Scary Cases Of Man-Eating Monsters

There are man-eating monsters out there, and sometimes we don't even know what they are. It's one thing for someone to be attacked by a bear, or a lion, but what about those times when we have no idea what the creature was, or when it will strike again?

Often animal attacks can be explained as a roving leopard, lion, tiger, bear, or some such known predator species. At other times, the source of death is not so clear cut. At times, strange creatures for which we have no immediate identification can step forth from the brush to take our lives on a whim. These are the phantom talons that the natural world extends to us. Here are the inexplicable clawed, fanged things beyond our grasp that creep forth from the darkness to maim and kill almost invisibly, cloaked in a nearly supernatural aura. These are the unclassified man-eating beasts that have skirted the boundaries of our known world and lurched forth from our nightmares to viciously drive home the fact with blood, teeth, and breathtaking, unstoppable force that not only are we not at the top of the food chain, but that we might not even know what the top of the food chain is.

Perhaps the most well-known case of a mystery beast on the rampage occurred in the former province of Gévaudan, in south-central France between between the years of 1764 and 1767, in which some huge, fierce unknown animal described as wolf-like in appearance but as big as a calf, with formidable fangs and a long tail, terrorized the region leaving a trail of blood and viciously mauled dead bodies in its wake. The horrific killing spree of this enigmatic beast can be traced back to the summer of 1764, when a young woman was attacked by it while out alone tending her cattle near the murky Mercoire forest. Allegedly, the animal intently charged her, only to be thwarted by the massive bulls in her heard, which charged it in a rage. This would herald the beginning of the forthcoming attacks, and the first death attributed to the monster would be a 14-year-old girl by the name of Janne Boulet, whose throat was mercilessly torn out by some sort of wild animal near the village of Les Hubacs.

read the full article by clicking here.


  1. Replies
    1. I hear Joe likes to "eat men" as much as he can and is a bit of a "man eating monster".

      True so I`ve been told - but not yet lucky enough to have sampled his "eating man" technique...maybe he`ll see my phone number on the shit-house wall sometime and gimme a call.

    2. You are so gay stuey.

      Just come out of the closet and be done with it

      Maybe you will feel better about yourself

    3. For those of you that don't be knowin! If it White your comin and if it's Yellow your going!

    4. 9:55 ... Never ... it`s much more cosy in the closet and we can cuddle up nicely and play "spoons" for ages ... I`d like to get you into my closet you sexy bit-ch...did you take my number from the wall yet ?


    5. ^ fake joe and his sick perversions


  2. Replies
    1. RIP Prince

      " That dude could play guitar" - MMC

    2. WILD BIILL ol Marine and expert tracker from the Mountain Monsters AIMS team he got that BIG KNIFE and telling them monsters come get U some of this Mr Monster

  3. Physical death is bad, but Sasquatch, with a highly evolved pre frontal cortex, has the ability to mind-rape his prey. If you rub across a senior Sasquatch who has had centuries to home his mind powers, the mental rape would be worse than a thousand deaths.

    1. One day... You might develop the intelligence to counter the physical evidence, until then... Carry on with the woo.

    2. Although we agree that Bigfoot is totally fictitious and we appreciate your imagination, we prefer to keep the fiction within the bounds of plausibility. Take a note of how some of our commenters cite Gigantopithicus, the Bering Strait, Neanderthals, DNA evidence, plaster casts, field research, and the like. We prefer to give our Bigfoot fiction a scientific feel, as if we're always on the brink of discovering a giant new hominid species.

      Site Management

    3. Wow... Every roundabout method conjured up to say "duh, Bigfoot don't exist" and still falling intellectually short of addressing the one thing that keeps the light on that little bit longer before you sleep at night... The actual evidence.

      Just sleep with the TV on or something, you might find it gives your fingers a rest.

    4. Why would it matter if there was no bigfoot? Is it a case of not willing to admit you have wasted years of your life on nonsense? Is it just unwillingness to let go of your childhood fantasies? Is it that you dont really believe but enjoy the hobby? Trying to understand the mindset of these people...

