Team Braves A Night In Sasquatch Canyon

From the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization:

Join us as we brave the night in Sasquatch Canyon. We hike into the Canyon just as night falls. Most of the seven mile hike after dark. Service game cameras that have been in the field during a long Rocky Mountain Winter of 7 months. Game camera footage included in this video.


  1. It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more bizarre and obsessed than its "believers".

  2. What say you? If I am wrong and Sykes publishes a ground breaking paper proving that relict hominids are wandering this earth in the here and now, I will leave this blog and never return.

  3. Yeah, you will post my alleged anon slip up in time. Good luck with that.

    In the meantime, What say you? If I am wrong and Sykes publishes a ground breaking paper proving that relict hominids are wandering this earth in the here and now, I will leave this blog and never return.

  4. I'll see you tomorrow, Joetomi, and we'll all see if you've grown a pair or not.

    1. I've got about ten robot questions in a row per comment posted at this stage... So here it goes again, one last time... How about you source me one comment that I've written where I claim that Sykes' study on Zana is going to claim that relict hominids live in the present?

      Take some some time away, go wind down and when you come and see me tomorrow (brrrrr, shaking in my boots!) I'll hopefully see you source that quote and take it from there. Why would I want you gone if Sykes confirms my ideas?

      Get some cucumbers on those eyes & beauty sleep, shiner!

    2. That's rich coming from someone who has been posting nonstop here for the last 14 hours.

    3. "get some cucumbers on those eyes"......what kind of a straight man makes comments like this?

    4. DressMaker is pretty much is a 24 hour a day footer. I don't think he has anything else in his life.

    5. Just make the damn bet so Dmaker shuts up about it!

    6. If relict hominids don't live in the present, then what the heck does it have to do with bigfoot that you argue does live in the present?

    7. From what I can deduce from the Joe's rambling affair, he seems to be arguing that if Zana was a "relict hominid" (footers love that fancy sounding term) living in the 19th century, then it fundamentally changes our understanding of human evolutionary history, because it's been assumed that "relict hominids" died out tens of thousands of years ago.

    8. And when it is proven that Zana is nothing more than HSS, then what?


    10. I'm not even sure that he's arguing that Zana was not HHS, just that she was some kind of near relation that somehow was part of a group of humans which emerged out of Africa separately, had different physical traits (taller and more hairy), and managed to avoid contact with other humans (except for Zana of course).

    11. Zana was supposedly the descendant of a distinct group of humans which traveled to the Caucus mountains something like 75-100,000 years ago and remained hidden until Zana was captured -- I think that's the contention.

    12. Joe's desperate hope is that Sykes' DNA study will find that Khwit's background was part African, but not related to any modern African groups -- thus part of a distinct population that branched off in prehistory -- that is what he believes today's Bigfoot to be.

    13. It is nice to see that a superfriend had to come along and try and explain Joes way of thinking, because Joe gets caught in so many lies. But we dont need your translation superfriend.


    15. I've been very clear as to what I'm expecting from Sykes' study... Zana is an ancient subspecies of homo Sapien.

      Now... Separate to Sykes' study, the conclusion I would draw from that is if it can be proven that this subspecies existed on the planet only 150 years then it is likely they are still here given the frequency of evidence. A subspecies of homo Sapien is what always has and is being reported across the world to this day.

      It's not hard to understand... Sykes won't state the second part, it is merely logical to draw that conclusion given the tens of thousands of years timeline that is smashed by such a breakthrough.

  5. Dmaker has a history. He has taken the best footers to the matt and is still standing. It's the fizzling footers, with no clear evidence since 1967, ought to be chafing in the chaps.

    1. Dmaker has 7,000 posts (self admittedly), tell me... How much closer is he to debunking "Bigfoot"?

  6. Bought one of those grocery store BAC's says .96. And I'm ready to go out drinking. This is such a joke. What kind of a sham are they pulling off here?

  7. Looks like Wyatt Earp come all ready for a shoot-out with that there Bigfoot varmint.

    Poor Doc Holliday's TB must be actin' up agin. He's panting harder than Fasano runnin from a grizzly.

  8. Dmaker- I want to carry your baby in my womb-


  9. Honestly, what does anybody get out of these back and forth sniping sessions? Practically every post, every day. I genuinely can't see why one would want to spend their time this way. It's looking like this is pretty much what happens on this site, I just don't get it. Can't really see sticking around if this is what comments are always going to be about.

    1. ^ I take it you`re well aware of one of the major players in the childish and disruptive nonsense that takes place each thread and each day ?

      Yes...your "pal" JoeTomi.

    2. I try to be respectful and kind toward everyone. I don't play favorites, I just dislike negative exchanges. My comment was directed at every party involved. If am insulted, I don't respond, because it doesn't produce a worthwhile exchange. I do my best to be of good will as often as possible, wherever I go. Sometimes I fail, but I always try.



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