Bigfoot Seen On Dark Country Road In Illinois

One of the most common places people see bigfoot is along rural roadways at night. In 2012, a man from Illinois was driving along a dark country road when he spotted something he could not explain. The creature stood on two legs, as it leaned against a fence, standing around seven and a half feet tall.


  1. Trump fer da constitushun he shure is
    we heers voting fer Trump

  2. I remember watching a "mediator" here who was trying to bring calm to this blog and stop the abuse etc ...funnily, he succeeded with the trolls but NOT with the guy posting as Joe ,who continued to use abuse throughout and even abused the person attempting to stop the abuse.

    The JoeTomi poster is a disturbed prick who likes the abuse here - he`s the poster who causes it.

    The above will be recalled by regular visitors here.

    1. ^ thass coz e iz a vey jellus boy

    2. Trapper team leader AIMS team said them BIGFOOTS live deep in the boosh, but they will take the path of least resistance and use trails or roads in the area for traveling ... also Huckleberry said use BACON as bait to trap that BIGFOOT

    3. 12:57 has been reposting the same rubbish again . That's twice today mate. You just shown your trolls colors. Take your cack elsewhere


    4. sorry 2:56 the truth is the truth 12:57 is the way troll colors? retarded much?

    5. ^ well, well, well- if it isn't sir Bloody Galahad and the rest of the trolls of the round table !
      Have yourselves a good one lads while I sit back and laugh my arse off at you all tonight
      tiddly doo


    6. Trolls of the round table , haa haa lol!

  3. I live in Illinois all my life never seen a squatch, in the woods, just a bunch of meth labs.

  4. let us not forget the Bloodless Howler

  5. Motorists dashcam footage of UFO / 8 March 16

  6. I live in Kewanee.. I never even hear gossip of this... maybe it me with my long hair and day I forgot to shave... te he


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