Check Out These Creepy Sasquatch Encounters

From the youtube channel of Sasquatch Chronicles:

A listener contacted the show to share several creepy Sasquatch encounters his family had on their farm. Here is a small portion of what he wrote "My grandparents had gotten a small house and lived outside of town.They used a camper as a chicken coup and had a massive, and I mean massive guard dog. It had a large chain attached to the camper to protect the chickens. My uncle claims he felt something wasn't right, he just felt very, very scared. When out of nowhere, everyone smelled a horrible skunk like odor and the dog went berserk. The dog was barking up a storm and just went crazy. About seven minutes or so after the dog had started barking, this massive, loud, bone shattering cry woke all the kids up and scared the life out of my grandmother. It's hard to describe this sound according to my father and his siblings it was like a semi roar, that was deep at first but got higher in pitch a sound no human could make, and it was very long, vocally speaking. The dog was so scared that it yelped and went under the camper. There was a dead silence, but everyone allegedly heard the dog's chain being forced against the concrete/ground, as if being pulled out from under the camper. The next morning, the family went outside to look around and what they saw really tore them up. The dog was gone, all that was left was the skin of it's back and all of the chickens were gone too. I personally believe it was a family group that attacked the house. Because my uncle, aunt and grandmother saw one staring at them all within seconds of each other, at different spots of the house. I think the house was surrounded, as well as multiple ones carrying off all the chickens and the dog."


  1. Replies
    1. Hey AC Collins, you're welcome to visit my home in the swamp anytime brother!

    2. The statement at 8:04 is a given.

    3. I notice that no one ever adrresses AC Collins' substantive points. They only attack him personally for being a drunk because they can't deal with him on the merits.

  2. Is anything ever not bigfoot?

    1. I hear you man, my young grandson has been brainwashed into believing in all the bigfoot BS and I'm doing everything I can to deprogram the poor kid.

    2. I thought ur name was Brandon.

    3. Shut up ass wipe, don't you think I know what my own damn name is for christ's sake?

  3. Hey, haven't been here for a little while. Just checking in to see if bigfoot has been proven or if it's still a fringe topic.

    1. Apparently, Bigfoot has been proven with some fake foot prints with casting artifacts and a few crazy 100 year old reports of giants.

    2. Why worry and check in every now and then about a fringe topic? I mean... It's a fringe topic, surely it's not worth the effort at checking it's authenticity?

      It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers".

    3. 9:15... "Bigfoot" hasn't been proven to exist by tracks, but there is proof that a creature with the same widely reported anatomy is leaving its sign on the environment, which holds forensic data repeated across samples that exceed States and almost 20 years. This unequivocally rules out any notion of casting artefacts.

      As for your ideas that a few crazy people reported "giants a 100 years ago", I can only assume you mean the archeological excavations that have yielded very tall human skeletons. Here's a link for you;

      ... I made sure I found something with plenty of photographs in, as I'm well aware you don't like reading too much.

    4. Thanks for the excellent recap of the excellent evidence. Shame that bigfoot is still a fringe topic. Someday maybe even burger flippers will get it.

    5. That's ok... You'll no doubt remember the times I've explained to you that this topic is fringe not to the evidence's detriment then. It's just not nice to see a grown man so worried about a fringe topic.

  4. More "Finding Bigfoot shows !

    Best 60 minutes on TV !

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