Dr. Bryan Sykes Discusses The Mystery Of The Yeti

Bigfoot's cousin the Yeti is as much of an enigma as the bigfoot in North America. In this video Dr. Bryan Sykes discusses his work on solving the mystery. He has put forth an extremely large effort in finding proof of this creature's existence, and has offered some accredited interest to the subject.


  1. Bigfoot like the Yeti are controlled by the GRAYs they been here for years making hybrids and clones

    1. What's with the video clip repeatedly showing the snow monster from The Empire Strikes Back? Oh that's right, the yeti is also fiction.

    2. The only fiction around here is someone being able to love something as hateful as you, chump.

  2. They have yeti to find a bigfoot (boom ching)

    Thank you ladies and germs. I'll be here all week. Try the peanut butter.


  4. Remember when Iktomi was all like wait for Sykes! Wait for Sykes!

    Well,Sykes has got nothing on unknown primates. Imagine that.

    Iktomi is proven to be a doofus yet again.

    1. Actually... Sykes has published a book called Nature of the Beast since this video. I guess Matty Knapp and yourself are a little behind the times.

      Go pick up a book. It might help with that chronic denial and make a man out of you.

    2. You have not read that book yourself "joe".

      Why do you make demands of others?

    3. For starters, I'm up to scratch with his latest book and will be when his new one comes out accordingly.

      Secondly... The reason I demand you read his book, is so you don't look like such a prized prat clinging on to Bigfoot Files. You carry on though, by all means... I'm happy to expose your impartiality and lack of integrity all the same.

    4. Up to scratch? Does that mean you have read it?

    5. One thing's for sure Donald, I've read more of it than you... And I don't make up I have books in my possession either.

      One more notch off your integrity list.

  5. The mystery is... Why are we still talking about this.

    1. Because the best geneticist in the world is investigating relict hominids and claims Zana was everything her reports were.

      Fancy that?!

  6. Dr Sykes final had to contact iktomi asking him to stop saying "Sykes is coming!".

    1. If he were to contact me, is point him in the direction of this blog and ask him to plug his book, not to mention the next book he's writing that's all about his work on Yeti's.

      Why don't you put all your comments in one and stop pretending like you're more than one psycho-nerd? It is desperately rare that someone is as stupid and as butthurt as you, you're not fooling anyone.

    2. Idiot joe again.

      There is hardly just one person posting anon here. It makes me laugh when you confuse us and think we are all this same person.

    3. Not so. I happen to think most of the anons on here are one lonely nerd who is stuck in his basement playing halo 4


    4. It's desperately sad knowing you have to pretend to be other people in order to make your dated, cherry picked scenario riddled with perverse denial seem more convincing as what's really happening with Sykes.


      Oh... And if you're trying to come across as multiple people, it might help if you don't proceed and respond to every one of my comments as one person.

      : )

  7. "1) In an unnumbered chapter after Chapter 27, entitled “Postscript,” Sykes details an intriguing finding from a hair sample from Dr. Henner Fahrenbach. It had a result that Sykes is still pondering, and we may hear about in the future. The DNA sample of a “Sasquatch” from Walla Walla matched that of a feral “individual from Uzbekistan,” Sykes exclaims (page 282).
    (2) Sykes’ verdict on Zana, an alleged almasty captured in the 1850s on the southern slopes of the Caucasus Mountains, is a nod to the labor of the Russian hominologists during four decades of the Snowman Commission at Moscow’s Darwin Museum. The mainstream media has completely misinterpreted what Sykes’ book has to say about this, and talk of Zana being an “escaped African slave” demeans what appears to be the genetic realities behind the case. You must read Sykes’ Chapter 29, to fully appreciate what he has discovered.
    “Part-human, part-ape with dark skin (Zana means ‘black’ in Abkhaz) she was covered with long, reddish-brown hair which formed a mane down her back. She was large, about 6’6″ tall, and extremely muscular with exaggerated, hairless buttocks and large breasts. Her face was wide with high cheekbones and a broad nose,” notes Sykes (page 296).
    Zana was no slave from Africa, but an individual with genetics who tells us much more about the population from which she sprang. As Bryan Sykes hints, “Zana’s ancestors could have left Africa before the Laran exodus of 100,000 year ago” and “they might well be still there [in the Caucasus Mountains] to this day, living as they have for millennia somewhere in the wild valleys that radiate from the eternal snows of Elbrus,” (page 306).
    (3) There is one more revelation in this book that caused me great astonishment. I have written an entirely separate article about it. Few seem to have read the book closely enough to realize that part of the DNA testing that Sykes did gives a complete revision to the status of the Pangboche finger findings of only four years ago, when it was dismissed as merely “human.” Read here for the big reveal that Sykes shares on that case. Please see, “Pangboche Finger’s ‘Human’ Verdict Clarified By Bryan Sykes DNA Finding.” The fact is, the Pangboche hand may yet be an important artifact to re-study and re-test, regarding a piece of the puzzle to solve the mystery of the Yeti."
    - Loren Coleman

    ... And he's got another book coming out. Tick, tock...

    1. I llove how you can't even just give your own opinion of a book you supposedly read, you have to copy paste someone elses review of the book.

      That is pathetic.

    2. Please D....you know full well he has not read this book. He could not understand it if he tried. It is clear this is a person with limited intelligence.

      Sure squawks like DWA though. Just sayin

    3. As much as it pains me to say it, I think even DWA is a tad brighter than Joe. They don't come much dimmer than our Joe.

    4. Donald, Donald, Donald... I share the exact same opinion as Loren Coleman, why does that appear to burn you so?

      : )

    5. Donald duck is back, quack quack quack .
      loren Coleman is no fool. I would take his word over those of trolls any day


    6. Quack, quack, quack...


      ... Last time Donald chimed in to call people names, he said he wouldn't be bothering with me anymore. Sad little duck must be too butthurt to let things go I guess.

      : )


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