Rare Candid Interview With Bigfoot Scholar and Legend John Bindernagel

John Bindernagel interviews are always enlightening. Here's one that you probably have never seen before. 


  1. Replies
    1. Have you ever seen a bigfoot...no

    2. corr futt me geezah dat bigfeets eeza runnin froo dem woods an eeza mekkin a hollerin ana hootin all ovva da place

      corr futt me

    3. 4:21 has never seen his **** he's so chubby, and John saw the ssme large silhouette Jeff Meldrum saw a couple of years ago, that allegedly left track impressions.

    4. ^ saw a tree in the woods and footprints of the parks rangers

    5. Keep praying that was the case, you're letting your clerics down.

    6. Stories based on stories so you may as well shut your pie hole

  2. Replies
    1. A Canadian biologist & PhD with over forty years of experience in wildlife research and conservation in North America and internationally. He was educated at the University of Guelph (Ontario, Canada) and at the University of Wisconsin (USA). After beginning his career in Canada in 1963, he worked internationally with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations from 1965 until 1991. During this time he worked and taught in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and Central America. There he was involved in wildlife surveys, the preparation and implementation of wildlife management measures, and conservation education.3

      Yeah, he's a legend.

    2. What's proven... Is there is a bipedal primate, twice the size of normal human primates, leaving its sign on the environment.

    3. Please don't answer the "DS" troll.

  3. Bigfoot scholar??? LOL thats laughabale. Considering they don't exist.

    1. Bigfoot does to exist. So neeerrrrrr!


    2. Bigfoot is very real I`ll have you jolly well know,Sir.

    3. 5:13... You've been slacking off on the praying lately? Are you struggling with your faith by any chance?

    4. Is bigfoot your lord and savior?

    5. No... It's a biological entity who's existence can be measured by the physical sign that he leaves. It requires no faith.

      What's your excuse?

    6. ^^ Correct Iktomi!

      But Bindernagel is another joke, who's done NOTHING to prove the species exists, nothing!


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