The Double Agent Life Of A Bigfoot Investigator

When it comes to bigfoot, most people are known within the research community for their interest in bigfoot. But these people all have real lives outside of the realm of sasquatch. To some people I'm just known as a graphic designer and content provider for Internet sites. To others however, I'm known as a bigfoot researcher. In this article they take a look at a couple of well known bigfooters, and the bigfoot lives they lead, which a lot of you will surely recognize.

Lit only by moonlight in the Tennessee woods, Ranae Holland cups her hands around her mouth and emits a guttural, horrifying shriek, something halfway between the scream of a cougar and the scream of a person being disemboweled by a cougar.

Then she falls silent and reclines on a fallen cedar, the tentacles of exposed roots her backrest, her long legs bracing her into total stillness. She knows how not to scare an animal, a skill earned doing veterinary care on snow leopards and counting fish in bear country. She sits still and she waits for sasquatch to answer.

More than 2,000 miles away, a week later and in broad daylight, Derek Randles forces open a motion-activated game camera, a paperback-size camo box that hunters use to spot game. He retrieves an SD card encoded with half a year of recordings and descends through the waxy salal ground cover that blankets the Olympic Peninsula.

At 50, his stocky frame moves back to civilization through the underbrush with the grace of a teenager. Somewhere on this card, he hopes, is the world’s first undisputed image of a bigfoot.

Holland, a field biologist by training, is a professional sasquatch researcher, dutifully undergoing a cross-country hunt on one of Animal Planet’s highest-rated TV shows. Randles is an amateur who leads a small volunteer army of data-hungry autodidacts.

Holland is a skeptic. Randles is a believer. Finding bigfoot defines both of their lives.

For the full article, click here.


  1. Shout out to my fellow insomniacs!! Jet lag is a B@tch.

    Now what I wonder is what is the double agent life of the commenters here at the BFE?

    1. Or in Iktomis case his multiple lives as Joe,you,me,Uno,Stonereader1 and countless overs from his secret airforce base lol xx

    2. I know a few double agents of Bigfoot. SteveStrewfart is a Bigfooter 3 weekends a year and is a duechbag the rest of the year. Rectum Riolo is a fairy queen 385 days out of the year and a wanna be by night. Matt is a bigfooting blogging fool who has only studied bigfoot in the deep internet and is a fatass the rest of the year.

    3. Eva - many a true word is spoken in jest !!

      Huh ?


    4. Hi guys

      I make money in one of the many fields of hydrology. A real yawn to most people. But it keeps my busy


    5. If you work in a job with an ology in it that means you must earn a lot of money MMC :) xx

    6. We'll get all the proof we need of Bigfoot once they invent a device for recording visual images.

    7. Hi Eva

      Not as much as the guys I work for.


    8. UFOs and BIGFOOTS go hand in hand, the BIGFOOTS are controlled by the UFOs so when there's a UFO in the area there are sure to be BIGFOOTS abouts

    9. gummint tham folks bein knowin abouts tham bigfoots fer yeers

    10. ^ dem folks abin aknowing bout dat gummint fer yeras

  2. Bigfoot dont exist. Role playing is fine but dont pretend there is any credibility in the subject.

    1. He's certainly role playing a contented sceptic awfully.

    2. As i am not role playing then thats great. I am definately skeptical of the current evidence put forward and the consistent lack of the evidence that counts.

    3. Oh you're role playing alright... If you were that sure of your stance, you wouldn't need to reinforce it every day of your life. And please don't refer to yourself as "sceptical", the word means to suspend judgement and question your own stance and since you're not clever enough for that and unable to understand the evidence in favour for relict hominids, it makes people like me cringe rather horribly.

    4. It is one thing to be deluded enough to believe there are 9 foot apes roaming north america but it is another level of delusion to think that there is no way someone can be skeptical of the claims. Truelly lost.

    5. It's one thing to not understand the meaning of the word scepticism, but only a total fool persists in his error. Now having the evidence pointed out to you every day if your life, only to religiously categorically deny the existence; that's delusional.

      People wouldn't invest enthusiasm in "9 foot apes" if there wasn't evidence for them. Don't like it?! Then explain away the evidence.

    6. You can not show me any verified evidence. That is the fact of the matter and no amount of your wriggling around the issue can change that. Anything but skeptism of bigfoot is by definition delusion based on the current evidence.

