Native Sasquatch Encounters With The Smelly Wildman

From Brenton Sawin Mysteries To Search:

Dallas gives an eyewitness account of the Sasquatch he saw a few times in Texas. Dallas is a Kiowa Indian and has a great deal of understanding now on Sasquatch or Bigfoot. Dallas tells what the creature Bigfoot ran like and looked like plus much more. The interesting input Dallas give on the Sasquatch is a real pleasure to listen too.


  1. Replies
    1. City slickers = Girly Boys!

      J.JONES(mohawk) SPOKE.

  2. There he is begging for money again!!! That's the Brenton we all know and love.

    1. As soon as I see the name Sawin, I quit watching.

    2. He got your click Haints you little fan-girl.

  3. I wonder how the $9.99 per month thing is working for Crypto Reality.

  4. This guy is disturbing in some way I cannot define.


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