Bigfoot injured by a forest fire was taken away and hidden by the authorities, not even Robert Lindsay can top this story
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Caw caw ... corrr futt me me ol` charna yous mart jes be rart baht dat corr futt me
ReplyDeleteCaw caw
DeleteI have an Ass ache !!
R R yesterday you said that you had a "big butthole" !!
did you run into that big dick a.c.collins??
^ tell buddy-boy time to pull out
DeleteOk I gotta say some stuff...
ReplyDeleteI've been watching this guy for years. I like him and in the past I liked some of his videos.
But at some point the happiness-and-rainbow-sunshine-goodness theme started to annoy me. Then he started making bulls.hit claims and really muddying the waters regarding actual behavior. At some point I categorized him correctly as a woo-artist and started to become more aware of his fund-raising efforts.
The Woo people are researchers who gave up on bigfoot research and decided to try to make a living off spinning tales of interaction and nighttime bigfoot foot rubs and the like.
I just can't watch one more effeminate bigfoot researcher tell fairytales.
Find the thing, photograph it or GTFO.
Agreed - and it seems many of these "gentle" creatures may be responsible for the turning of flesh into mealtime delights.
DeleteChristopher Noel: "I could go on for hours".
DeleteI'm thinking many advocates (such as yourself) are glad he didn't. It's my opinion that Bigfoot investigators such as Matthew Johnson, Thom Cantrall, Barbara Shupe (to name just a few) are doing more harm than good when it comes to convincing others that Bigfoot does exist.
Although not currently a believer I am not unreasonable but I certainly need more to convince me than what these people are peddling.
^ you`ve surely seen enough to know it is real ?
DeleteWell there's the thing. Over the many years I have read tons of both pro-exist and skeptical views. For ever argument that Bigfoot exists there is a counter-argument that it doesn't. For every from of evidence presented there there is an alternate view that it proves nothing. I've gone from a believer in my early years to a flat out disbeliever now and the main reason for that is the passage of time. With all the "tens of thousands" of eyewitness reports, with the advancement of technology and all the (seemingly) people out there looking for them I just cannot wrap my head around why it has not been proven by now. I've watched many researchers turn to the most bizarre explanations to explain this and this has certainly increased my disbelief. Now with the TV shows there should be more people than ever aware of what such proof could bring them (fame & fortune) but still nothing.
DeleteYet I don't believe everyone who says they have seen one is lying. I now believe it more of a psychological mystery that a flesh and blood question and that is where my interest lies.
DeleteThat isn't quite true, the part about fame and fortune.
The people who have actually found bigfoot and are collecting video of them on a regular basis are completely unknown and are enjoying neither fame nor fortune.
The fame and fortune go to the wrong people, the ones who haven't found anything, and it is a major source of dysfunction in the research community.
People would rather watch Moneymaker find nothing than watch Zaskey find them all day.
It is inexplicable and it is emblematic of the inability of our culture to process the truth.
Yep, i've been saying that for awhile now curious, and that's why i',m calling all these yo-yo's out...NO EVIDENCE!
DeleteI have to disagree Anon 2:26. Bigfoot has not OFFICIALLY been found anyone who brings in a specimen live or dead will certainly have the potential for both if done correctly. Many may have pictures and videos of Bigfoot but they are essentially worthless until they can absolutely verify it truly exists.
Delete"Bigfoot" is found in the decades of track impressions and eyewitness reports, that are accompanied by video, audio and even biological evidence such as hair samples. You don't have a specimen on a slab of course, but you'd have to be a total denialist to be so interested in a subject to be aware of all that but to then dismiss it.
DeleteThat's unless Curious can point to the other as of yet unclassified bipedal primate that's twice the size of recognised human-primates, that's leaving all that mess?
Well I can point to the possibility of a normal size bipedal primate providing this "evidence" and possibly being responsible for it.
DeleteWhen and if the day comes when a body of Bigfoot will rest on that scientific slab then I can assure you my denialist days are over.
