Bigfoot Encounters In Oklahoma

Kurt Stanley Bigfoot researcher in Oklahoma has had some very interesting sightings. The Sasquatch encounters and research Kurt has done for 20 years is a treasure to add to the Bigfoot community. Come hear the intriguing eyewittness account of seeing a Bigfoot close up for an extended time while fishing and the huge Sasquatch with a head of hair and beard. The Bigfoot outlaws know Kurt Stanley and respect him as far as I can tell so hopefully they bring this awesome researcher into to fold.


  1. Do you get the impression that this bigfoot story is made up?

    1. I just get the impression that your healthy reasons for being here are.

  2. "The Sasquatch encounters and research Kurt has done for 20 years is a treasure to add to the Bigfoot community."

    Where's his proof???????


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