Man Talks About Bigfoot Encounter In Texas and Other Strange Creatures

From Brenton Sawin Mysteries To Search:

Joel had a Dogman encounter then a Bigfoot encounter with his friend. The Sasquatch encounter in Texas ended up having a twist that will challenge your mind. Bigfoot and dogman are very interesting and the other things joel shares are maybe even more interesting. You want to see what the story is all about and learn a few concepts you may never have thought of before. It will be an interesting experience i promise you so come listen to this episode of brenton sawin Mysteries To Search.


  1. Replies
    1. Shiver me timbers that's spooky!:) Who knows maybe that's what people are seeing NOW. Tee Hee Ricky will be sleeping with his head under the covers tonight:)

      It's just me,

    2. Hey ricky,,, ou la wee?
      tee he hee,, Pftttt!
      oopsie :-)


    3. Every senirio has a bad ending. You'll have to give me more time to absorb this new theory of yours. You are certainly a game changer...

      It's just me,

  2. Oh boy another story! You know, I just can't get enough of them. I like them so much that I think I will try my hand at them. Just give me a day to think about it and I'll try to come up with something believable. I think I can do just as good as what I have read and heard here.

    1. Alain, all I can say is excellent! The term "careful what you wish for" immediately comes to mind. THIS is just the kind of new thinking that needs to be discussed. YOU are way ahead of the curve and I believe the brilliant Micheal Crichton would have loved to set down and talk with you, if he was still around. AMAZING THOUGHTS !!! :):):):)

      It's just me,

    2. This gem was posted at 2:30 in the morning. Regardless of the time zones, that's a late hour. It tells me that this is super important stuff that can't wait for day light. Ooooorrrr this is a hit addicted site with the morals of Fox News.

  3. This is without a doubt the biggest load of bullshit I have EVER heard. Not only do we get the most unbelievable tales from "Joe" but we get a sermon and testimonial of faith as well. If those who advocate the existence of Bigfoot have any sense they will disavow and condemn the crap coming from this Brenton Sawin. This stuff is so far out that I'll bet even the biggest believer would cringe in shame.

    1. Unfortunately Curious you are wrong. Most bigfooters believe full and well in what guys like Brenton talk about. They are so desperate to believe and to find some explanation as to why bigfoot has not been found, that they start believing anything that may give them the slightest glimmer of hope. This is why many bigfooters are getting behind things like portals, infrasound zapping, beams of light, mind control, flying saucers, etc. They need an explanation as to why bigfoot can't be found. And as Joe has proved many times, when you can't find an explanation as to why bigfoot hasn't been found, you simply make a new one up. Instead of just realizing bigfoot is a myth, they create wild tales and give bigfoot otherwordly powers to explain away there lack of a body. The funny part about Sawin is that most of his guests are horrible at lying and its easy and funny too see how bad they are putting on. But footers will believe it hook line and sinker. Not only that, they won't even question it. Its a disease.

    2. Then in my opinion they deserve all the ridicule they receive for such views. When I was young and the PG film was released that I though it was absolutely possible and feasible that such a creature could live in the wilds of the pacific northwest. Now with all these passing years I have completely given up any hope for it's existence. My view is it is a psychological issue which still holds interest for me. Therefore all the crazy explanations that have been put forward fit into that view. Now we have the "Dogman" coming onto the scene although I'm not sure if this is serious or a parody and inside joke. Yes, I realize there will always be excuses and talk of evidence and proof coming soon keeping the dream alive. The back and forth debate between advocates and skeptics or the "Forever War" as I like to call it will continue unabated. But I believe such wild theories does the Bigfoot community no favors and should be called out by their own as well as the skeptics.

      Catching up on the comments on some old posts it seems to me that that the Bigfoot community does seem to war with itself as much as the skeptics. It would seem the old adage "we have met the enemy and he is us" is appropriate here.

    3. I am like you Curious. I used to believe that such a creature could exist. Or its more over that i wanted to believe. But, as you said, with each passing year, no bigfoot. And all the so called evidence always comes back to the negative. This has led me to ultimately conclude that bigfoot is just a myth. I think its something that people do for fun honestly, likely mostly youth. Nowadays kids can troll on the internet easily enough, but before the internet, you had real life trolls whose immature idea of fun was putting on a monkey suit and hopping around fields or across a road. When i was an immature kid, i myself did the same thing. The only difference was i wore a clown suit. Today bigfoot is also a major money making enterprise, and i think many are just trying to capitalize on it.

    4. It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more DEMENTED and obsessed than its "believers".

    5. Most don't realize it, but youtube pays very well, especially if you can pull in the views. You can apply for partnership with youtube/google which is free to anyone. Once you are a partner, you get paid to have ads in your videos. Everytime you see an ad in someones video on youtube, they are partnered and the videos are monitized. Once you make partner, you make around 2.50 per 1000 views, per video, per partnered channel. The little guys who get like 25 views per vid hardly make a few pennies, but if you can pull in 100s of thousands of views, or millions, then you can quit your day job. The people out there getting milions of views per video, are making millions each year off of youtube alone. This is why it pays so much to get a viral video of bigfoot, even if its a hoax. If it can bring in views, that equates to cash. This is why there are certain researchers out there who make videos every hour of the day, and try and promote them everywhere and promise amazing discoveries. Its click bait. And with every click, more cash comes in. So when you see these various youtube channels telling bigfoot stories, and the like, look for ads at the beginning of the vids. If you see them, they are getting paid off of the video. This is a major incentive to just get an interview. It doesn't have to be true, it just has to bring in views. This is how youtube works. It sure is promoting good values huh?

    6. I remember a poster here who goes by the name Dr. Squatch remark he had over 1700 plus videos which sounded insane to me unless he is using the formula you described. Now I think he may be the smart one.

      I always wondered if I had single-mindedly pursued my interest in Sasquatch above all else in those early years if I could not have become a Bigfoot personality like Matt Moneymaker and used it to my advantage like he has. He gets well paid, gets to travel, has many looking up to him as an authority and doesn't have to work hard. Yes, I am jealous of that considering I probably could have done just as well and knew all the lore and stories also. He spouts off "facts' with a complete straight face knowing full well he can never be proven wrong. For the record I consider Finding Bigfoot one of the most ridiculous programs out there and am amazed it has lasted this long.

      Not everyone is getting rich off of the Bigfoot belief but there is money to be made.

    7. @Curious

      Once it becomes clear that you can't share your photos or videos without being personally attacked it starts to make sense to simply exploit the public, disable all commentary and make some money. Perfectly sensible reaction to dealing with stupid modern humans.

    8. Yes Curious, on Youtube, you can see all my 1700+ Evidence video's.
      I was scouting Bigfoot every weekend, and family and friends said they thought i has schizophrenia, so i flipped out, and told them if they think i'm skits, then great, I'M GOING SCOUTING EVERY SINGLE DAY NOW, NOW YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY I'M SKITZO!!
      Well Curious, it wasn't until i researched every single day, that i learned so much, and figured out where they are, and that's why i have the best evidence for Bigfoot & the Dogman.
      My Goal is to have 100 video's/Month.
      And as far as making $, getting clicks, etc, I am not partnered with youtube/Google....I monetize my video's in case it does go viral, great, but just so you know, my current income on youtube so far is $1.42, and that is the God's honest truth, it's not that i lack hits (350,000) it's that i'm not in it for the $, but to silence those who jacked me, when i told them i saw one......yeah, you should see them now, silenced!!

  4. Dude talks too slow, can't watch him.


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