Small Town In North Carolina Plagued By Bigfoot Sightings

From the Bigfoot Conundrum:

Multiple people have claimed to see a large, furry looking animal running through the woods in the Halifax County town, according to one resident. There’s now even a museum dedicated to the sightings of what some are calling a Bigfoot.


  1. Replies
    1. All the BS aside, what's up with Eva R??,,,iktomi is she Ok?

  2. Replies
    1. I've never got into politics on this site but I'll allow myself one exception. I think I'll be sitting this one out. If I cast a vote in favor of either one of these turds and they won by a single vote, I might shoot myself. These two idiots are the best we can come up with? I would imagine a room full with a hundred average citizens would produce at least 25 who would who would be better leaders than these two a-holes. God help us.

    2. I guess I'm not done yet. On one hand, we have a candidate with the ego of a god and a the skin of a frog. On the other, we have a candidate who has bacon for breakfast and swears up and down it was pancakes. And then attacks the waitress who ratted her out. Why lie? Why the B.S.? Why claim you were under sniper fire when it was so easy to prove you weren't? You got called out by a second rate comedian for Christ sake. As for Trump? Sorta speaks for himself doesn't he? Attacking the family of a veteran killed in action? ( I'm a veteran. 1984-1992) is beyond the pale. So which one of these two sacks of crap should I chose?

    3. Really? Nothing? You assholes get the government you deserve. And you deserve what the government does to you. Fucking sheep....

    4. Cool man. Thanks for sharing. But all you're really saying is the sky is blue. Common knowledge. Sounds like you just came to this realization.

    5. Doesn't seem all that hard a choice to me. You can pick the man who only spoke back against an attack from a family who attacked him first.

      Or pick the woman who voted to send their son off to die, along with thousands of others, in the first place.

    6. Vote to put an END to the 2 party political system. Gary Johnson 2016!

  3. If bigfoot is such a regular nuisance in this town, why don't they just shoot it and become famous? Think of the tourism dollars.

  4. Thats not all Tiffanie does in the woods.

  5. It's a plague of bigfoots, I tell you... a plague!!!

    Amidst a plague of bigfoots, it's odd that it remains a fringe topic.

    1. time this happened was ancient Egypt...bigfoots were trashing Memphis as Moses yelled "Let my people go!"....

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