Miner Reports Bigfoot Sighting Near Silverton

The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization shares this sighting report from the area of Silverton, where a miner reported an early morning sighting of a bigfoot.


  1. Replies
    1. Trump 24/7 for your SAFETY

    2. Joerg it like its hot
      Joerg it like its hot
      When khat hansen tries to get at you
      Joerg it like its hot
      Joerg it like its hot

    3. Good job RMSO keep the sighting report locations coming. Love to see the amazing places people are seeing bigfoot!

  2. I see vagina face has put on some pounds.

  3. Matt we are tired of vagina face!

  4. Why so harsh? Its time to just disable comments maybe.

    1. Oh please. The comment section of any website is were the action is. Bigfoot. Politics. Sports. Doesn't matter. If you want info with no feedback I'd suggest the crawl on CNN...

    2. Notice how brave these nerds living in moms basement are on the internet. Stuff they would never actually say to anyones face because they know they would be picking their last tooth off of the floor. LMAO internet gives even the wimpiest losers a place they can become bullies. So comical to come in here and see what these clowns are going to say next.

    3. 12:26-- You should'nt say such things,,,Cause Iktomi is libiel ta hunt ya down an pop yer head off like a soda bottle cap--an then "CORN HOLE"
      whats left of ya!!

    4. I would love to call Kelly Shaw an incompetent oaf to his face. The fool fakes weasel pics and finds "evidence" at a hoax sites after all. What else would you say to a man like that?

  5. Bigfooters use predictable arguments that don't add up to actual evidence, and engage in what she calls "anomaly hunting."

    1. Let's not pretend like you're able to understand the evidence. What's predictable are folk like you and their rhetorical nonsense.

    2. ^ You`re actually just so thick that you can`t discern between what is real evidence and what is merely wishful thinking,but that is a trait you exhibit here regularly. When,(and IF) real evidence shows up it will not be revealed here on this blog as a "first".So keep sharing your useless opinions among the small circle of park bench friends you have and bore into the next bottle of cider and don`t let fly with wishy-washy dribble here, please.


    4. Ha ha ha ha!! You get presented real evidence here every week of your life. I've even researched your own stance better than you have, I've researched every little nook and cranny and I'm always five steps ahead of you. I've actually sat down and taken time to attempt to dissect the evidence I endorse, piece by piece and have nothing to show as a means of explaining it away.

      Every week I shove the evidence in your face, and every week you blither and get more and more "forgetful" of it. It's like you wake up every day hoping it goes away. You can try and pray it away, but unfortunately there's either one of two outcomes for you in the end. Either you're too stupid to explain away what according to you is so obvious... Or these things are not as obvious as your daily prayers would have people believe.

      Which one is it?

    5. ^ What a redundant Idiot !!!

      same as it ever was,
      same as it ever was,


    6. And yet bigfoot continues to be a fringe topic. That's just so odd.

    7. A fringe topic that makes people like you committed to a career of sweating.


    8. Oh that's rich. Ikky, who persists in trying to pass of modern human remains as bigfoot "proof", is accusing other people of not understanding evidence.

    9. Does this mean you've finally sourced a modern example for the Humboldt skull???

      : )

    10. OK, I'll keep things simple Ikky. Do you even know what the frankfort plane is? No cheating and looking it up.

    11. Yes... I'm sure you've swotted up on Andy's best articled points about the Humboldt skull, but unfortunately along with the CLEARLY visible receiding forehead, the brain case lacks frontal lobe capacity and the manner in which the skull narrows behind the eye sockets and sloped forehead are examples of paleolithic skulls. Also, you'll notice that the anthropologists in the 1967 paper stated that;
      “... Eastern Asiatic subdivision of the general Upper Paleolithic Homo sapiens.”
      ... That's profound. You'll also notice that the ideas posed about the unusual features of the skull have been consistent with the things that anthropologists DO know about palaeolithic specimens. If you've take the time to actually read the anthropologists take on the Humboldt skull...
      "Unusual features of the Humboldt Sink cranium, aside from the prominent brow ridge and glabellar development and the notably strong nuchal crest, are the low retreating forehead with post-orbital construction, and the true os inca, divided occipital, or interparietal bone, accompanied by by generally high sutural complexity with several Wormian bones in the lambdoid suture."
      ... This means that even though the strawman effort at Frankfort Plane doesn't even account for the things like the receding forhead anyway (if you open your god damn eyes), but neither does it account for the finer details that quite simply to a trained eye (not that I'm claiming I have) are listed in great detail.

    12. "Clearly visible receiding forehead"

      Really? Looks like you don't understand the frankfort plane after all. Why am I not surprised?

      Trying to call it a "strawman effort" also show you don't understand what that term means either. I'm trying to establish a baseline for your knowledge of human anatomy here. Turns out it's not much. You know how to cut and paste, but you don't know what any of it actually means. But we can work with that if you're willing to learn for a change.

      But of course you'll probably just take all such efforts as an attack, like always.

      And who's Andy?

  6. When you've got a face people are comparing to a labia, you are hitting the scales up around 300 lbs, you've been completely humiliated by an obvious hoax and your films feature you walking oblivious right past the bigfoot you are supposedly looking for it might be time for a new hobby like pottery or metal detecting. Sometimes you just have to take look at what you are accomplishing (or not accomplishing) and take another direction.

    1. Uhm, if this is Dr. Squatch you are in no position to be critical of any other researcher. I'll bet your picture is a horror show too.

    2. Of course it's not me! This person is Bearing false witness by using my initials.

      I'm critical of EVERY researcher who does not have evidence.

    3. Besides, i would never say anything negative about the researcher, just the Lack of Evidence.

    4. You clearly have a lot to say then.

  7. Yawn...


    1. The dropbox bomber has struck!

      Oh the humanity!

  8. What's this? Some kind of Bigfoot sighting report by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization? Isn't that Kelly Shaw's group?

    Not interested. Done.

    1. ^^^ This guy suffers from burning jealousy. The burn is almost as bad as the gonacaucayuka he has in the crotch of his pants. The nerd is in here every day. Better get that checked out hero, you may lose your stubby toothpick.

    2. ^Garggle muh "Sauce quatch"!!

  9. No, gonacaucayuka is a term used by certain native american tribes to describe hairy wild people who occupy the forests in their region. He goes by many names, sometimes he is simply known as "Big labia face who wanders the forest". Natives know all about him.

    1. Robert Lindsey Say's. In State prison,,its OK to suck Caulk---As long as you Dont like it !!

  10. Wow this is the meanest thread ever. You jealous because he is out there and doesn't seem to have to work? Get over it.


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