Bigfoot Caught Hiding Behind Tree?

Things get a little hairy (teehee) for Robert Dodson and company during an investigation in SE Oklahoma. Viewers have left comments about when and where to look at the video to see the bigfoot playing a game of hide and go seek with the light from the camera.


  1. @bigfootevidence: I know it is so simple copy and paste a new video, but pay a little attention and some respect to your followers and point out- where is the attention to be need.
    If you do not, you are not better than all the other...any like so many others

  2. When it comes to the point where you are trying to prove the authenticity of a 60s film of a mythical creature by filming the movement of female models breasts, its probably time to take a step back and rethink things.

  3. Pwned like a phone call to the FAA to ask for permission to hang a porch chair below a helicopter

  4. A turd in the barn is large and hairy....evidence

  5. "Things get a little hairy (teehee) for Robert Dodson."

    LOL - I see what you did there.

    1. 1 question Curious.
      Have you ever heard of a Mr,Pat Rance?

    2. I have not. But I am indeed curious - what is the significance of that name?

    3. Well my friend,do you by any chance follow "The Bigfoot Outlaws"?

    4. I know of them but do not follow them. If I'm correct don't they relate stories about Bigfoot?

    5. Yes , they tend to disseminate various theories and personal encounters with intimate knowledge of sasquatch . Maybe you should checkout the next bigfoot outlaw radio show when MR.PAT RANCE is the guest!

    6. After looking him up it seems he is a Bigfoot researcher based in Florida. He somehow never appeared on my radar so I am not familiar with him. I'll try to check him out when he is on that show.


  6. We received a report from a man walking his two dogs on November 6, 2014 of large hairy creature that crossed in front of him on a hiking path near the State Game Lands # 331, near Penfield PA. He is a hunter and familiar with the area. He says it was not a bear although it seemed to have a protruding snout. It stood approximately 8 to 10 feet tall and moved quickly with large steps into the brush. The dogs went crazy and wanted to pursue it but he had all he could do to control them and get out of the area. After taking the dogs back to his vehicle he ventured back to the area of the sighting but found nothing. He relates he does not believe in Sasquatch but cannot explain what he saw. The protruding snout is what puzzles him. He also stated that it looked more like a hairy man and that's the best he can describe it as it was only in his sight for a minute or less.

  7. This web series popped up on nbc news. The amount of cringe is skyrocketing and I really can't wait to watch more. What are your first impressions?

    1. >Live through a shitty life
      >Die and finally leave all your troubles behind
      >Get to float around as a ghost and not have to worry about anything
      >Suddenly some fags come into your haunted area and start calling you gay

    2. ^ Are you a black feller calling yourself the "N" word?



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