Bad News From The Trail To Bigfoot Team

From the Trail To Bigfoot youtube channel

Chris provides an update including a setback and never before disclosed information on the team; sharing insight about his thoughts of what's really going on out there, including some future plans.


  1. At least he's not claiming bigfoot broke into his truck.

    1. It don't matter , He's say'in he hears "voices mumbling a couple of inches behind me"??? Sheesh whut a Loon'. It's obvious,,this Hillbilly does Way too much METH !!

  2. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Wow just Wow Iktomi !!!!!
      That was a vile and sick thing to say about little black orphans in africa.

    3. Itkomi writes disgusting things up here all the time then removed them so he doesn't look like a psychopath. He can only pretend for so long and then he snaps.

    4. ^^ grade A loons who missed the brain parade


    5. Drunk and mean on a Sunday night AGAIN I see^

  3. So this is the type of commentary that can be expected on bigfootevidence?

    Ok. I'm outta here.

    1. The comments are where the fun is located! Bigfoot schmigfoot. I'm here to poke fun and pick fights! Take that tool Iktony....tomi, whatever the hell he calls himself these days. You can't punch him in the face in person so you rip him in the comments. THAT, my friend, is time well spent!

    2. How long until the sloppy drunk internet tough guy @7:03 punches himself in the face?^ Wont be long!

    3. ^What's up Joe? I lost my scorecard. Are you the Welsh/Japanese/Texan Joe or the drunk ass fuckface Joe?

    4. Good riddance man. The only person that cares is Joerg

  4. Their best bet is to make a good bigfoot suit like Patterson did and then film it at just the right distance and graininess to make it inconclusive.

    1. 4:48 100% CLUELESS!!

      I'd suggest watching my video's, I have the best camera, and I'm trying to focus at all times!

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  6. Keep up the great field work team the trail to Bigfoot! Don't worry about the naysayers! They all suck and are losers anyway! You guys have more people pulling for your research than you know! And I'm one of them! Best of luck and take that well deserved time off.

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