightened it when it saw the light because it flew from sight. I jumped back against the wall realizing what I had just seen. What happened next is the reason I don't even go in the woods alone or hunting alone anymore. I still have to overcome this everytime I look at our woods.

The creature gave off a blood curdling howling sound with crackles in the distance. The howling and shrieking snarls really brought back my memories as a kid of watching the movie Bad Moon. There may have been more than one, the howling did sound different occasionally, if anything it May have been a duo. The rest of that night I sat in the corner, my 12 gage loaded, starring at the door to the stand. That creature howled on and off all night, knowing I was in there. When morning finally came I checked all four directions with my binoculars. I saw nothing, but it still took me forever to work up my courage to go down the ladder. I left everything, hopped on my dirtbike and flew back to see farm.

When I got back, I was scolded for lying. My grandpa said I was being immature and senseless to myself. However he did go out hunting a few weeks after. Call me a wuss but I almost cried every time he did in fear of that creature but he always returned. One time though he came in with a shock on his face. He told me he found 2 full grown bucks, mutilated, not far from the deer stand I was at.

His scene told him that it was wolves, but the thing he couldn't understand was their heads were gone. He told me he has heard howls like I described to him. He has also been in fear as I have been before too.

My sighting is the only one that has been reported in my county. However, I did some research in my neighboring counties and found that this past June, a man in a roadside cleanup crew was driving around picking up dead animals He saw a pair of raccoon crossing the street and slowed down. Out of the treeline a beast that was really well built snatched both of them up and darted off. The guy stated he was shocked and swore the beast was walking upright and looked almost completely like a wolf.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes you are first among turds.

    2. better that than a first rate asshole

    3. hitting the crack pipe again I see joe. When do you sleep?

      I have noticed you have these outbursts where you post non stop for days at a time. Then you go quite for a few days. This is very much like the habits of meth/cocaine addicts. You also display the same impulsive behavior,paranoia and lack of introspection of most junkies. Your narcissism makes me lean toward cocaine. But your other behavior suggests methamphetamine. It is also possible you are just abusing pharmaceutical drugs such as ritalin or adderall. That you spend so much time on this nonsense leads med to believe this is the case.

    4. ^ so that's how he's so smart

      Gimme that pipe Joe !

    5. Joe, just a quick question. If i unleashed a steady stream of boiling hot urine in your face, would you hold it against me?

    6. Does your mommy know what you are using her internet for Barret ?^

    7. Australian Traffic Planner Claims Bipedal Creature Attacked Him

      A man in New South Wales claims a bipedal creature attacked him at a camping site.

    8. That biped creature being a person.

    9. Yep! A very large, hairy wild person. You're learning!!

  2. Dogman is a ridiculous idea.

    1. Of course it is but unless you can provide a dogman suit that matches the exact requirements set out by believers based on abituary data from a crappy film then dogman must be real

    2. "A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand."
      - Bertrand Russell

    3. "You can dress your mate up in a gorilla costume and people will still believe it" - R Patterson

    4. "Yes"
      -The rest of the world

    5. Wow! With all those people claiming to have a monkey suit, you'd have no problem sourcing one then, eh?

    6. Ah yes, the classic monkey suit strawman where unless a suit is provided to the exact standards and arbituary attributes requested it will never be as "good" as the film and hence bigfoot exists. Ignoring the fact that noone is even bothering because it is not (and never will be) their burden, it is a truelly grotesque abomination of the scientific method.

    7. Iktomi just got blown the f*ck away.

    8. "In science, the burden of proof falls upon the claimant; and the more extraordinary a claim, the heavier is the burden of proof demanded. The true skeptic takes an agnostic position, one that says the claim is not proved rather than disproved. But if a critic asserts that there is evidence for disproof, that he has a negative hypothesis—saying, for instance, that a seeming psi result was actually due to an artifact—he is making a claim and therefore also has to bear a burden of proof."
      - Marcello Truzzi, On Pseudo-Skepticism, Zetetic Scholar, 12/13, pp3-4, 1987