Argh yes! The great conspiracy! Tell me, how would you go about achieving all this hoaxing? To hoax convincing biological dermals that are primate in origin but different enough to have species traits across samples, one would have to have a knowledge of all human primate and non-human primate dermals (that not many people on the planet do), and then have less than a lottery win's chance of faking the exact same biological idea, place these impressions in the middle of nowhere and somehow predict to the exact yard out of miles and miles of wilderness that they'll be found, and THEN fool multiple forensic experts.
DeleteYour idea of presenting theories against said evidence is basically reduced to quotation marks and a conspiracy theory. I think that could be a "solid" indicator of denial, Curious. I wonder if these conspiracies would erode if your research had panned out a little different?
He's a cousin of DS, woo woo hurry DS the portal is closing hurry DS, jump in with us,it's warm in here and smells like piss you're going to love it
ReplyDelete""""" PISS """"" !!!
DeleteOn the 21:40 mark onwards here...
... I think he might have done just that. Albeit typically blurry, it could well be the start of some better photography down the like, at least. Maybe, just maybe, more funds towards better tech might progress that? I dunno, I like Noel. I think his articulated ideas refreshing... Your opinion is respected, of course.
That was for 12:18.
DeleteHit the road jack !! ^
DeleteYou don't rate no more !
hi iktomi, I am a reader of this blog, and from Europe. just wanted to say that I appreciate your comments ... so many great and related links. a true treasury. would be great if you had your own blog. Anyway, just wanted to say thank you. greetings
DeleteBless ya mate. Means a lot.
DeleteYou're welcome! Looking forward ...peace!
Delete^ his name is Joe not jack
Delete12;42 as if we didn`t know who actually wrote this ludicrous joe ?
DeleteYes, so mysterious, fan from Europe eh? See the #1 in Bigfoot evidence, visit my YouTube channel, tens of subscribers
Delete@12:50...i am from europe...and i do not to create a become a profil...and i am not interessted in doing it...but thats not the line...the line is, there are readers of this blog out there, wich are interessted in bigfoot and news...certainly not interessted in stupid comments at my last call on this one.
DeleteNoel is a liar and hoaxer who actually supported Rick Dyer:
Quite refreshing, isn't it?
Wait,don't go without visiting the #1 in Bigfoot evidence site, see my YouTube channel, all the evidence of the wildman of the Americas you will ever need to see,and unlike Europe no muslims
Delete@DS(12:58): I bet you can not imagine, here in Europe, we talk about "Wild Men" for millennia and there are stories without end ... We have unimaginably large forests ... and securitized reports that have been a long time...again, calm down.
DeleteYES MR.B B !!
DeleteI remember that endorsment Chris Noel made in favor of Rick Dyer..
I was Shocked, as I have read
chris's book (impossabley LARGE CAULK)!!
Its all about the $$ folks,
Sad but true!
I think you'll find that Noel was hoaxed, and is not a hoaxer.
Delete1:05 - don`t know if there is one for Europe - this for the UK ...
This is why you should come to the #1 Bigfoot evidence site, I've shown Iktomi true Bigfoot evidence but he's too blind and stubborn to see, see for yourself and don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel
DeleteCan you remember when you had a tantrum about muslims taking over the UK? Now that was funny.
DeleteThat`s because dIcktomi is a fool
DeleteI like those forests in Europe where the trees form swastika, not many of those left,nostalgia, nostalgia
DeleteYou Are Not Iktomi
DeleteOh... And when you're a try-hard, I suppose you'll use the fact that someone was hoaxed to discredit them and somehow twist that to being an actual hoaxer.
DeleteTry-hards have gotta try-hard I guess.
@1:08: cool...thx for the map...i appreciate that, a lot.
DeleteDS, do you even know what "IKTOMI" even means in Yaqui?
Delete..?? didn't think so !!
retardo,lier,idiot.and or fool!!
Your learning son!
