These Mystery Creatures Have Been Spotted And Caught On Camera

Some things have no explanation. Check out these 5 mysterious creatures that were seen and captured on camera.

No doubt, some creatures we have living in this Earth are very weird looking, but there are still mysterious ones that are left to be identified and the search continues...Like always mentioned, the internet is full of hoax videos ofcourse but within this countdown we only bring you the realest ones out there. And you definitely dont want to miss any of the numbers shown here because after watching this list, you might be left thinking that we may be living in a world where we are definitely not alone. So prepare because here are 5..... Ready? Well...Lets Begin!

1. The Roadside Creature
The footage your about to see shows someone driving thourgh a remote area as he encounters the most unexplainable sighting he has ever seen. The person recording slows his vehicle to avoid hitting what he is seeing. As the video goes on, the strange like creature seems less human than it was at the beginning of the video. No one can identify what is seen, but you be the judge. So here it is...

2. The Sewer Monster
What you are about to see is the Infamous Sewer Monster creaturer captured by a close circuit camera by the North West water company "United Utilities" In England. The creature shown in the video is described by a worker as being 'far too big for a rat, standing upright on strong back legs'. The employee says that he has never seen such thing like it. Here is the footage...

Read the full list here. 


  1. Itkomi has completely lost it people. Back off he's about to explode.

    1. WHERES THAT DRUNKARD--- "AC collins" ---- AT--??

    2. Yes indeed 2:38. Have you noticed how he rarely posts anymore compared to what he used too? Its because he finally realized the blog admins hate him, and that the trolls could never be defeated. Its a good day to be a troll! :)

    3. N000ooo its a GRAY hybrid....

    4. WILD BILL eggspurt traxer from the Mountain Monsters AIMS team saying YAHOO, Grassman, devildawg, sheepsquatch and the snallygasters, thays bein all reel

  2. Hi joe do you believe that dr johnson has been mindspeaking with a cloaking bigfoot named "zorth" in which the bigfoot mindspoke to johnson a new habituation location and that the clan had promoted johnson to a "clan elder"


    1. It's sounds true to me. Nothing about it seems out of the ordinary or false. So I guess my answer is yes. I do believe all of it.


    2. ^ thats 5 confirmed people now Joetomi. We can now include "Joe" in the list of people who believe and endorse mindspeak and portals.

    3. Is that an image of Joe poking his face out from his arse ?

    4. could be a dogman in disguise - just saying dogman

  3. When did Halloween costumes become mysterious creatures Matt? Do you take us for fools? This is why this blog SUCKS! Stupid shit wasting our time.

    1. Hillary and the likeability problem: Now ALLIES line up to warn she could lose to Trump because of her 'weakness' as a candidate (and Bill might not help) .....
      WHAT THE ....

  4. Got mindspeaking portal traveling cloaking bigfoot named zorth?

    1. According to Joe, there is not ONE SINGLE ENTHUSIAST on this blog who endorses mindspeak, portals, zapping, etc.. OOOOOPS!!!!! Matt Johnson.........OOOOOOPS!!!! Khat Hansen.........OOOOOOPS!!!! Dr. Squatch.

    2. How does this make the evidence for "Bigfoot" go away... May I ask?


    3. Evidence?? what? where? how? & WHY?

    4. I'll wait until you're over this latest "episode" of yours before reminding you of it all... I don't want to inflict another one of these on the blog just yet, there's decent people who frequent this here that have to endure your breakdowns.

    5. HA HA HA HA HA HA ^ IDIOT !

    6. What its does show Joe, is that you are a proven liar. Enough said

    7. Oh no... How will my credibility ever be saved?

    8. You never had any, but this just seals the deal. Its over for you Joe.

    9. Oh no... Well that's curtains for me. What will I do?



    12. Howdy Iktomi

      Stuey is melting down right now. Don't know how though because there isn't anything left of his pea brain but a itty bitty cinder

      Must be running on drugs


    13. Hello MMC,

      I'm quite chuffed that you've opened your bean to the idea of Bigfoot using portals and mind speak! Tally ho mate!


    14. Fake Joe aka Haints looks like he's taken a new approach on here . What a desperate psycho nutter who is still smarting from being schooled all the time


    15. Hey Iktomi

      You own Stuey. He is actually learning from you. I notice that he picks up on your vocabulary in an attempt to try to appear smart. Now all he has to do is learn grammer

    16. 9:10 is a very obvious Joe post.

    17. ^ Yersss .. dat Joe honky `e talks a right proper lark wot ars duzz.

  5. Why they didn't hit the roadside creature with the car ? Then, case closed.

  6. We have all this evidence for sasquatch, eyewitness testimony, hair and fur that has been authenticated by TALENTED genetic scientists (like Dr. Ketchum), VIDEO FOOTAGE OF SASQUATCH (the PG film) yet the scientific community REFUSES to accept the REALITY of SASQUATCH. Why?

    It is clear: sasquatch is not ready to be found. The only logical explanation that reams upon reams of undeniable evidence can continually be denied by the mainstream scientific community is that sasquatches are using their telepathic abilities to manipulate the minds of scientists into ignoring the OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE for sasquatch. The evidence is so great: why aren't the boys at the Smithsonian tripping over themselves for the hair and scat samples that have been collected by bigfoot enthusiasts? Why isn't NASA investigating areas like SOHA where there have been DOCUMENTED inter dimensional PORTALS??

    The only explanation: sasquatch psy-ops. They are using their mind powers as a cloak to remain hidden. They will reveal themselves ONLY when they are GOOD and READY. They function not on MAN'S TIME but NATURE'S TIME.

    1. let us not forget the infamous BATSQUATCH

    2. Holy bat droppings batsquatch! Don't forget about your sidekick robinsquatch!!!!

    3. ^ or dem melon-heads .

    4. ^ Yes, they`re related to my family, the Dick-Heads.

      We`re a posh double-barreled surname type of family.


    5. ^ first name Joe, second name Fake surname arse
      We need say no more


  7. What a joke.humans are more dangerous than weird looking creatures

    1. except BATSQUATCHES theys in Texas ans gits U fer shure


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