Cliff Barackman One Of The Key Speakers At This Weekend's Ohio Bigfoot Conference

The largest bigfoot conference in the U.S. kicked things off this weekend in Ohio with the annual Ohio Bigfoot Conference. There's a great list of speakers this year, so if you aren't there already, you should get there ASAP. reports:

COLUMBUS (WSYX) - The most recent "Bigfoot" report in Ohio was outside Zanesville last December. According to the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, two hunters "experienced a likely week-long encounter."

In all of Ohio, there have been 266 "incidents" reported to the organization.

This weekend, hundreds of believers will head to the Salt Fork State Park in eastern Ohio. The Ohio Bigfoot Conference will hold discussions about Sasquatch with the people who have dedicated their lives to finding it.

Cliff Barackman of Animal Planet's "Finding Bigfoot"will be a key speaker.

Most of the sightings are in rural areas, but there have been reports in Central Ohio, too.

The last incident in Franklin County occurred in June of 1997 off Williams Road, according to BFRO. In August of 1989, hikers spotted a white Bigfoot at Highbanks Metro Park. In Fairfield County, a possible sighting in Clear Creek Metro Park in October, 2010.

Despite the reports, critics point out that there has yet to be any hard, scientific proof that the mysterious creature truly exists.



  1. Replies
    1. If it ain't Dogman it ain't Evidence.

    2. dawgman like them bigfoots hunts you down like them dawgs do...
      missin 411 fer y'all

  2. we got here last night and we're already trashed. Cliffy's gonna yak? Nobody cares.

    1. Ironically your care more than anyone else here (?) .

    2. we're gonna light him up with paint balls

    3. 12:34

      Try to make a little sense.

    4. look for the gun metal blue 150 with a shopping cart embedded in the grill blasting Drunk on a Plane

  3. "Despite the reports, critics point out that there has yet to be any hard, scientific proof that the mysterious creature truly exists."

    1. Yes, that's stating a fact. Doesn't mean there is evidence.

    2. Bigfoot is just a stupid myth. That is the only fact.

    3. Myths don't leave forensic evidence.

    4. neither does bigfoot. BTFO!!!

    5. It doesn't matter how many times you post it here... You sill don't get any closer to making that a fact.

    6. It doesn't matter how many times you copy and paste crap studies and lunatic conspiracy theories, Bigfoot will not pop into existence.

    7. You see... If you were intellectually capable, one would require you here to provide substance in demonstrating that the studies I paste are "crap". But we all know your level is to merely b*tch. For somethings so "crap", you sure do fumble explaining it all away. I'm not sure what that says about you.

      Oh... And you must be confused. I've never adhered to any conspiracies. The only conspiracy I keep reading is of a culture hopping secret society of gorilla suit wearing conspirators all out to get your money, spanning the last few thousand years. These people, though finding each others customs undesirable, and spanning from a time when they didn't even know what an ape looked like, have in fact managed to cheat the best experts with fake biological species traits that span decades and States, in lottery win fashion too.

      You're not a conspiracy lunatic, are you?

    8. Joe getting his daily beating. Never gets old!

    9. Not with that counter argument, son.

    10. All of your lame brain conspiracy theories and discredited studies have been systematically annilhated on multiple occasions. For instance, see here:

      The insane Smithsonian conspiracy idea was completely debunked in that thread to such an extent that you went back and deleted over half of your own comments because even you realized that your arguments were totally asinine!

    11. I'm sorry... I don't know why you would paste a link to a thread of comments that doesn't get around to explaining away Smithsonain Bureaus, as well as a conspiracy that I don't adhere to? Maybe you can paste extracts from that link that demonstrates that, I may have missed something?

      "In the monuments of antiquity found throughout North America, in camp and village sites, graves, mounds, ruins, and scattered works of art, the origin and development of art in savage and barbaric life may be satisfactorily studied. Incidentally, too, hints of customs may be discovered, but outside of this, the discoveries made have often been illegitimately used, especially for the purpose of connecting the tribes of North America with peoples or so-called races of antiquity in other portions of the world. A brief review of some conclusions that must be accepted in the present status of the science will exhibit the futility of these attempts."
      - J W Powell

      There's is no conspiracy if you have written confirmation from the anthropological authority of the day that remains will not be endorsed. Would you now like me to proceed to post you the actual Bureaus by the Smithsonian?

    12. That statement was written in 1880 and yet you claim that the same Smithsonian produced "evidence" of European giants in the decades following! Did this conspiracy somehow work backwards in time or did Powell invent a time machine???? This is why you deleted the comments in the earlier thread -- it magically dawned on you just how ludicrous the theory was!

    13. But that's just deflecting, isn't it? Here's a doozy... How about you explain your conspiracy of culture hopping secret society of gorilla suit wearing conspirators all out to get your money, spanning the last few thousand years?