      You see, it's comments like yours that always provide me with a genuine source of hysterics. Someone like you can attempt to condescend someone about the scientific method... When your shortcomings aren't even in the same league as anything remotely as advanced as that. It simply comes down to one very simple thing; if you call it a monkey suit, you're responsible for that. Stop crying like a little girl & try and shift the burden because you can't lift it, that's not only a sure sign of NARCISSISM but a genuine sign of capitulation. The Morris suit embarrassed you, the Blevins suit embarrassed you... Find one example from the plethora of Ape costumes that demonstrates the same texture and biological tissue that we see in the PGF from the time and you win... Simples. To adhere to the scientific method, you need to adhere to testing a source. The PGF has been presented as a piece of evidence for the existence of "Bigfoot", by Jeff Medrum (anthropologist & authority on evolutionary bipedalism) John Bindenagle (PhD wildlife biologist & former advisor to the UN), Ian Remond (OBE FZS FLS tropical field biologist and conservationist), and O Allen Guinn (MD FACS Aurora Plastic Surgery)... Test it. Find a magic monkey suit OR, the evidence source stands. You mention the scientific method, and in the same sentence demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of how it works.

      : )

  3. So... any bigfoots found this weekend? Joe?

    1. Estimates as to exact numbers are hard to determine... But the evidence that substantiates at least some number, however few, still exists. Maybe you should look to addressing that for once, instead of focussing on what essentially is a negative proof fallacy (like a body).

    2. Well if you have no evidence then thats kinda the point

    3. Unfortunately for you, a lack of body does not wish away the physical evidence that makes you look silly.

    4. When you cite non evidence and anecdotes as evidence then you look silly

    5. "Witness testimony can be tested and assessed for reliability. Examples of approaches to testing and assessment include the use of questioning, evidence of corroborating witnesses, documents, video and forensic evidence."

      Clear photos;
      Forensic physical evidence;

      "Any man is liable to err, only a fool persists in error."
      - Marcus Tullius Cicero

    6. "Clear photos" yea, I laughed.

    7. Still a tough row to hoe Iktomi...but keep up the good work.Cheers

    8. You won't believe it, but the grand total of bigfoots found is now STILL ZERO!!

    9. Clear enough to make comparative analysis to recognised biological titssue here;

      Plenty found, none "in a zoo" (and never will be).

    10. Joe you should meditate and find the root of your anger.
      Use your rational brain to discover the tricks it plays on you, how it masks your spiritual potential.
      Focus on smiling and being positive, helping others.
      You will notice small returns at first and then more the more genuinely positive and happy you become. It is the opposite of the cycle of negativity that just drags you further down into anger and hate.
      Try to be happy, and others will be as well.

    11. Yeah... Did you write that after thinking all day how you can troll me?

    12. Whether or not they did it's sound advice mate.

    13. I really don't think someone who relapses on their meds as often as you do, should be alluding to anyone else's alleged sound advice.

    14. these trolls are really scraping the bottom of the bloody barrel by commenting on here . it's ridiculous how much time and energy they expend on a subject they could really care less about . i on the other hand have the utmost interest in the subject so you can say i'm being true to who i am unlike the said trolls who are lowlife weasels with zero friends and even less self respect for themselves


    15. That was an excellent comment about Bigfoot Joe.

    16. Yes 10:11... Now proceed to spend the next three years of your internet usage telling everyone how much of a horrible person I am.

  4. Been led to believe his Dad was left for dead in a coma;
    Been unexpectedly reunited with his Dad;
    Been shot and survived;
    Become close friends with Sophia, only to have her go missing and ultimately turn up as a zombie and be mercy-shot by Rick;
    Discovered his Dad right after he murdered his best friend and one of Carl's mentors;
    Shot said undead mentor in the head;
    Witnessed his Dad cut the foot off someone to save them from becoming infected;
    Mercy-killed his own mother;
    Had to help with the birth of his sister in the middle of a prison overrun by zombies;
    Witnessed several members of his group die due to zombies and humans;
    Killed a teenager, supposedly under self-defense;
    Been shot again, this time losing an eye in the process.

  5. Replies
    1. Nah, he just has the same comment that he uses daily. The site appreciates your traffic 10:28, keep up the below average "work".


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