Bigfoot Researcher's Journal Baby Bigfoot Breakdown Video

From the Crypto Reality youtube channel: Baby Bigfoot Breakdown

Baby Bigfoot Breakdown, Florida's Bigfoot, Real Bigfoot footage and goofball skeptics, and mark goes over the cameras the team uses to catch Bigfoot on film as well as some of what to expect with the equipment while in the field finding bigfoot


  1. First for the Super ones!


  2. James Shoutin & Poutin Wilson here again and nothing to be found called evidence! Come on!

  3. This isn't a baby bigfoot. Bigfoot doesn't exist. The only people who believe in bigfoot clearly have not done any research and are blinded by their own stupidity. There are people on this site that think cut n paste quotes is a sign of their intelligence. They are the worst of all. These morons are to stupid to have an opinion of their own. The facts are that bigfoot doesn't exist. Just deal with it.


    1. Here's a quote from our favorite cut and paster: "low quality photos wouldn't emit ultra-high frequencies". LOL. Genius!

    2. that man's three year old nephew can clearly see what's on the film but you toddlers are clearly asleep or transfixed with your halo 4 game to even see this evidence is without a doubt a living creature.
      Go to bed tossers


    3. And I almost forgot, tiddly doo.

    4. @ 9:02,,,


    5. 7:02... "Bigfoot doesn't exist", because "Bigfoot" doesn't exist. You use circular logic, fail to ever explain away any level of scientific evidence, yet everyone else is stupid? What a clever person you are.

      Sorry, but "Bigfoot" exists because idiots like you who spend every day of their lives religiously claiming they don't exist, fail to provide any substance to their claims in the face of mounding physical evidence.

    6. Funny that the world seems unimpressed by you mounding physical evidence. That makes you either a genius or a wacko.

    7. ^ what is mounding ? there are mysterious mounds out there if that is what you were referring to . The world needs to see the best evidence not the obvious hoaxes and then have a good laugh and cracking a joke about bigfoot


    8. Mounding is iktomi's word.

    9. 6:19... It just means I know what I'm talking about. You spend every day of your life on the topic and don't even know about it... What can we expect from uninterested mainstream scientists.

    10. So you're claiming genius.

  4. If you need to circle your evidence in a photo, it ain't evidence.

    1. Oh there's real evidence to be had and I'll bring it in myself someday or my name isn't James Shoutin & Poutin Wilson!

  5. ridiculas nonsense the head is the size of the leaf. It seeing what you want to see in the shadows

    how long will this site stay operational, its now filled with utter shit


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