10 Foot Tall Dogman Creature Encountered In Louisiana

From Brenton Sawin Mysteries To Search:

The Dogman or Werewolf in Louisiana is known by most old timers and they can tell tales of these monsters in the swamps. Mike Edwards and his dog Hunterbone were hunting on the railroad tracks and encounter a scary huge Dogman. Mike had to fire a few warning shoots and run to safety. Must see story from the cryptozoology genre on brenton sawin Mysteries To Search.


  1. Replies
    1. What's the latest on Sykes?

    2. Coast to Coast AM March 19th 2016;
      27mins - "You can tell the difference between modern and ancient human within DNA."
      38mins - " I've almost finished studying Zana's DNA."

    3. Sykes stated zanas dna was 100% modern human (same as us) but sub saharan origin. Perhaps he is looking to refine that further but certainly no bigfoots in that line of enquiry. All his other samples (the best the bigfoot community had to offer from researchers who swear the sample is from a bigfoot) came back as known animals. He has since stated that he is not a "bigfooter" and has tried to distance himself from the subject. As a good scientist he did not ignore the evidence, he actually took his time and money to investigate and test the evidence but ultimately found no sign of such a creature existing.

    4. Sorry... Zana's DNA is actually West African, and we are waiting to find out whether that DNA is either ancient or modern, hence the importance of the quote up top. Stop lying and misinforming... You're with people who know better. The significance of Zana being an ancient human, along with her descriptions confirmed by her son's skull morphology, means that Yeti's were roaming the wildness areas of Eastern Europe as late as 150 years ago. Considering we have forensic evidence for the same widely reported creature to this day; game changer.

      The only known researchers who submitted samples to Sykes were Dan Shirley, Marcel Cagey, Justin Smeja and Derek Randles. The BFRO did not provide any of the North American samples. Sykes has stated that he's "no enthusiast", which was massively important should you try and ad hominem him at a later time. It's how proper scientists conduct themselves. There is absolutely no evidence of him distancing himself, as he's still writing books and that is simply a revolting but typical lie. He found no evidence of inummerable other recognised animals in the samples he was provided... Unfortunately for your ten years olds logic, it doesn't mean they don't exist.

    5. AC/DC (with Axl Rose) - Shoot To Thrill (Lisbon, …: http://youtu.be/Kfrj1z7q3YI

      And he's doing it while he's setting down


    6. ..Hi Iktomi..Its not surprising Sykes did not find other animals..1) he was not looking for them.. 2)I doubt any researcher submitted a sample from a deer or squirrel..The hair samples turned out to be bear or human because researchers mistakenly thought they came from a squatch..I.e I dont think anyone would think squirrel fur came from a squatch...Also, I think you meant Almas, not Yetis...

  2. I have encountered a few 10 inch "dogmen" in my day!


    1. is that why you have fleas fake Joe ?


  3. ...Has anybody seen Dracula or the Frankenstein monster?..We can shot a remake of "Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein" with Rene from FB as Bud Abbot and Tim Fasano as Lou Costello...

  4. I am 78yrs old.Live on the bayou fo 40yrs.Vietnam vet soldier''._._seen many dogmen out here ,sometimes they stay by my house at night._.._.Somtimes they go away._.I have 4 rifles._..3 shotgun._.2 pistol i leave them be for sure!!! Be safe for sure me!!! Justin trahan acadia parish

    1. I say give them some leftovers, dogmen,make them an offering.better stay friendly with them than shooting one of them big big mistake.I gave some leftovers to one of them for several years. They got tired of the same leftovers, and let me alone. True story.


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