Was This Cop Looking For Bigfoot?

A Sasquatch Chronicles podcast listener wrote in with this hair-raising story about some strange occurrences they experienced one night on their property. Check it out:

I have never heard anything like this before A listener writes “I live in northeastern Illinois near the border of Wisconsin. My yard backs up to about 400 acres of Marsh and Farm land.

On July 4, 2013 my wife and I were up near midnight because a neighbor was lighting off fireworks, the evening was warm and we had our windows open. The firework show culminated in a grand finale which was whistling a spiraling kind of sounds all frantic and jumbled with the usual pops and bangs. When about 15 seconds went by I realized he was out of ammo, but just then we started hearing a very high pitched and loud series of whoooop whooooop whooooop. It was almost as if something were saying encore, encore,.. The whoops were humanish and my wife and I at first thought it was a excited child. Then the whooooops were moving around in the marsh, at first they seemed to come near the source of the fireworks, but they kept going for about 5 minutes and were definitely coming from in the marsh itself. I told my wife that it seemed strange for me to think it was human at that point. I dismissed it as a mystery.

Eight days later I lie awake in bed at 3:50am knowing I would soon be disturbed by my alarm clock. I get up early to get to the golf course that is about an hour away. Out of know where I hear the same whoop, I mean the same individual, you could tell, only this time it was more like a questioning type of whoop, like whooooooeeeep? Then an emphatic lower pitched whoooo whoooo came from within the tree line next to my neighbors house.

The first caller sounded like it was between our houses in my backyard! Which incidentally has a very nice apple tree that was in season. The same thing repeated but now the sounds were moving off into the marsh. I got out of bed after sitting stunned for a brief time, just then a patrol car from the sheriffs department was shining his spot light into my yard, exactly where I had heard the sounds coming from! He circled and stopped to shine it again into the same area.

For the rest of the story, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Illinois? Hell, try Texas:


    2. Wisconsin, be TRUMP country ...

    3. ^ That's one thing positive.

    4. First !!

      I don`t know how I keep doing it...I must be such a success and mommy will be so proud.

    5. Such a tosser, xbox on the outs ^


    6. ^ oh,you`ve not made first again..never mind as mommy will know you tried your best..and she knows by now you`ll never be more than her failure son...but she does love you so.

  2. Notice how every story on here is a question. Did this farmer see bigfoot? Was this cop looking for bigfoot? Even this site isn't stupid enough to commit to the fact bigfoot exists. The more you come to this site the harder it is to believe bigfoot exists.

    1. ^ don`t forget the multitude of hoax videos on show regularly and other outright non events.

    2. The comments about zero evidence and sightings by non credible is not exactly correct.There is plenty of evidence, but unfortunately, the naysayers get to pick and choose. There is a report that was made by a police officer who came to our residence, because he had seen a sasquatch...up close and personal, and then had it run alongside his car as he left is on record to this day. This man was trained to observe and stay calm during all sorts of situations. To have him stand near a sas that was "breathing hard and had steam rising from him" as if he had just come out of a hot spring was something that he could not explain. I was very young and trying to explain that the sas only wanted the apples that I had piled up around the tree for him. Yes, that report is listed and yes, it can be dug up, but you will probably say bs...but would you call the officer a kook or a liar to his face?

    3. Sorry ickyjoe or bonelicker1 whoever you want to be.....there are bad cops.laywers,judges and liars in all walks of life..i would take the word of a hardworking farmer over a cop any day. so yes naysayers can pick..but so can footers. bottom line it's all in your belief

    4. So please tell us stonereader...is bigfoot a dimensional creature who is able to swap realms of existence ?

      Oh yeah...and do magnets disrupt his thought patterns ?


    5. ^ Well I guess stonereader hasn`t answered because the person is really Joe the Tomi under another guise...something we all knew.

    6. 4:20 (he's probably high) is the fake Joe. His life is so banal he must always try to be someone else and in most cases it's me he is trying to be. Poor willie Wanker, never found his golden ticket in life


    7. Yes, I would call this cop a liar to his face. Anybody who says they have seen bigfoot is s liar.

    8. Wrong yet again trolls. Unlike you, I work and have a life etc and take time away from the computer. Do I think they are extra dimensional? why would I want to have that discussion with you? Baiting is boring. What I do find fascinating is the fact that if there is really more than one troll here then you all obviously have problems with authority figures as you all show hostility towards them by discounting anything they apparently have to say about sightings with BF. Interesting indeed.

    9. sorry khat fala your a fool to think all cops are truthful..and a liar to boot

    10. You're a a paranoid racist who think there's a psy-ops experiment out to get him... Forgive anyone if they're to believe anything that comes from those sausage fingers.

      And you can't handle the evidence that supports the reports of Sasquatch, that's why you're so angry all the time.

      : )

    11. Good Morning and happy Friday to you my friend Iktomi!

  3. Replies
    1. congrats! the streak is alive and it's not those superclowns


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