Pennsylvania Bigfoot Camping Adventure Draws Big Crowd

If you weren't in Pennsylvania recently, then you missed out on a great bigfoot event. Checkout this highlight reel from one of the attendees of the 2016 Pennsylvania Bigfoot Camping Adventure:


  1. The trolls have won the war!

    1. "In the ancient world, and even later, when the number of sciences was smaller, when scientists were philosophers and encyclopedists, they well knew of the existence of wild hairy bipeds whom they called troglodytes, that is “cavemen”. One of such philosophers and lumenaries of natural history was Carolus Linneaus, the author of the terms Homo sapiens and Homo troglodytes. For the latter he also used the terms “silvestris” and “nocturnus”. Thus Linnaeus is the forefather of our direction of science. Anthropologists are still unaware of the remarkable historical fact that the central and pretentious term of anthropology – Homo sapiens – appeared in science just in contrast to Homo troglodytes, the Caveman, whose existence was known to naturalists of antiquity and the Middle Ages."
      - Dmitri Bayanov

    2. FFS! The troll is on the bottom of my boot, I stepped in a mr.anonymous this morning :) FFS!

    3. Great reading at 4:23 to go along with my morning cup of java, Iktomi! Whazzup, FFS!!!

    4. Too bad it's totally ridiculous.

    5. Beer and sizzling bacon.

    6. 'I would have been the best president': Biden opens up about son's death and decision not to seek the White House .....
      WHAT THE ....

  2. FFS! I think maybe I'll take it easy on poor little mr.anonymous today :) on second thought NO WAY!!!! FFS!

  3. FFS! I heard this story as a child :) FFS!

  4. More large events like this are needed if we wish to obtain a specimen. Numerous bigfoot researchers have conclusively demonstrated that sasquatches both mindspeak and move objects merely by thinking about them. But scientists have shown that there is a type of bandwidth problem: the more humans in an area, the weaker the Bigfoots' mind powers become - which makes sense when you consider the difference between a bigfoot focusing his entire mind on one individual versus having to spread his thought connections over a very large group of people. A large group of individuals will be far less susceptible to bigfoot mental manipulation, which will make then more like to find hair, scat, tracks, and interdimensional portals, all of which are likely to be camouflaged by Sasquatch telepathy when he has a researcher one-on-one in the woods.

    1. FFS! ^ @ 7:23 Perhaps mr.anonymous your message is lost in translation...let me translate your last comment so that all may understand.
      translation = I am mr.anonymous I come here only to leave stupid comments. FFS!

    2. Can we cool it with the juvenile name-calling? This forum gets enough crapola from all the trolls who come here without any genuine interest in bigfoot. Some of us come here to talk about these creatures and all aspects of their existence. If you don't want to talk, and instead just post "FFS!" with a string of silly comments, there are a million other forums you could do that. Some of us are interested in this creature and the research surrounding it and want a place where we can discuss it.

    3. The ISF footers have ruined this blog.

    4. FFS! @ 8:21 / mr.anonymous in short NO I will not. FFS!

    5. I come here to read the comments pure Internet gold it is

    6. I enjoy golden showers !


    7. This place used to be a great forum for bigfoot discussion. Now anytime anyone wants to talk about the serious science behind sasquatch: dermal ridges, sagittal crests, tracks, skeletons, mindrapes, electromagnetic pulse bursts, infrasound zaps, wood knocking, call blasting, mindspeak, there's a swarm of skeptic jerks who pretend that they are the experts on bigfoot knowledge and attack any and all points of view they disagree with. It was annoying at first; now it's just sad. If you aren't interested in bigfoot remains or mind powers, why the hell are you posting on this blog?

    8. Haha ol stewey trying a new tactic for attention.^

    9. It's a real crying shame, isn't it?

    10. More of Stewart's idiocy^

    11. Keep calling people names. Small minds fear what they can't understand. Sasquatch has been documented doing many things outside the bounds of "normal" science. Rather than fear this, we should be excited about the promise Sasquatch holds for expanding the scientific paradigm.

    12. FFS FFS 7:35 AM ..."let me translate your last comment so that all may understand.
      translation = I am mr.anonymous I come here only to leave stupid comments. FFS!'

      I call that BOLD talk when all you do is post stupid comments, saying hello to your superfriends and meowing to them. The FFS thing before and after every comment is really stupid by the way

  5. Replies
    1. I just Google this very interesting thanks

    2. FFS! Hey if you like that, check this out in the ol Google engine...
      Judaculla Rock but beware it will start a fire in your interest :) FFS!


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