    7. "Krantz (1983: 71-72) writes: "Thus far, every specialist who has examined these casts [Mill Creek] agrees that their detailed anatomy has all the characteristics and appearance of being derived from an imprint of primate skin. These include thirty police fingerprint workers, ... six physical anthropologists ... four pathologists and two zoologists."

      Sounds like plenty of verification there! Oh, and there's this;

      The results indicate more than one speaker, one or more of which is of larger physical size than an average human adult male. The formant frequencies found were clearly lower than for human data, and their distribution does not indicate that they were a product of human vocalizations and tape speed alteration."

    8. ^ Cut `n` paste all you like but it doesn`t CHANGE anything...still there is nothing.

    9. The only nothing is between your ears.

  3. You get bored at work. You wonder whats up with that Bigfoot fella haven't heard much from him lately. You type in Bigfoot Evidence. This is the first listing. You go to this website. You look at the articles. Maybe you get lucky and its a good day and there is an article that doesn't look like its complete garbage. You check out the comments. You find a strange Welsh fellow repeating himself over and over. A Welsh man who thinks that science is trying to prove a grand claim DOESN'T exist. You laugh and decide to see what the mothman is up to instead.

    1. ^^ collects disability and thinks its work, while sitting around bitching about people taking government money.

    2. You must test science. If you want evidence and it's presented accordingly, what's the problem, rhetorical cry baby?

    3. Gargling Piss = "FUN"!


  4. Just listened to sykes on coast to coast. From it we learn that bryan sykes has yet to see any evidence that has proven bigfoots existence but remains hopeful. Now that is pretty damning stuff for the believers. They are now more than ever desperately in need of some evidence at this point.


      Plenty of evidence thanks! You might want to read below and let me know if you need some help with the big words in that study.

    2. Plenty of evidence he says even though there is none

    3. Are you so ****** in the head that you can't see writing that burns you? Creepy stuff man.

    4. Self proclaiming the burns haha

    5. If there is plenty of evidence why do you always keep referencing the same three footprints? Shouldn't a breeding population of giant monkey men leave more than three footprints?

    6. Sure!! It leaves innumerable other tracks up and down the country, hair samples, audio recordings, footage, even thermal hits. The reasons those three casts are important, is because they have dermals in them that show a living, breathing creature. Repeatable scientific evidence.

    7. ^ On his last legs and desperate.

    8. ^ on his hands and knees even beyond desperate !


  5. I just found a photo of the fake Joe character who comes on here and pretends to be me. it all makes so much sense now although i did not know he was famous

    tiddly doo


    1. Coast to Coast AM March 19th 2016;

      27mins - "You can tell the difference between modern and ancient human within DNA."

      38mins - "almost finished studying Zana's DNA."

      42.5mins - "I think it's worth while looking. And I've spoken to so many people that I think they have seen something. The ones that have impressed me the most are the ones along the way you are regular people who have seen something, that's didn't want the fuss. These are the people who have convinced me it is still worth looking... I'm just a scientist and what I think doesn't really matter. If I can say that without answering the question?"
      (Regarding the question "do you believe in Bigfoot?)

      53mins - "Lori Simmons' father said that one lived underneath a tree for many years and could communicate with it by stamping on the ground. The creature called "the big guy" by Lori would communicate back. So we went along there and sure enough we all heard three knocks, we all heard it and it seemed to us all that there was something living under that tree... From that moment I became convinced that there was a Sasquatch living under that tree and I could adopt the mindset of a Cryptozoologist. We went a week later, and heard the creature making a lot of noise and growling but as it could potentially a bear in hibernation, it was a potentially dangerous a situation. There was a lot of convincing evidence but didn't find a hair that matched an anomalous primate."
      (All this and more in his up & coming book)

      1hour - book publisher situation.

      • He's wrapped up his research except for the Zana stuff.

    2. Lucky some of us without an unhonest agenda have listened to the same broadcast, eh 7:53?

    3. He believes the "bigfoot lives under a tree" anecdote... oh boy

    4. No, his experience lends to the idea that Sasquatch live undeground. I thought his interview fascinating and very positive.

    5. Iktomi just lives under a bridge.

    6. How the fu ck can a 9 foot ape live in the soil / roots under a fu cking tree?

    7. "... didn't find a hair that matched an anomalous primate."

