Bigfoot Footage From Inside Florida Den

From the Crypto Reality youtube channel:

Clear footage of Bigfoot in Florida, Mark and Melanie invade a Bigfoot den and capture more astonishing images of the Florida Bigfoot from inside the Bigfoot den, Several Bigfoot are watching them while mark talks about how stealthy the Bigfoot are, and research regrets.

Click here for video


  1. N000oooo, DAWGMAN ... not a BIGFOOT

  2. top aide to Bernie Sanders early Wednesday slammed the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), saying she is disrespecting the Vermont senator's presidential campaign....
    Excellent all going according to plan : )

    1. Bernie the racist commie.

    2. dare i dare to say the name that should not be mentioned -
      I dare TRUMP

    3. Germany sees huge rise in number of burglaries carried out by migrants as police admit eastern bloc crime gangs are exploiting the migrant crisis to send thieves into Europe
      THE NEW NORM that's coming here soon

    4. Bernie will solve everything.

    5. What a bunch of pathetic canned responses from trump last night

    6. TRUMP will take the HELM of this ship of state - a new beginning .... is upon you all

    7. Hey, NEW NORM guy....there has never been a "norm" at any point in history. There are periods of calm and periods of strife, periods of prosperity and periods of suffering in every society that ever was. Slavery has been a constant in one place or another for thousands of years, war has always been with us, oppression and fear and vast divisions of wealth are part of time itself. It's not really clear what you hope to point out in your comments. Why not mention US remote murder of innocent civilians via drones?
      The methods by which oppression is delivered do not matter. Once it was spears, now it's remote controlled machines. There have always been refugees, there has always been rape, I could go on forever. Societies rise and they fall. What's your point?

  3. More garbage from the idiots down at crappy reality...the folks that specialize in foliage photos and bullshit

    1. ^ Armchair Squatcher who's a little bitter about gaining too much weight to leave the basement anymore.

    2. whats youd asain caws we heers gits that thar gummint educayshun
      shure do

    3. You haven't even looked at their work and we both know it.

      You are an example of the non-darwinian evolution that modern man has undergone. That is, you are stupid.

  4. J Randi for first gay president and me for first husband !

  5. I'm only interested in the female bigfoots, bigfeets?

    Because I'm a sexual deviant with an odd fetish.

    When I'm on stage I look at the hair, the breasts, the arse (gotta be a round booty), and then I end up looking at the foots.

    Long ago our drummer had a one legged woman.. the ongoing jokes on the bus were (her SOCK) (her FOOT odor) ETC, and he did happen to mention that when she "arrived" her footless and calve-less leg was slamming at his side like a fish out o water.

    I've already reported myself to moderator for this post so don't bother. It's just a true story.

    1. Not to worry - you are considered one of the normal ones here.

  6. some amazing video once again from this crew !

    Rule Britannia !


  7. It's just homeless wood niggers that are being seen!


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