Look At These Game Cam Images From A Bigfoot Hot Spot

The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization posted the following images to youtube, showing what they collected from their different game cams placed around a bigfoot hot spot they investigate.


  1. Matt, you mother would be ashamed of you.

    1. Good job RMSO! You put in the work and the time. Tell the haters to keep kissing your a$$. You guys deserve to find Bigfoot with as much time as you spend out there.

    2. Cool stuff Kelly, get 'em!

    3. ^ wot i did ,hahaha,yeah,wuz wipe my mates phone into the crack of my sweaty asshole and gave it back and just left it on the side of the table .. then his mum came and asked to use it and asked wot the dirty smell waz from..hahaha


    4. Kelly Shaw goes looking for bigfoot. Comes back with proof of moose. Ikky calls it "good work".

      Pathetic as always.

    5. ^ Wanker sniveling again cuz mum don't allow poor kid out of used to look for Bigfoot. Cheer up little guy at least you have this blog to troll for fun

    6. Basement bigfooters produce more credible evidence than Kelly Shaw.

      Rictor Riolo produces more credible bigfoot evidence than Kelly Shaw.

  2. That looks a lot like my photo evidence

  3. It 's the whithers of a moose.Boneheads.

    1. Kekky shaw and his band of nimrods.proclaim it's not a moose but the elusive mountain camel of native legend. you know like the one on the pack of cigarettes he says

    2. I'll only believe it when they show images of the cameltoe.

    3. Look down then. I see you are wearing your tight pants again.

  4. Keep up the good work Kelly Shaw. I'll keep on watching if you keep on Squatching.

  5. What's this? Some kind of video of game camera footage showing local wildlife in reported Bigfoot hotspots by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization? Isn't that Kelly Shaw's group?

    Not interested. Done.

    1. ^^^ Jealous Troll still lives in moms basement

    2. ^ gullible idiot with no friends lives on his own in some derelict basement

    3. ^^ Sucks Rictor's cornhole stabber after he has cornholed Stacey Brown with the little thing

    4. Wow, insulted the poster, insulted Rictor, Insulted Stacy brown------------

      You win the most completely confused individual at BFE.

  6. If you are capturing wildlife you are a successful bigfoot researcher.

  7. Waste of time!

    Everyone who is searching for bigfoot should focus on one thing and one thing only: Take out a sasquatch with a gun.

    Period! End of story!

    ALL other attempts at gathering evidence are a waste of time!

  8. Waste of time????? You mean my boar spear with the DNA sampling tip is no good? Wouldn't a Bigfoot "core sample" be adequate ??


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