1:16 here is another - there is also another world map similar to the UK map - I can`t find it right now ...
@false IKTOMI( 1:12) I remember like true Americans, like Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Sitting Bull, Abraham are just a failure who draws from and feeds on what great Americans contributed.
DeleteAmerican trolls wrap themselves in the American flag like nobody I've seen. They consider themselves patriots as far as the Constitution goes. There's a sense that if we can, we should. That's still the narrative of America. Trolls are taking [a] much-lauded American ideal and turning it into this grotesque satire of itself.
1:28 you are CORRECT. as I am not a true "IKTOMI"..!!
Deletethat being said,,1:15 most certainly is..
^ sniff sniff sniff (airborne anal aroma)
Delete@ 1:32 I remember you BOASTING HOW YOU ARE THE "KING TROLL"!!
DeleteAnd how YOU get immense pleasure being a "KING TROLL"
Here's your disgusting buddy Noel directly asking Steve Kulls to lie:
Quite refreshing, isn't it!
dIcktomi is a self abuser
Delete1:32 ,oh One more thing,,occams razor,, applied to ALL of your EXCUSES as to why bigfoot cannot be ,,,,,,,
Deletephotographed,caught,shot,blown up,tracked down,remains found, DNA categorized,Science rejecting Subject,and on an on an on..
occams razor,, proves that sasquatch as a conventional corporeal earthly entity,,
is way off track SON!!
It's ok Boyo you're learning!
Dr.B Sykes..
Squabbles, handbags and irrelevances... Nobody cares. People in this field are like big girls. Either post where Noel has hoaxed or keep crying.
DeleteAC Collins... Is there a bigger excuse than calling something paranormal because it can't be classified? I mean, plenty of good people attribute paranormal abilities to these creatures, but they tend to be knowers. You don't know much.
DeleteInteresting BB - I had not seen that before although I did know he supported Rick Dyer.
DeleteI find that an embarrassing public schoolyard squabble, not "interesting". But you are looking for a reaction, I guess.
DeleteI find it interesting because it gives insight to his character. Wasn't really looking for a reaction but I guess I got one - LOL.
DeleteIf you think someone's character can be summed up in a cringeworthy public exchange like that, then you're as poor a judge of character as you are impartial to the evidence you claim isn't there.
DeleteOh... And AC? Only someone as dense as you would try and attribute a scientific principle (Occam's Razor) to something that can't be measured by science (the paranormal). Thanks for that, I'll add that to the list of crackers you've posted, like maintaining humans aren't apes.
^ why jotomi always so bitter ?
DeleteIf I was bitter... I'd be name dropping people and pretending to be them, on every comment section, denying any remotely sane people from having civil exchanges.
DeleteCatch my drift?
MY,MY,MY,Joe.F!!!! @2:10.
DeleteIt seems like you are takin a more positive style of comment response,, instead of being very condescending you are evolving into a good person!
just my 2cents(and worth the same)!! ,,Anyways,,,
good job & carry on !
Dr B Sykes
DeleteLOL , BBM o l dd j.
DeleteMay I slurp the Queens ass some more,yay Brexit
DeleteWell lktomi we can only base our views on what the individual says and it came from his own mouth so . . . I agree my opinion of him is not high since he supported Rick Dyer. Surely your not a fan of Dyer?
DeleteAs for the evidence you claim you have to remember it is not universally accepted as such. There is plenty of room for doubt and you would find I would be a little less impartial if given something more solid than what has been presented so far.
Aaah guh guh guh guh...yous good American
Deletewhy that jotomi fellow always so bitter?
DeleteWOW JUST WOW !!!!
AC(to easy)collins!! :-)) :-))
oh,, some good questions there
"American trolls wrap themselves in the American flag like nobody I've seen."
DeleteGerman trolls apparently like to pretend they are Welsh, right Joerg?
Curious, unfortunately for many in this field, they are subsceptible to hoaxing. Noel got gullible real bad. The nonsense posted on Kulls' blog is playground nonsense. You'd love for me to state I'm a Dyer fan, wouldn't you?
