Check Out This Top 5 Facts About Bigfoot Video
The Crypto Blast brings us this video top 5 list about bigfoot facts. Are there any bigfoot facts? Watch the video and find out:
Is Bigfoot a hoax? Is there any scientific data for it's existence? Watch the top 5 facts about Bigfoot!
Rise and shine
Good Morning MMC.
DeleteGood moron my Bigfoot Student. May this be a great day.
DeletePeace Iktom!!
DeletePeace Iktomi!! Forgive the misspelling above.
Delete^ Absolutely not - you shall be brought forth and hung drawn and quartered for your crime.
^ u lot must be inhaling deeply on the "peace pipe of crack" if u think any of this is real ?
Deletepuff puff
If you could handle what was real, then you wouldn't be here worried about what other people think.
Delete^ if you could handle reality you wouldn`t be responding to every post you see that denies bigfoot as if your whole life depended on it or care about what people think !
Delete5:03 is right as Ikky`s whole life does depend on it.
DeleteIktomi = wears a plastic Sheriff badge when at his laptop ,mentally arresting deniers in his wildest fantasies.
DeleteHahah hahahahaha you jerk
5:03... If I really cared all that much, I'd be over on the ISF complaining and hurling abuse at them... You see how this applies to you? I'm not complaining you're here though. It means I get to use you as the archetype idiot off the street when it comes to this subjects... That's why I respond. When it gets to the tenth comment down the line and I've made you run off because you can't handle the truth, you'll see what I mean.
Delete: )
5:10... Who's sadder? Someone coming here looking to use the subject matter productivity, or someone who spends his entire time somewhere they find dissagreeable?
DeleteIt appears your life revolves around tying to persuade people they're wrong about this subject... What's rich is that these people are cleverer than you. Your actions are indicative of loads of issues with your confidence about this subject. If you were contented in that mind set, you'd be inclined to do something else... You'd have peace of mind.
TRUMP - da man -
DeleteChicago zombified -
Mexican Flags flying high over Chicago ... WHAT THE
Bigfoot Student
DeleteI meant to say " good morning Mr Bigfoot Student". We were heading to the work site and the trail was bumpy. My bad
DeleteIktomi ....... On site police patrol and administrator of rebukes and remonstrations.
Try taking yourself a little less seriously - outside of the chip-butty `n` ketchup life you lead you really aren`t that important.
Taking myself too seriously? Sweetheart, there's a load of other places I could frequent and post comments on if I was to take myself too seriously... And considering this is coming from someone who needs so desperately for people to find him funny, you certainly found me important enough to comment.
DeleteWakey, wakey...
A bigfoot fact is that no one has proven that they exist.
ReplyDeleteHere's a Bigfoot Fact: The subject is so exciting that even those *claiming* they don't believe and have no interest cannot stay away from Bigfoot related websites.
Delete^ Cor blarmey strark a lart n` blow me darn wivva fevvar
Deleteleev it art gubnah yous bang art o` ordah boyo
4:43... Another is that a lack of proof doesn't equate to a lack of evidence. And if something doesn't exist, that doesn't happen.
Delete^ there are too many people running around in the woods on solo missions to be the guy or group that finds "him" and fame and fortune .. there`s little unity between these groups or even attempted cooperation .. what is needed is a unified and concerted effort from a singular unit that has access to the tools with which to search and that remains within the field until such times as "it" is found ., but they can`t even agree on that.
Deleteans BIGFOOTS carrin off tham squaws fer yeers
Delete7:45... Comment of the year.
DeleteLol 5:15 me thinks you're not really a cockney are you xx
DeleteC0ckney not allowed lol xx
DeleteYers Eva ,thass da way we`s all torks rarn eer in da smoke a Lundun, honest n` troo ta goodness , cor strark me darn if ars a tellin a lie
DeletePlease find another schtick you make me reach for the fly swat every time I read your mumbo jumbo.
DeleteLol 1:13 you're the same person as fake Joe,i've got you're number ;) xx
DeleteLol 1:13 you're the same person as fake Joe,i've got you're number ;) xx
Delete^ No..1.13 is not fake Joe ... honest guv ars swears on me muvvas grave ars does
Delete1:43 whars iss good an` troo engurlish ars a tellin an` ars a strayt up fellah - ars a tellin der troof an` ars as honest as der days iss long ars is..cor strark a bleedin lart