True Horror Stories From Around The World - Dark Waters Edition

From the Dark Waters youtube channel:
5 True Horror Stories From Around The World

5 True Horror Stories From Around the World. This much anticipated installment of the Dark Waters Channel touches on the Paranormal Encounters that have been shared with me from around the world. These Stories highlight ghostly encounters from all over the world.


  1. Replies
    1. Mulder saw a shadow at night once and sasfooty found a massive turd in her garden. The evidence is there folks.

    2. Joe how much have you donated to utah sasquatch?

    3. How much have you worried about Utah Sasquatch?

    4. Time to put your money where your mouth is joe.

    5. Audacious considering you're on a weekly allowance from your parents.

    6. Ricky + Iktomi = TLA

      You 2 make a cute couple.

      Ricktomi, the new power couple.

    7. If you really believe bigfoot exists then that is what this guy must be seeing right? Why wouldnt you want to contribute?

    8. I'd rather put my mouth where Ricky pees. Luv u sticky Ricky!


    9. 4:01... What I do with my money is none of your business, kid. And I don't have to pay into anything as what I'm CONVINCED by.

    10. Dont confuse Ricktomi with the facts.

    11. Facts are you are most likely that weird because of a breakdown regarding the evidence.

      (Poor fella)

    12. GRAYS using holograms while they conduct DNA gathering for their clones and hybrids

    13. ^^ real evidence god has a sense of humor

  2. Half a century and 0 (zero) bigfoots have turned up

    1. Eyewitness #1 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Pseudosceptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eyewitness #2 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Pseudosceptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eyewitness #3 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Pseudosceptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eyewitness #4 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Pseudosceptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eyewitness #5 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Pseudosceptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eyewitness #6 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Pseudosceptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eyewitness #7 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Pseudosceptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eyewitness #8 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Pseudosceptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eyewitness #9 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Pseudosceptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eyewitness #10 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Pseudosceptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.

      … Pseudosceptic – “If these creatures were real, people would be seeing them all the time!”

      Iktomi – (Sigh)

    2. Oh ricktomi, you're so silly.

    3. You are correct. All 10 of those witnesses were lying because bigfoot dont exist.

    4. ...Actually, it is 65 years since the Shipton footprint made news..That is when "ape-men" were put on the publics radar..The first movie came out in 1954: "Manbeast"..

    5. Iktimbi is an uneducated dolt that posts things like circular reasoning and occams razor to attempt to sound educated... all the while he's arguing about a non-existent monkey...and when he's boxed into a corner he he monkey suit?

    6. 4:33... Yes. For thousands of years, there has been a culture hopping secret society of gorilla suit wearing liars all out to get your money. These people, though finding each others customs undesirable, and spanning from a time when they didn't even know what a non-human primate looked like, have in fact managed to cheat the best experts with fake biological species traits that span decades and States, in lottery win fashion too... We know. Quite a conspiracy.

      4:36... Last time I checked, I was referencing evidence you couldn't explain away. I don't actually need to be clever or sound educated, when I'm around obsessed "skeptics" such as yourself that fail to explain away what is allegedly so painfully obvious and easy... I look like Einstein!

      Got monkey suit?

    7. Thete is nothing to explain away as the standard of evidence offered is a long way short of the standard required for verification. Got monkey?

    8. I'm sorry son, but as has been explained to you a million times, a lack of type specimen does not equate to a lack of reliable evidence. The process of finding evidence and tracking an animal can be referenced a million times, and at this stage of evidence there is three times more than the Bili Ape had.

      Science is a tool, and it's been used to verify the physical evidence for an as of yet unclassified bipedal primate that is twice the size of human primates. No "monkeys", just Occam's Razor. Don't like it? Be a big boy and shift your burden.

    9. ...That is not universally agreed upon 4:48..One scientist proposed the theory of genetic memory to explain why some seemingly credible people think they see bigfoots..So I think some scientists believe the cause of the sightings by sincere people is a legitimate question...

    10. Just Dr Squatch's evidence alone qualifies Sasquatch as a new species. If you add Dr Johnson's sightings, you are overwhelmed with evidence.

    11. bags are proof enough for me...

    12. CHICK, don't you think DR Squatch and Dr Johnson are legit?

    13. You get so unhappy when the attention dries up dont you?

    14. Isn't CHICK the one with the odd looking body and weird looking saddlebag fat thats very hard to get rid of?

      Maybe next life, huh CHICK? LOL

    15. I personally think Dr. Johnson has a BS in BS! He has failed to back up what he claims, I have the proof of what I claim.

    16. ^ never been kissed... Bitter as nerd lemons.


    18. No 10:03, you're thinking of your mother. Don't let her find out you've been peeping through the keyhole again while she dresses. You sicko.

      Haha, nerd lemons! :)

    19. Chick I would be interested in the answer to Anon 9:15's question as well.

      "don't you think DR Squatch and Dr Johnson are legit?"

      A simple yes or no will suffice. Thanks.

    20. CHICK's opinion on anything is meaningless. She's a very slow, demented woman. I made an absolute fool of her in another thread not too long ago. She keeps changing her name. She used to be Triple Cheese Topping or something like that. I highlighted her diminished intellect so badly I actually felt guilty and laid off her for a while.

    21. ^ never been kissed... Bitter as nerd lemons. You've only ever made a fool of yourself.

    22. Multiple personality meltdown above. Not surprising seeing how your morning lashings from Iktomi were so severe. I actually almost felt guilty laughing myself silly reading it!

    23. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Hi, Chick.

      They can't handle the Superfriends.

