Florida Bigfoot Team Shares Some Creepy Activity

From the Trail To Bigfoot team:

Mark is really spooked. We start getting weird stuff when the activity starts up. Wear headphones because there are vocals in this one. Audio recorder spot and onward are vocals that are not marked.


  1. We were trying to use the men's room and Iktomi kept walking over and checking us out while we were pissing,they he kept referencing a hole in the end stall,creepy, creepy

    1. I believe that we can share. I believe that there are good. I believe that we share a passion. I believe that we can have fun. I believe that we can live in a better world. I believe that the poor trolls searching only help and attention. But I also know that they do not understand that, because they are disturbed. So, we can talk about it ... but each reaction and attention is pointless. Those poor spirits need professional help, like you @2:09:00

    2. Found the blog Kelly Shaw wrote that provoked Steve's gang of uglies to try and smear Kelly over a friggen weasel lmao!
      Tough to buy a bunch of BS from a few losers trying to get back at a guy for exposing their bigfoot hoax.
      Bluff Creek Project owner Steven Spewfert & Jamie Wayne crash another groups Bigfoot research location in Oregon. Both admit being involved with Mitchell Wilson's plan to hoax the location

    3. Read the blog post. That bigfoot book store owner is a hatefull scandalous person. Reading the screen shots of how he treats people is terrible. What a psychopath.

    4. Yeah we caught that link the first time Kelly. We all believe your as pure and innocent as a newborn babe (snicker).

  2. Mountain Monsters Season 5 – Spring 2017 –
    Trapper – Jeff - Wild Bill – Buck – Willie – Huckleberry
    Get back on the hunt and bag that BIGFOOT

    1. Season 5?? What the heck does that tell you!

      More idiots, ZERO PROOF!

    2. Man... I'm not sure they are idiots.

      They are not successful bigfoot researchers. That much is true.

      They are getting a nice paycheck for looking. Who then are the smart ones?

      What are you getting?

    3. ^ i`m getting serviced whenever the men feel like serving me up a fat 7 inch length..what could be wrong about that?


    4. ^ more like you're getting multiple STDs every time you open your door fake joe



    5. ^ My "door" is always open to thick girthy lengths of fleshy hardness.

      Joe (real)

    6. Yeah 2:56, So far not a penny, and TV is where the money is, but you can't have proof on TV.

    7. If they were Legit, I would have been contacted!

    8. They probably had a long list of names Doc and they went down that list name by name looking at youtube channels.

      When they got to your name they all probably had a good laugh after the first video or two and crossed your name off the list. Next! LOL

  3. When I juice and they joerg on my chest
    Gonna go to the place that's the best
    When I lay my juice down and joerg
    Goin' up to the juicy joergin high
    Goin' up to the juicy joergin high
    That's where I'm gonna go when I joerg
    When I juice and they joerg on my chest
    Gonna go joergin juicin jeorgy headyness

  4. They checkin those packs to make sure they brought the buttplugs.

    1. First one to guess how many buttplugs are in the packs wins all of the butt plugs in the packs.

    2. ^ as a bonus they`ll all have been used.


  5. Twenty three and half. One got bitten in two when used as a ball gag.

  6. Wow these guys are really in love with the camera (and maybe each other)?

  7. Someone please buy that one guy (not sure if it is Mutt or Jeff) a new t-shirt. I think it is the only one he owns.


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