Looking For A Bigfoot Group To Join? How About...

The Independent Sasquatch Research Team, or ISRT for short, posted this awesome trailer for their group, and included the info needed if you're looking to join an actual bigfoot group. You could network and go out into the woods yourself. Press your luck at finding the big, hairy creature.

We are based in central FL and have researchers through out the US. The team reaches all throughout the US and Canada but not limited to these areas. We have many experienced field research people that have many years of field investigation work that they bring to table.


  1. How about looking for TURDS

  2. Evening Turd Guy,

    You've made a big splash around here.

    1. THAT BEING SAID ,, PISS ALSO CAN MAKE A hellacious "SPLASH"?? turd this,turd that!!whut up with the TURD bias??

    2. Thank you,

      Finally someone steps up to the plate and tells it like it is !

  3. bad choice of music. i had to turn it off

  4. Is there another greedy, narcissistic, coke snorting, arshole that runs this research group, that selects which type of reports that they will put on their website, so that nobody has a clue that Bigfoot is actually paranormal? Inquiring minds want to know.


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