Man Tries To Take Down Massive Sasquatch With A Hatchet

From Brenton Sawin Mysteries To Search:

Jim had an encounter with a giant Bigfoot in Indiana while camping. The Sasquatch that came to his campsite every night was 1000 pounds he believed. Come listen to this hair raising story of a Bigfoot encounter in Indiana.


  1. Well I'm back from vacation and I'm slapping down this first for y'all!

    1. Man goes after huge bigfoot with a dull hatchet??!!! :)

    2. Almost 200 yeas of photography, not one in-focus still photo of 9 foot tall hairy man that is in 10 or more different states.


      Page 15... Go on, be a brave boy. Thank **** you're anon, ha ha!!

    4. This kid still can't post one non-blurry still photograph of a bigfoot. He or she keeps posting a P/G link as some sort of response.

      Almost 200 years of photography and not one non-blurry still photo of a bigfoot. Yet, they live in over ten US states??????

  2. y'all ???....boy the stereotype 300+lb hick footer seems true in this case

    1. ^ you make your observation based upon listening to the full recording ?

    2. Almost 200 yeas of photography, not one in-focus still photo of 9 foot tall hairy man that is in 10 or more different states.

    3. This kid still can't post one non-blurry still photograph of a bigfoot. He or she keeps posting a P/G link as some sort of response.

      Almost 200 years of photography and not one non-blurry still photo of a bigfoot. Yet, they live in over ten US states??????

  3. Y`mean t`say `e di`n even `av a sharp blade ?

  4. Almost 200 yeas of photography, not one in-focus still photo of 9 foot tall hairy man that is in 10 or more different states.


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