Something Sprang The Bigfoot Trap, But What Did The Camera Catch?

Robert Dodson set up a camera trap in Oklahoma recently, using a bait box tied to a tree, with a motion and heat activated trail camera sitting behind the box. Something triggered the camera, and the video is pretty surprising.


  1. Replies
    1. Sometimes Lycandroids looking like Bigfoots so you thinking that's a Bigfoot but its really a Lycandroid

    2. ^ whistled from his anus = he`s a talented guy

    3. ^ A penny for your thoughts

  2. it lookin like tham mexicuns agains shure is

  3. Raccoon.

    Called it.

    This isn't how you trap bigfoots. This is how you feed raccoons.

    1. Sometimes Raccoons looking like Bigfoots so you thinking that's a Bigfoot but it's really a . . . ahhhh - who am I kidding? Raccoons always look like raccoons - just like in Dodson's video.

  4. Ah yes - Robert Dodsen ... the poor man's version of Finding Bigfoot. Sort of a cross between an intellectual version of Mountain Monsters and a technology upgrade from a cell phone camera. Love hos Karl Childers narrative though.

  5. wes amurkins gits reedin that thar constitushun fer tham guns ritely so
    webe votin fer Trump shure is


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