New Video Footage Of Possible Bigfoot Captured In October Of 2015 Surfaces Online

Not much is known about this footage other than it was recorded in October of 2015 apparently. It was uploaded on youtube under the name Connor Anderson. According to the recreations, whatever it is, it is moving very fast, and is about 7.5 feet tall. So far it seems like it might be legit. Check it out:


  1. "The fact is, there are thousands of tracks found all over North America. Every single one of them, varying in sizes and dimensions. Yet all of them have very similar repeatable features. The theory of the skeptic is, they are all hoaxes. And I do mean all of them. Because even if just one of these tracks are made by a bigfoot, well then that's all that is needed. We need to find the footprint maker.

    One question that has always dogged me. What do we do with thousands of creditable sane individuals with nothing to gain and much to lose, who stand behind there encounter with Bigfoot?"

    Les Stroud Survivorman

    1. We must scientifically debunk it

    2. We must embrace and love them

    3. Les how many candy bars do you have hidden away for the off camera moments on your TV show?

    4. Is Survivorman Staged?

      Executive Summary

      I realize this post is long, and many people don’t have the time or patience to read something this long, so here’s the executive summary: I found the locations where Survivorman was filmed in the Utah Canyonlands episode. One of those locations was very near a highway, but the major issue is not that he was close to the road. Rather, the major issue is that he was deceptive about many of the things he filmed and said in the episode. Simply put: he said many things and implied many things that simply were not true.

    5. ^ bought Les' box set before he endorsed Sasquatch's existence.

    6. They do NOT all share common features, unless you mean number of toes, and even that is subject. While the gross morphology of some tracks are similar, there are some which fall fairly far outside the accepted authentic track features. Compare the Grays Harbor tracks to Patty. Way different.

    7. Exactly, that is a lie often repeated. Of course if you bring the differences up too much you get the standard footer reply of multiple types. What a load of crap.

    8. Interesting link concerning Survivorman but I've long known that "reality" television only allows you to see what they WANT you too see. Their mission is not to educate you or present the truth but to get you to tune in and entertain you. Now Survivorman in that regard is not much different from the other reality shows but I suppose you could learn a thing or two.

      Now on the subject of tracks why does not Les Stroud (or any Sasquatch enthusiast for that matter) simply follow these tracks to their conclusion? In snow conditions and we all know we have it in abundance this time of year, it would be easy to keep on the trail of such. Simply wait for a fresh report of tracks, drop in old Les and have him follow them. Someone in bare feet in the snow isn't going to get very far if it's a hoax and no matter what method they use they eventually have to end it. If it is an actual Sasquatch making the tracks, than as a flesh and blood creature it eventually has to eat, sleep and defecate. It may be "boss of the woods" but even it could not elude a determined and sustained pursuit in deep snow which would leave an obvious trail. I think with Les's interest and the resources available to him that he could be the one to do this and talk the producers into it.

      Too easy?

    9. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

    10. Curious... Terrain. How many times have these tasks been followed to a point where they then appear to access routes nor persuable by normal humans?

    11. Struetalfart, Wayne da poopstain & Mitchell Wilson must be paying off Matt to keep others from trolling. They dont like the competition. Is OK they will always be the #1 hoaxers in bigfooting. losers

    12. Those of you who are acting as if Les Stroud is now a hoaxer and that his stay in the wilderness is staged; You are the same morbidly obese, candybar loving, xbox reality living farts that struggle to walk across the lawn to your scooter w/o calling someone for help. Get real!

    13. just because I live in the basement and like candy bars doesn't mean I got a scooter but my mom does

  2. FFS! I'll take 1st then :) keep surviving lol FFS!

    1. ^^^unemployed strap on collector....fits right in with the"community"

    2. Like I work out of my MOM basement saves wear and tear on my car and its cheaper to live in the basement $$$

    3. FFS! Mr. Anonymous / troll I want to feed you :) I hope you like uncooked brats (just saying) FFS!

    4. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

  3. Trump campaign manager says Megyn Kelly is 'totally obsessed' with him as he insists The Donald won't show up at tomorrow's debate - and says OTHER campaigns could join him at veterans fundraiser instead ...

    1. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

  4. Hey Joe .. I am watching a program on der telly un` it says dat peeps lark me is a troll.

    Harr haarr harr harr harrrr


    1. dat peeps lark yous is a dirty troll too

      harr harr harrr harrrr


    2. but BILL BROCK got real close, REAL CLOSE

  5. Hard to tell what it is but i'm glad they did a recreation to compare the size of an actual human to it. it is a mystery but an intriguing one


    1. Yeah because if it's unclear it has to be a possible Bigfoot.

    2. No, they only say possible because of the size when the comparison was done. No one really knows what it is.
      Don't be a silly wabbit


    3. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

  6. Replies
    1. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

  7. Replies
    1. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

  8. Now really folks, how can one tell in this video if the subject is a Sasquatch or not. My opinion,another supposedly video of a Sasquatch for the circular file cabinet........

    1. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

  9. #1 - There is no way you'd notice it in the original footage. #2 - If you did notice it, you would have no reason to suspect it's a squatch. #3 - The fact that someone noticed it, then wondered if it's a squatch, tells you all you need to know. But they get an A+ for creativity!


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