Man Inside Camper Records Video Of Growling Outside
This video is pretty intense. Robert Dodson was inside his camper at his bigfoot investigation area, when he hears something messing around with stuff outside. As he's listening, he's also recording video. You can hear the fear in his voice when something very large starts growling outside the window.
Go Robert D!
ReplyDeleteGo Robert D!
DeleteWhats up my brother and Texas sister?
Delete2:07 Yes yes I agree ... hurry up and go you boring jerk !
DeleteHey there TK and IK!
DeleteDoing good here- gonna be hot hot hot this summer. Already have a very good tan helping my son out for a couple of weeks. He cleans swimming pools. The live oaks have been loosing their leaves and pollen and slowing him down. I know you know about the oaks this time of year TK.
WHAT ABOUT ME? {as always} :'(
DeleteAC collins!
GRAYS teleport BIGFOOTS so they appear to disappear right before you...
Deletewell uno/ac your a schmuck..have to go with tk on this one..he seems to have your number..oh and they have social blogs for the weather,dating and other non bigfoot related topics you folks might wanna give it a shot since you never stay on topic
^Seems as though your post doesn't mention bigfoot anywhere. Strange.
DeleteDozens of drug criminals freed by Obama in clemency move designed to boost criminal justice reform - but some are violent gun criminals ....
DeleteHey TCT---
DeleteHow are the lakes in Texas, has the weather filled them up, or are you still shy on water?
I remember seeing that yellow pollen everywhere, but it never bothered me. But now here in the central valley, CA. IT SUCKS. Pollen from a huge veriety of native and crop plants. Olives give a lot of people alergy grief here. I love the smell of the citrus blooms but on the other hand, I live in a dairy hotspot. So, a certain times , when the wind blows right and its been a little warm, it smells like hell, ha ha ha. BUT, that is also the smell of money if your in the right business, ha ha ha.
^ It takes years for lakes to refill from rain run off and drainage from the hills when they are down that low.
DeleteTK- Lakes Travis and Buchanan are at 96% so it seems pretty good now. I love the citrus blooms but a dairy- that will melt your sinuses!
Deletetham dawgman bein heers ans adoin tham hootin ans hollerin wakin folks ans takin tham hawgs ans chickins that thar dawgman adoin shure is
ReplyDeleteThis is pathetic. This bigfoot "hunter" thinks a bigfoot might be creeping around his place, and all he can do is watch videos on the internet? And when he finally does check it out all he does is film his blinds and then screw around in the dark.
ReplyDeleteWhy do bigfoot believers keep coming up with crazy excuses like "bigfoots can sense trail cameras" and "bigfoots can turn invisible"? The real reason why nobody's found real proof of bigfoot is much simpler and clearly demonstrated in this video: Bigfoot "researchers" are retarded.
Also bigfoot isn't real.
if as you say bigfoot isn't real what the hell are you doing here other than wasting your and our time ?
DeleteGo back to your xbox lad
Oh and tiddly doo.
DeleteGrowls ? ... where are the "growls" on the video then ?
DeleteThere aren`t any...what a pathetic waste of everybody`s time.
3:30, my thoughts exactly.
DeleteI've got bad news for you Joe: bigfoot is only a waste of time to those who believe it exists. Half a century so far of wasted time and still no proof.
DeleteBut for those of us who know better, watching you guys run around in circles… that's entertainment.
It must be a sad existence to spend every day of your life worried about what cleverer people than you think on the Internet (cyber Nazi), but never having anything to prop up your fears other than circular logic is pretty embarrassing for the time you've spent reading every story, watching every programme amd listening to every radio show. A lack of proof, I'm this case a body does not equate to a lack of evidence, nor a lack of existence. Here's reason why;
... Next time something like this is found, you're gonna sh*t your pants, ha ha ha ha ha!! Can you imagine how you'll feel knowing all your time spent on the Internet scared of what other people think has just gotten severely worse?
DeleteI wouldn't worry about "cleverer" people on the internet even if I ever found any. And that isn't likely to happen here, as this is a website where idiots persist in bringing up the same human skull and call it bigfoot "evidence". That's not even circular logic you've got there. To make a circle you have to actually leave your starting point.
Seventeen men of Middle Eastern men were detained early Sunday morning near Deep Creek Hot Springs in Apple Valley, California. Police stopped and searched the men after receiving a report that a group was firing off weapons and yelling 'Allah akbar-type stuff'.
ReplyDeleteWHAT THE
He's lucky as hell he survived. The growling was a WARNING. The 'foots have been known to use their mental energy blasts to stun and disable prey via electromagnetic pulse waves emitted from their minds. Indeed, a couple years back a prominent researcher was allegedly "mind-raped" in a sasquatch psy-attack. These creatures should be left alone. if we continue to provoke them, we will be toying with forces well beyond our control. Their abilities to manipulate the environment around them (trees, rocks, temperature, weather, space-time, etc) using only their thoughts makes pursuing them an especially dangerous endeavor.
ReplyDelete^ try magnets to disrupt thought patterns
I'd be wary as well if i were in a cabin and hear growling outside. Even if i had a shot gun i'd be cautious about taking a peep outside.
And I'd probably tiddly doo my pants.
DeleteAlso I`d try using magnets to disrupt the thought patterns.
^ Fake joe, do you use magnets to get off on yourself ?
Once again boys and girls it's time for another riveting episode of -
LISTEN - as Robert describes sounds you cannot hear!
SEE - the insides of Robert's darken trailer - eh . . . Command Center.
HEAR - him say naughty words (not for young ears).
LEARN - absolutely nothing.
Remember - you won't want to miss a single episode of . . .
Whatever man, waste of time watching this was right 😠