Is This Video Proof Of An Alpha Male Sasquatch?

From the Crypto Reality youtube channel:

"Giant Bigfoot Caught on Film!" The Bigfoot Researcher's Journal Season 2 Episode 9

A gigantic Bigfoot watches Mark and Melanie, see what a real giant Bigfoot looks like. Undeniable film evidence of a real Bigfoot caught on film. Mark gets into what keeps the team successful in the field. Plus-what's up next for Team Crypto Reality? Incredible evidence of the Bigfoot species in this episode of "The Bigfoot Researcher's Journal"


  1. I love being the alpha male on this site. Makes my d ick hard.


    1. This clearly shows bigfoot and is just more proof that bigfoot exists. When will you skeptards lift the burden and admit your wrong. I have been out in the forests of Lancashire for years and I have had many encounters with hairy men. These hairy men have take turns smashing my poopa. I'm going out there tonight to do more research.

      Tiddly doo I eat poo


    2. Joe Fatzgerald loves being UKs beta male cuck. Goodbye, UK. Hello Islam.

      Once proud England will now have terrorists mating with their daughters and wives in their own bedrooms while they are in the kitchen weeping. Got Islam?

  2. A little less time hittin the bottle and less hallucinations maybe team crypto nowhere might get somewhere.

    1. not to mention...more people may watch if there was not 255 ads in every video..think it's just about money?..perhaps

  3. If you need to circle your evidence, it ain't evidence.

  4. Nothing but a blobsquatch as usual.

  5. There's nothing to see. Move along.


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