    14. 8:00... I do believe you're not following, probably because you're desperately hanging on to this conspiracy contradiction. There is no conspiracy because as the quote states, whatever is documented will remain merely that.

    15. According to that logic, there's also a society of culture hopping thunderbird suit wearing conspirators. And don't tell me that there are not countless modern "sightings" of thunderbirds. See here:

      These reports perfectly dovetail with the oral traditions of hundreds of native tribes! Do you not believe the native traditions or is it a conspiracy?

    16. Actually, reports of Thunderbird sightings go back centuries, and the fossil record does show that giant birds (teratorns) with wingspans between 12 and 18 ft (3.7 and 5.5 m) were likely contemporary with early man.They also described beavers, coyotes, all these things that are in myth and legend that exist in reality.

      How about explaining that conspiracy? Surely you're not a conspiracy lunatic??

    17. So you believe in the countless modern reports of thunderbirds or is it a group of culture hopping thunderbird suit wearing conspirators?

    18. Um... No... I believe that they're mistaking large birds for Thunderbirds. However, if you can source me three whole reports databases and find at least one scientist that supports the ideas that they exist to this day, not to mention a unique species trait in physical evidence that can be attributed to an unclassified type of large bird... Then your strawman argument might apply.

      Now... How about that conspiracy??

    19. So many questions put your way, so many deflections?? Why is that do you think??

    20. Here goes again...

      1. How about you go through that link you provided and paste where Smithsonian Bureaus have been "debunked"?
      2. How about you explain your "Bigfoot hoaxing conspiracy"?

      ... Anyone would think you're a blithering incompetent?

    21. Your hero Loren Coleman has done quite a bit of study into thunderbirds and see here for physical evidence:

      I submit that either thunderbirds currently exist or there is a group of culture hopping thunderbird suit wearing conspirators duping all of us!

    22. Again... If I was making the assertion that people are lying, and that physical evidence for Thunderbirds was being manufactured, then maybe your strawman argument would apply.

      How about that conspiracy?? Tick, tock...

    23. I can't believe that you would discount centuries of native tradition which perfectly dovetails with countless modern sightings and documented physical evidence of thunderbirds! The only other explanation is a society of culture hopping thunderbird suit wearing conspirators!

    24. You do not have an equivalent to the current state of evidence for relict hominids, and as was put to you... I don't discount Native legends and there's an actual fossil record for Thunderbirds.

      Conspiracy?? Tick, tock...

    25. "There continues to be reports of huge birds and flying creatures being sighted around the country to this day, such as the sightings of Thunderbirds Over Illinois, giant avians from Native American lore that rode the winds and updrafts ahead of moving storms to the so-called Cloud Dragons over Texas, reputed to be fifty-foot wingspan pterosaurs. However physical evidence of those sightings, from photos, to footprints, to feathers, is usually not forthcoming."

      From the source you provided regarding Thunderbirds. Now... Stop blithering, address the two questions put to you.

    26. "Usually not forthcoming" implies "sometimes forthcoming" unless there is a society of culture hopping thunderbird suit wearing conspirators!

    27. I think that with that... You are well and truly toasted.


    28. It looks like you got pwned again Joerg. Better luck next time!

  4. "Despite the reports, critics point out that there has yet to be any hard, scientific proof that the mysterious creature truly exists."

  5. Cliffy is a key speaker, a tree peaker and a bee keeper. I haven't been able to stop laughing since I got here.

  6. The cops at Salt Pork StATE Fark are cool. We just got high with a couple of them. Now we're shootin bottle rockets at thee campers.

  7. Dangit! I told Timmy to take those tanks of acetylene out of th me and the ipad are thumbin back to Podunk without clothes or body hair. see ya on CNN

  8. Alberta Wildfires consume bigfoot

    no film at 11

  9. I got a lift from a trucker- her name is Cricket; she's haulin diesel and is higher than a whole bunch of kites...5 more exits...please many innocent lives

  10. 2 more exits...we just swiped a Corrola off the road why in the hell do i live here

  11. She went the wrong way we're in Harrisburg
    please kill me

    1. ....lols..That what you get for hitchhiking!..Next time, try the bus..

  12. You go to your crappy job and Cliff makes a living going out in the woods looking for bigfoot. And he probably makes more money than you doing it.

    1. ..He probably makes more money than me, but I would not switch with him: he is getting paid to be laughed at..The producers and director subtly edit the show to make them look foolish. People watch the show to watch them lie to each other, the audience and probably themselves..Each passing season without a specimen or photo makes them look sillier than the last...It will run 100 years...

  13. Milk it Cliff buddy! I wish I could have a high paying career bullshitting people and running around the woods.

    1. Wild Bill...
      he be Mountain Monsters AIMS team TOP GUN...
      he and ol Marine gets the JOB DONE


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