    24. Hey Iktomi- I don't know why he tries. But it sure is entertaining!

    25. Stewie's an idiot. He comments on your intellect but there are a lot of trolls on here that are even dumber, not the least of which is Stewie himself.

    26. Stewie and the trolls are even dumber than Chick? Good to know that you think that Chick is dumb.

    27. It's just Stuey. That's all. No one is a bigger idiot that he


    28. And, no, Chick is not the dumbest one here. That award goes to the trolls.


    29. Fake Iktomi at 11:25

      Got lost, Stewie.

    30. Hey troll, does your real name start with a B?

    31. Iktomi logic: people claim to see Bigfoot, people never lie about Bigfoot, ergo Bigfoot is real.

      Thus, people claim to communicate with Bigfoots telepathically via mindspeak and people testify that they have watched Bigfoots use their minds to open portals into other dimensions, ergo Bigfoots are capable of interdimensional travel.

      Iktomi logic: Bigfoot is real, he mindspeaks with us, and he enters our world via a portal from his own dimension.

    32. Hey troll. Is your real name brandon?

    33. How do you know my name? You better not expose my last name. Just tell me what you want.

    34. Come on, this just got real! I'll do anything you want. Bigfoot is real. How's that? Am I on your good side? I let things go too far. I'm sorry. Please don't be negative towards me!

    35. 11:43... Please, just sometimes try and detract yourself from your own ideals and apply it to your own way of thinking... Allow me to explain... You'll need it no doubt... People lie. People missidentify. In fact, in this day & age when "Bigfoot" is such a big part of pop culture, I have a theory that 70% of eyewitness accounts are just that.

      "Anon logic - people claim to see Bigfoot, people always lie & missidentify about Bigfoot, ergo Bigfoot is not real."

      ... Given the frequency of physical evidence, given the multiple cultures that have acknowledged these creatures, everyone simply can't be lying and missidentifying. One of the oldest native names for this creature is Shoonshoonootr, one of the few native words to literally translate as “big foot”. There are over 100 Native American names for the creature commonly known as Sasquatch. If you plug these names into the US government’s geographical names and informational system, you’ll get 2,300 places in America named with reference to these Native names. On a map, these places follow the summit ridges & peaks of all the mountain ranges in America, particularly in Oregon and Washington. The Native place names and contemporary reports of Sasquatch follow the summit ridges and peaks of the coastal range, the summit ridges and peaks of the Cascade range, and in particularly, the highest density is between the three mountains of Mount St Helens, Mount Adams and Mount St Rainier… With the triangle within those three places having the highest density of Native American place names that have reference to these creatures. Sasquatch reports are literally as old as the hills.

      Not everyone can be lying or missidentifying. Let's see you compromise based on your own logic.

      Unfortunately, there is as yet no solid evidence to support the idea that humans can cloak, however here's some links to papers and articles on the success of remote viewing;

      Also... You must understand that the concepts and theories behind quantum physics and things like string theory are far crazier than anything anyone can conjure up on a paranormal level. Does that mean that portal jumping Sasquatch are real? No... But considering the very best scientiic minds are using their imaginations in such a profound way, I think someone as dense as you should take note of their example.
      "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
      - Albert Einstein.

    36. Did I say "Not everyone can be lying or missidentifying."?

      That was wrong. Yes, it is possible for every single Bigfoot report to be either a lie or misidentification.

      My belief is that it is unlikely but I'd be an idiot if I said it was impossible.

    37. Iktomi, thanks for admitting your error. The whole world believed the earth was flat at one time. None of them were right. Consensus isn't fact.

    38. Iktomi, your comment at 12:43 was the first reasonable thing I've seen you state here. Keep up the good work mate!

    39. If you didn't notice... You got schooled. Don't worry, Donald's made a career out of it.

    40. Yeah, I got schooled by someone who gave a meandering, incoherent speech and then announced he was wrong about the apparent major point of the speech 30 minutes later. Are you practicing to become a comedian?

    41. Iktomi is an uneducated guy from Wales. When he underwhelmes us, he mutters "schooled" or "got monkey suit?" and shuffles away.

    42. Schooled... Toasted like "dmaker" without capitals.

  3. it's time to ban the libertine tosser trolls fake Joe and Rickey from this place. isn't it clear they have no interest in bigfoot but to propagate their bollocks on here by trolling me and Iktomi. They are lucky we are in an age where we don't make them walk the plank or send them to the gallows anymore but public shaming is still in

    Rule Britannia !


  4. Replies
    1. Bigfoots are carnivores, Yetis are carnivores, Dogman are carnivores, so why do folks go into the woods just with sticks and hootin and hollin for them to come take a look see, caws they will be on the menu

    2. They all are Omnivore's.
      They will not hurt humans!

  5. FFS! I'm not a researcher but I spend plenty of time in the woods hunting, fishing and practicing bush craft. I've never heard knocking, howling or seen anything abnormal or unexplainable. However I believe the Patterson–Gimlin film to be an authentic creature of some kind. FFS!

    1. You've posted this before, no one cared the first time.

    2. Does someone besides your sock puppets care? Ha!

    3. How about a nice meow for us FFS!

    4. why does me arse hurt this morning?


    5. Because Iktomi thrashed it this morning Fake. And we all laughed.

    6. FFS! Well thank you CC and PIB :) mr. anonymous I love you too FFS!


    8. because BIGFOOTS eats meats - sure do

    9. And the trolls on here eat their posts, I guess the word "eat" really shouldn't be used here, they just get their ridiculous posts shoved back down their throat.

      P.S. I expect your homoerotic rebuttal.



    10. Hey Vegas, I don't agree with you on Bigfoot, but I did like how you put that wacko Christian lunatic in his place the other day!


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