    5. If there was no such things as "Bigfoot", that would have no bearing on my life, what so ever. The truth of the matter is that people don't just conjure up a magical idea and take it from there, contrary to how you would "prefer" things to be. Some people actually look at the idea, analyse the readily available information and draw a conclusion based on facts. The facts are that if "Bigfoot" didn't exist, then there wouldn't be evidence. Sadly for your self esteem... There's evidence.

      Talking of childhoods... I'm betting you needed that extra hug from the boogeyman so much, didn't you? Allow me to put your mindset into perspective;
      "If anonymity is one factor, psychological and emotional issues are another, according to Suler, who says many trolls likely have problems with depression, low self-esteem, and anger. They want to inject their own emotional turmoil into other people by luring them into negativity. It's a way for them to feel some kind of control or power over their own disruptive emotions, at other people's expense."

    6. Commenters are urged to follow Iktomi as a model for the type of Bigfoot fiction we prefer. As a rule of thumb, we urge writers to stay away from portals and other paranormal or magical aspects of Bigfoot storytelling. As noted earlier, try to keep your fiction sounding scientific and plausible.

      Site Management

    7. Ha ha ha!! It's a shame you can't be as creative with dreaming up a counter argument, eh?

    8. 5:01 It takes too long to cut and paste other people's established fiction like Iktomi does. Can't we just come up with our own original takes on Bigfoot? Iktomi's storytelling, although sounding scientific, lacks creativity. He's repeating what other fiction writers have already written. Your rules seem to stifle creativity and originality.

      Louis Jagger

    9. "The truth of the matter is that people don't just conjure up a magical idea and take it from there"

      But they do... there are a multi billion dollar industries based on it... fictional novel writing and film making.

      Are you intellectually subnormal?

    10. 5:14, Don't you believe Iktomi's lack of awareness of the entire entertainment industry is a forgivable sin?

    11. Great! Now get scientific evidence to support such multi billion dollar story telling. Let's be honest... Someone who's "intellectually subnormal" would struggle with proving something that is allegedly so obvious... Would they not? Maybe that why you have to pray around here EVERY day of your life, satisfaction lacking much?

      : )

    12. Can I just add... That the multiple cultures that have these "stories" at heart have been around far longer that any multi billion dollar story telling industry. They're literally as old as the hills, and just do happen to have the modern evidence as support.

    13. Excellent storytelling, Iktomi! We urge other fiction writers to follow Iktomi's lead and keep it sounding scientific.

      Site Management

    14. Let's not pretend like you have the capacity to understand anything remotely scientific now, eh?

    15. 5:30, There's no need to when scientists like you can break it down for us. Share with us where your degree is from.

    16. Uh oh! Iktomi is about to demonstrate his great cut and paste skills...

    17. I've got to go but it will be interesting to see read later what Iktomi decides to cut and paste.

    18. Iktomi science = "Prove bigfoot doesn't exist"

    19. If you're a really, really good troll... And promise me that you'll have an adult at hand to explain the big words, I'll let you know next time. Ok?

    20. iktmoi has no degree because iktomi thinks science is witchcraft.

      Much like DWA,iktomi gets mad that "science" isn't doing it's job. Or take Melba Ketchum as another example. Any interview she gives she use's the word "science" very frequently. But she obviously has no idea what it means.

      DWA/iktomi has the same problem. He/they/she has instead taken fringe paranormal/conspiracy theories as gospel truth. All three like to take unprovable stories and anecdotes out of context and twist them for their own ends. All three are unwilling and/or unable to admit being wrong ever. But most importantly all three have an almost religious fascination with the idea of bigfoot.

      I seriously wonder if they pray to sasquatch before bed.

    21. I'm sorry... But science isn't a freethinking entity that "does a job". It's a tool & been used to verify evidence. Something about, "knowing what it means"? You can't twist proper evidence, if it's scientifically repeatable. Just ask "DMaker".

      I've been wrong about lots of things in my life, and as Todd Disotell says, "If you've never been wrong, you've never been creative. The bigger the ideas, the more you're wrong." But the things I'm occasionally right about are the things that are based on facts. Facts are I've looked at your side of the argument better than you have, it falls short and I don't lie to myself.

    22. ^ cut and paste science fiction writer

    23. Just remember... If you're really, really good...

    24. Iktomi's Understatement of the Year (2016)Thursday, April 21, 2016 at 8:29:00 AM PDT

      "I've been wrong about lots of things in my life"

      ---Iktomi Thursday, April 21, 2016 at 8:04:00 AM PDT

    25. .

