Investigator Finds Possible Bigfoot Den

Is this the home of bigfoot? The Squatch Master thinks so. He says the majority of all his encounters have happened near this very spot.


  1. Its *occupied":

    Nothing like a bigfoot researcher who cannot see bigfoot.

    1. You can see it's just leaves when he walks up, AHW.

  2. It's a possible dogman den too. It could even be a possible leprecaun den. Does anybody ever think of setting up a camera to see what lives there. They wouldn't do that because they know that Bigfoot doesn't exist and it's more fun to live the fantasy.

    1. Nobody cares what you believe 3:29. You can walk around with your head way up your ass and we are all fine with that here.

      You have every right to believe dumb stuff.

    2. You've been told! Splat went your heart to the floor! Sucker ass bi-otch!

    3. ^ Lol ,give us a break toughy boy!! haaa haa HAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAA LOL !!!

      AC collins

    4. You care what I believe Itkomi. You reply to everything I say. You care so much it hurts. More people might post on this site if they thought they could post something and not have you answer back to it. Did you ever think that nobody gives a s- hit about your cut n paste and they don't need your abuse when you disagree with them about something. Your just a filthy troll that ruins this site. Do the right thing and leave.

    5. Since you name drop me... No, I don't care what you think. Nobody does. You're really not that important. The reason you ever get a response is because you're used as the archetype idiot off the street who doesn't know the first thing about the subject. Oh, and you may be a social degenerate but if you're polite and communicate your ideas in a civil manner, you get the same response back. Only the saddest of trolls cries when it's too hot in the kitchen.

  3. Iktomi is the best troll here!


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