DeleteWhat's "universally accepted", you no doubt mean what mainstream science recognises (or is even aware of) means little. If there's scientific evidence that not one from that mainstream can explain away, and it is substantiated with consistent scientific means, it falls into the bracket of pioneering which has always been in the minority. It's being able to recognise what's "solid" and what's consistent, that's relevant. Maybe if your research would have panned out differently for you, things might have seemed a little more "solid" for you by now?
In response to iktomi @ 2:23
Delete1.Are HSS chimpazees?
2.Are HSS gorrillas?
3.Are HSS orangutans?
4.Do HSS have 24 pairs of chromosomes (48 total) ?
5.Are HSS of the Genus PAN ?
1-5 = the definition of "APE"
1-5= negative for HSS.
1-5= positive for APES.
Im just wondering that maybe you need to "UPDATE" your dossier on me..
and yes Hss & great apes are all members of superfamily HOMINIDAE! But your (low iq)
could not keep up ,,,or flat out comprehend!!
U occipital bun much Joe????
haaa haaa haaa lol..
AC(its so easy) collins
AC Collins taking Iktomi to school again.
DeleteAccording to Matt K.:
Delete"While we're on the subject, let's not forget another major Rick Dyer supporter. A person who should know better, but has recently shown their true colors. Chris Noel. Shame on you Chris Noel. You are so caught up in promoting your own personal agendas and playing favor to anyone willing to kiss or blow smoke up your ass that you are willing to ask, better yet demand, that someone outright LIE to the community. If you are only interested in the truth when it suits your own opinion, then how many other times have you lied or covered up the truth? Not only did Chris Noel ask Steve Kulls to lie, he has also bad mouthed many other researchers in this field, one of which I personally witnessed being Jeff Meldrum. Asking Dyer on his own Facebook page why he would post something that promoted Dr. Meldrum. Why not Chris? Because his views and opinions differ from your own? So what? It's called an opinion, and people are allowed to have them."
*1,2,3 neg 4,5 pos,for pan!
DeleteLOL - I knew you wouldn't endorse Dyer. Even a staunch advocate like yourself wouldn't go there. He seems to be the universal pariah among the Bigfoot community except for Noel of course (sorry I couldn't resist).
DeleteAs for universally accepted I did mean what mainstream science recognizes. How can you say it means little when the only way you will ever truly win your argument is when the world recognizes it officially. That's just the way it works like it or not. Present whatever evidence you wish but until it is factually recognized it plain doesn't exist officially.
I wouldn't call that excursion to the Carter Farm research but more of a fact finding mission and I can say unequivocally that all those stories originated in one poor girl's head.
Joerg suffers yet another beat down. You'd better go back on strike Joerg! Ha Ha Ha!
Delete"There are seven extant species of great apes: two in the orangutans (genus Pongo), two in the gorillas (genus Gorilla), two in the chimpanzees (genus Pan), and a single extant species, Homo sapiens, of modern humans (genus Homo)."
DeleteApe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So still no evidence that Chris Noel is a hoaxer? Try-hards have gotta Try-hard I guess. What a pathetic soap opera these "big players" portray. Typical that someone like 4:37, someone who likes to b*tch instead of substantiating his nonsense should focus on that. But he is a try-hard after all.
Curious... It's very simple. Mainstream science isn't aware of the state of evidence, therefore the evidence in question isn't scrutinised. Let's have a look at your attempt at logic;
"The evidence for Sasquatch does not exist because mainstream scientists who have not studied it, and on the most part aren't even aware of it, say it isn't. Also the evidence does not exist because Sasquatch doesn't exist (circular reasoning)."