      "I've been wrong about lots of things in my life"

      ---Iktomi Thursday, April 21, 2016 at 8:04:00 AM PDT


    26. .

      "I've been wrong about lots of things in my life"

      ---Iktomi Thursday, April 21, 2016 at 8:04:00 AM PDT


    27. .

      "I've been wrong about lots of things in my life"

      ---Iktomi Thursday, April 21, 2016 at 8:04:00 AM PDT


    28. the tossers known as the site trolls are on loon force today . My oh my they sure have a lot of time on their hands and bollocks in the head


    29. sign in as Iktomi.


    30. Joe types like the type of person who got clanged too many times in the skull by stray rocks at a Welsh "rock" concert.

    31. ^ Hi Dmaker - still typing with your sausage fingers ?


    32. ^ How does she decide to be Joe or Iktomi?

      And what is the constant talk about sausage fingers? Does anyone here get that? Is this British "humor"? All I can find on Google is dactylitis, a type of arthritis. Is that the joke, someone has arthritis in their fingers???

    33. Hey DickTomi - how about you just pack up and run away - you`ve not fooled anybody yet with the nonsense - but you`re used to failure.

    34. Sorry kid... Nobody's trying to persuade a denialist, just using you as the archetype idiot.

      How's proving "Bigfoot" doesn't exist going for you?

    35. 12:46, How's proving "Bigfoot" exists going for you?


    36. Not bad... I seem to be testing the mental health of a couple of trolls on BFE with the evidence for it.

    37. You seem to be winning Iktomi, the BBC just announced Bigfoot was a new species.



    38. I am perfectly fine believing bigfoot exists . I really don't give a toot what the non-believers think , it wont change my mind
      But the denialists on the other hand have daily seizures just thinking about how they can prove bigfoot doesn't exist .
      oh the struggle is so real for them
      Oh tiddly doo , skeptical foes, tiddly doo

      Tap dancing outro


    39. 1:58 Joe, I don't spend a second thinking about proving Bigfoot doesn't exist. Nor do I about Mermaids. I do, however, enjoy laughing at you.

    40. When you laugh you are probably staring at yourself in the mirror chum


    41. 2:19... Of course you don't, you don't have the capacity to even remotely attempt anything of the sort. You don't have explain that to anyone.

      And nobody is seeing mermaids.

    42. No one is seeing bigfoot either.

      Yes, stupid. We know they are SAYING they saw bigfoot.

    43. Yes... Quite a culture hopping conspiracy you have there. Get some fresh air and get an adult to help you familiarise with the evidence that supports such reports... You come across as a paranoid kook!

    44. Yes, the boogeyman is a culture hopping scary story believed by children. Idiots like you try to back it up with "science".

  4. This is why I take this monster huntin very seriusly. Its our job. Yeay as I walk throu the vally in the shadow of death I will fear no evil. The word of GOD gives me the wisdom an nowledge and the UNITED STATES MARINE CORP gives me the mentality an the bravery to go hunt these appalacian monsters.


    1. ^ keep trying, we will tell you when you're funny. Right now, not so much.

    2. ^ There`s not a lot of laughter within the footer community is there !

    3. Duuuuuuuuuuhhhhh, try ago an doofus.


    4. Iktomi, You're Fail and Fail for today.


    5. "try ago an doofus"
      Does anyone know what this peckerwood is trying to say? You sound like the type of person that should be making me a sandwich right now.

    6. I do have to give Joe credit for one thing. He is the only bigfooter that i know of, whose first name has been turned into a verb. For instance:

      "Yes i would like to Joerg my mom"

      "No thank you, i think i will Joerg myself"

      "Time to go to the city to Joerg at city hall".

    7. Women get upset when you leave the seat down on the Joerg.

    8. Joe/Iktomi is not Joerg Hensiek

    9. ol marine Wild Bill expert tracker from the AIMS team needing to get a bigger knife and trade that shotgun in for a awesome AK, to match the fire power of Huckleberry's ARs FIRE POWER wins the day OORAH....

    10. Wow, you are nonstop today. Total attention whore mode.

    11. Way to post under the right comment, you fuddle brained goon.


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