Boots To Ground With Video Camera To Capture Bigfoot Evidence

Robert Dodson puts boots to ground, armed with a video camera, as he hits his research location at dusk. Be sure to watch the video closely, and notify Dodson if you catch anything. That's why he publishes these videos.


  1. Boots to the ground...did he even take a step?

  2. Watch out Dr. Squatch - he's catching up to you in the number of videos he's turning out.

  3. DS videos only show anything recognizable after being paused and enhanced to "bring out" the hoaxed features.

    DS pretends he doesn't know this. If you challenge him he will rant and rave, often citing his irrelevant Christianity, and eventually call you a demon.

    1. DS is just a troll, who is after youtube click money. He is a youtube partner, and thus he gets paid by the amount of views he gets per video. The typical going rate is 2.50 per 1000 views. As i was always told, those who yell at you how Christian they are, typically are the furthest thing from Christians. I imagine DS is in reality an atheist who has no problem poking fun at Christians.

    2. He's not even a real doctor. He's a quack chiropractor.

    3. But Squatch came on here the other day and declared that he makes no money from youtube hits!

    4. The only Christian I have a problem with is Dr. Johnson, and his claims, with ZERO evidence to back them up.

    5. 8:47, A troll does not come to a site where BF skeptics are, and BEG the skeptics to prove my evidence wrong...IDIOT!

    6. a dumbass lunatic like dr.bullshit comes here to discredit others looking for clicks.that's all.please don't engage him and he will go away

  4. Every single one of you DOUCHEBAGS should be talking about the SERIOUS LACK OF EVIDENCE ROBERT DODSON HAS, NOT ME!

    Which ever coward wants to talk about JESUS CHRIST, please email me...DRKIRAY@COMCAST.NET

    Yes, I'm not partners with Google, or youtube.

    Idiot @ 9:04, what's a real Doctor?

    Douchebag maker said "DS videos only show anything recognizable after being paused and enhanced to "bring out" the hoaxed features."
    Really, are you that much of an idiot? You should be able to replicate the same thing I'm doing then right?

    1. Why would I have pics to show? Bigfoot does not exist, but unlike DS, I am not going to doctor photos of branches and shadows and then present them as pics of bigfoot.

    2. A real medical doctor isn't a chiropractor, it's someone who has gone to medical school and fulfilled the requirements of licensing.

      I'm not interested in someone to crack my spine when I need medical help.

  5. Maybe he doesn't want to be a hoaxer.

    1. I believe he is a hoaxer. If that Bigfoot in the bushes was real, he would have all of his focus on that pic, filtering etc, multiple angled shots, we see none of that. We see him putting up a tree stand.

  6. LOL - now let me get this straight. This Dodson guy publishes videos of the woods and you are to notify him if you spot anything? THIS is the future of Bigfoot research?

    I'll make a wild guess and say that there will be plenty of sightings . . . but no proof.

  7. When the self proclaimed #1 Bigfoot and cryptid researcher is some quack chiropractic religious fundamentalist lunatic then you should know exactly what you are getting into by coming to this blog. Its either that f ucking stooge or Iktomi who will copy and paste old irrelevant already disregarded data and when presented with this fact he will then present you with wild conspiracy theories while simultaneously building a verbal shrine of himself to jack off to. Its like listening to Donald Trump. All these researchers and enthusiasts will give you a hour long speech on how smart they while telling you the dumbest shit you've ever heard in your life. And this is the best this blog has to offer. Only when Dmaker, who himself is a racist douchebag, comes on and destroys these idiots does this blog offer anything of value, and thats only comedic value, as you watch Iktomi meltdown and retreat back to his middle school level circular logic arguments. Just look at Doctor Squatches rant up there and tell me that sounds like a sane person to you. Nah, there's obviously some bats in the belfry. So welcome to Bigfoot Evidence, everyone here is a f ucking idiot.

    1. All coming from a coward, who can't even post a name, oh, ok.

      How bout trying to debunk my evidence, instead of rambling like a 7 year old.

    2. 10:47 we don't have to debunk bullshit.your triple enhanced,re-colored and eyes and other features added in say all there is to say about go away. nobody trolls or supers want your two bit bullshit spewing ass suckered that curious fellow yesterday. but im sure he's done with you as well....may you ride your bluebags full of shit down the road

    3. I don't understand that part of his writing. He pretty much got everything else right, though.

    4. Well Anon: 10:42 I can understand what you are saying (except for the Dmaker racist thing) and I think I have expressed enough times here that I am a non-believer so they should know where I stand. Besides the sheer entertainment of the comments I come here because I am fascinated by the personalities and their beliefs. It's like a bad train wreck in which I can't look away. I'll concede that in my younger days even I believed it was possible but let's face it - there are just too many things stacked against it being real. I thought Andy White (who I admire very much) did a very good job of explaining his reasons for non-belief and I concur with his conclusions.

      I welcome any evidence to prove the case for it's existence but I have seen nothing compelling enough for me to change my mind - and I WANT to believe. Yes, we are all a little crazy for coming to this blog but it IS cheap entertainment and a fascinating study into human behavior.

    5. "Yes, we are all a little crazy for coming to this blog but it IS cheap entertainment and a fascinating study into human behavior."

      I completely agree.

    6. I think he assumes that all Canadians are racists because of the way they act toward black hockey players (throwing bananas on the ice).


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