I think that kind of puts it into context. So, when I say it means little, it means at present it means little for the validity of said evidence, because not only has it yet to be shown to be bunk, but all scientific breakthroughs have always been in the stark minority. You have to pick up (cough, cough), the most basic of history books to be aware of this. Oh... And the said evidence is just as good as anything that's come before it. For example, Anna Nejaris has classified a couple of knew nocturnal primates based on one hair sample. Well Sasquatch have twelve samples, all uniform in morphology and all linked to their own sightings and activity. All vetted by people with credentials and expertise.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
DeleteAC collins,,,,689 debate wins!
iktomi,,,,,,0 ,debate wins
iktomi = loser!!!!
AC(yes folks, its that dang easy) collins. :-)) :-))
In addition to the great apes, the family Hominidae includes our species, Homo sapiens. In the past, there also were other species of humans as well as hominids more similar to us than the chimpanzees and bonobos. They will be described in the last three tutorials of this series. It has been historically difficult for people to accept that we are in fact just another primate species with African origins and that we differ physically only in degree from some of the others. The similarities can be seen throughout our bodies. The African apes and humans have essentially the same arrangement of internal organs, share all of the same bones (though somewhat different in shape and size), lack external tails, and have several important blood type systems in common. We also get many of the same diseases. Humans and the African apes have hands with thumbs that are sufficiently separate from the other fingers to allow them to be opposable for precision grips. Like all of the great apes, humans are sexually dimorphic--human men are 5-10% larger on average and have greater upper body muscular development. Like chimpanzees and bonobos, we are omnivorous. We kill other animals for food in addition to eating a wide variety of plants.
You are one messed up puppy... And clearly get no interaction in the day to day life. But please tell me more about how scientific principles can be applied to things that can't be measured by science? I'd love to hear more about that...
^ A.C. must have struck a nerve .
DeletePoor iktomi , Such a Sore LOSER.
You do realise that people can easily spot when you're pretending to be other people?
DeleteFrickin' loon, ha ha ha ha ha!!
^ who's Joe?
DeleteSomeone who quite clearly sent a few over the edge when he took your playground away from you.
Delete^ corr futt me yous iz dat Joe boy
Deletecorr futt me
@DS: Calm down...your type of american not the top of the world, at all!!!
ReplyDelete@1:08: cool...thx for the map...i appreciate that, a lot.
Delete@false IKTOMI( 1:12) I remember like true Americans, like Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Sitting Bull, Abraham are just a failure who draws from and feeds on what great Americans contributed.
ReplyDelete@1:27...thx...thats amazing stuff.
DeleteSitting Bullsk ans Lex Luthor Kings aints no Americans
DeleteEurope is out...thanks for the Maps...Good Night.
ReplyDeletenight night
DeleteCatch you around bruv.
Delete^ watch where he is looking to catch you,"bruv".
Delete"""BRUZ ON KNEEZ"""@ 1:38,!!!
^ titter titter chortle
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteChris is a mercurial touchy nerd who is absorbed in his own imagined intellect. His Musicman subject hasnt shown up in a long time and Noels video system he rigged up to capture pictures of Musicman hasnt worked. I guess he is now going to poetry. Images of Matthew Johnson are beginning to be formed.
ReplyDeleteI agree 100%
DeleteAC c
You nailed it!
DeleteGoofy stupid useless video Noel...Get out and film THESE CREATURES, NOT YOURSELF!
ReplyDeleteI am astonished at how many researchers do only half the job, they collect some video and publish it without every analyzing it.
DeleteAfter some time cogitating upon this phenomena I realized that they simply cannot conceive that bigfoot could actually be right in front of them in the treeline so they won't even look.
Everyone is expecting Patty to step out of the bushes and calmly walk away from them for 3000 frames. The reality is that the PG encounter was a very rare thing and that most archaics remain in concealment pretty much no matter what you do.
I saw Mark Zaskey blast off trail right through several large archaic humans in concealment. He charged through the bush and literally brushed against one of them with Melanie filming it. They showed teeth the whole time but they stayed put and didn't take a bite out of him. Mark never saw them lol.
What!?! Still no Bigfeets!!
ReplyDeleteKeep praying they don't exist.