You've Never Seen A Bigfoot Structure Quite Like This One

Is bigfoot living behind Wal Mart in a UTah town? Utah Squatcher takes a look at things and shows the difference between when bigfoot is living in the area or when humans are living in the area. Can you tell the difference?


  1. Replies
    1. The PGF has been debunked numerous times. Now you have nothing.

    2. Wrong!!! You have nothing. I have my beliefs.

    3. If Bigfoot is your religion I'm cool with that. The PGF is fake and that's cool too.

    4. I'm really sorry... But the PGF has never been proven to be a hoax. You must be following the religion of pseudoscepticism, where baseless faith is expressed as fact & practiced five times daily.

      Now go get a monkey suit.

    5. I just had the same conversation in another blog here where is the proof of the PGF being fake, that's right there isn't any.

    6. The PGF has never been proven to be a hoax. However the PGF has never been proven to be real, either.

      Guess where the burden of proof lies (as opposed to where bigfoot believers only think it lies).

  2. The PGF has never been debunked. Got monkey suit? Didn't think so. The PGF is the best masturbation tool ever created. Ooooopppps I mean the best proof of bigfoot. I love to watch it and stroke my dong for hours. Oooopppps again I keep getting sidetracked. You can clearly see muscle movement and it is clearly the real deal.

    Tiddly doo


    1. Joe, you're coming off as very crude and low class. Sorry for bringing up the Patterson Debunking.

    2. that's the fake Joe who writes rubbish on here. He is beyond mentally unstable


    3. That's because I am crude and low class. I'm also a chronic masturbater and a racist so f uck you.

      Tiddly doo

      The real Joe

    4. ^ unstable troll who is off his meds


  3. Lokks like my ex wife's snatch. I'm sorry , I forgot you guys have never and will never see a naked woman in real life.

  4. Some kid's stick fort is not proof of bigfoot.

    Nor would one made of straw or bricks either.


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