      That is the only relevant fact from all that Sykes quoting. The rest was stories and subjective conjecture and question avoidance.

      Tick tock...Sykes is coming. Yeah, with nothing.

    8. I wonder where that scientific paper is that Sykes promised?

      The second book is available and by all accounts that I have read, it is identical to the first one. Very, very little difference in content and no new revelations.

    9. 8:26... I guess you'd have to dig the tree up to find out.

      DMaker with capitals at last! Well if Sasquatch & Yeti share our DNA but an ancient version of, he wouldn't find anything of a newly discovered anamolous primate, would he?

      38mins - "I've almost finished studying Zana's DNA." I guess the paper will be along when that's done. Forgive me if I wait for the book's release.

    10. Probably a badger or wolverine. This idiot is lucky he didn't get tore up by a pissed off badger.

    11. Joe, if Sykes found ancient human DNA anywhere near bigfoots underground abode, I am sure that would have been mentioned. Just like anamolous primate DNA would have been mentioned if found, as well.

    12. Tick tock.....driiiiiiiiiing.....the alarm has sounded loud and clear.....and the folks are sleeping on soundly in their beds.

    13. DOGMAN sometimes looking like BIGFOOT so you thinking its a BIGFOOT but its really a DOGMAN

    14. Donald... He's got a book to sell, and like he says from the 53mins mark onwards, "you'll have to buy the book and find out."

      It's Zana that holds the promise, he was rather clear that he had met some amazing people (and some delusional) but was only focussing on the former going forward.

    15. ^ Ordered book many months ago.

    16. i thought Donald said he was quitting this site ages ago and he's back?
      Guess his life is so boring he needs some respite from staring at the walls chanting his mantra "bigfoot can't exist, there is no proof"
      Tiddly doo Donald


    17. dmaker truly just blew joe the f#ck out!

    18. Joe, have you come to the realization yet, that Dmaker doesnt like you? That he can't stand you?

      You seem to be clinging to the one conversation that you two had about movies. Apparently you think that because of that conversation, that he now likes you, or wants to be civil with you. Well......he doesn't Joerg.

      It seems to me you are getting so desperate for someone like daniel or dmaker to come back and talk to you and give you debate on the subject, that you are willing to do anything. Including kissing dmakers butt all day long. But that debate you crave so much is over. Everyone who used to debate you on the subject never will again because you are a lost cause. You have so many psychological problems that it simply is not worth it. In your mind you never lose, and in your mind you are always on top. No matter how bad your beatings get on here, and no matter how foolish you like, you still don't see it. Remember the bet with daniel? Remember "sykes is coming"?. Remember the bionic bigfoot? Remember the blatant plagarism? Remember all the lies you have been caught in?

      You need help Joe. Really and truly you do. And your mulit personality disorder really is getting tiring. Please seek help Joe. Please

    19. 4:30... Here's a link to your tuning on the Bionic Man;
      ... Sykes pretty much came and is still writing books on Zana's DNA, with his work being published accordingly, and I thought you were going to phone the police about my plagiarism??


      AnonymousWednesday, April 15, 2015 at 6:03:00 AM PDT
      Joe,John,and the rest of the Super Friends........
      You are the lowest of the low. It is very obvious you are all just 1 or 2 people posting under various names. The Super Friends are all posting from an IP leading back to the USA Air Force. Don't care if you don't believe me....look into it yourselves....I did. Look into Tavistock.;read=103996

      .. How's that magic airforce base going for you? Something about "psychological problems"? If nobody wants to debate me anymore, it's because I've chased them off like the little intellectual throw-backs they are. Remember people are privy to that next time you're trying to convince yourself of anything else.

      : )

  6. Replies
    1. Sup ffs= freak for strapons

    2. ^ Hero worship has provided more wanking material for this evening...

      noises from his bedroom this evening >>> FFS hut hut FFS hut hut hut FFS hut hut hut haaaaaah !!

    3. FFS! ^ poor mr.anonymous stuck in his own world of self delusion :)
      you seem to always want to be something your not so sad....keep trying little guy maybe one day you'll get one over but I doubt it....FFS!

    4. ^ neck stretcher

      there`s none so deluded as the footer

    5. ^ has a two foot long toothpick *ick so he knows all about it. theres none as repulsive as 12:37 aka Dan Cowbell.


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