Man Almost Bumps Into Bigfoot Walking Down Driveway At Night

Brian Sullivan concludes his discussion about his findings in Montana and other states, and talks about one of his scariest moments when he almost bumped into a bigfoot that was in the driveway one night.
We conclude our discussion with Brian Sullivan, bigfoot eyewitness, and founder of the Montana Bigfoot Project. We hit on some very interesting topics and listen to Brian's stories of sasquatch encounters and strange findings in his home state of Montana. Thanks for listening, and please be sure to subscribe.


  1. sometimes homeless folk looking like Bigfoots in the dark, so you thinking that's a BIGFOOT but its just a homeless folk living in the bush

    1. In the city limits of Duluth along the rail road tracks, a teen was walking to his buddies house. He thought he was walking up on 3 homeless people. As he got within 15 feet he realized they were 3 giant Sasquatch. Sometimes Sasquatch can look like homeless people. Lol. True story.
      Rob J

  2. Female Jihadist Attack Tourist Hotel in Burkina Faso; 23 Killed...
    Women's Lib in the Jihadist movement -
    go figure

    1. does Bigfoot figure into that?

    2. Jihadist like bigfoots are unpredictable take U out real quick like

  3. tham gummint folk keepin tham bigfoots in that thar black ops splaind it be bears you aseein ans not bein bigfoots


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