Encounters With The Vietnamese Rock Ape

Soldiers in Vietnam reported encounters with large, bipedal, ape-like creatures they called "Rock Apes". Here's some information and stories about the creature.


  1. Mmmmmm c-ock ape.

    Britannia blows goats


    1. VC in da wire hit the clackers

    2. Confucius he say -

      "that Joe fellow is a f ucking idiot".

  2. Open your mind and don't be such a retard living in your mums basement !

    1. Still pretending to be British I see.

      How overdone that is by now. We all know you are an American in Texas......How is that family of bigfeets on "you land" Mike??

      You go by many names here because it is anon and un-moderated. But on most boards you go by DWA.

      Whoever you are,you clearly are insane. I have read you for about 8-10 years now on various boards. Always the same shuck and jive. Always the same religious devotion to a myth. Always the same smarmy,snide,lying,jerk.

      You need help.

    2. I'd rather open my mouth.


    3. It's a US Air Force Base in Texas if you want to know the truth.

    4. Wow 5:53 you seem unusually desperate and extra crazy today. You see shadows everywhere. Is it hard to live in such fear? Following somebody for 8-10 years on bigfoot blogs? An injured ego doesn't even begin to touch the problems you have. Are you by chance housebound? Just wow.

    5. these loons just can't go one day without having to know everything about me. the power i have over them is quite extraordinary indeed

      rule Britannia !


    6. ^ we know all there is to know about you Joe

      Joe = wanker

      ps - Europe rules Britannia = Britannia rules Wales = Wales rules nothing at all.


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