Retired Border Patrol Agent Rocky Elmore Has Some Amazing Stories!

Rocky Elmore is a retired border patrol agent who has recently published a book telling some of his fantastic stories he accumulated over the years. But a lot of these stories aren't about illegal immigrants trying to cross the border. Elmore has had experiences with all kinds of paranormal events on the job. Check it out: 

Unique Book by Retired Border Patrol Agent Now Available at

LOS ANGELES, Calif., November 2, 2015 — Out on Foot: Nightly Patrols and Ghostly Tales of a U.S. Border Patrol Agent, a collection of real-life stories of the paranormal, is now available on in paperback and Kindle formats.

When Rocky Elmore joined the United States Border Patrol, he knew it would be a journey fraught with danger. But little did he know that the trails he walked night after night would soon lead him into surreal encounters with phenomena from a different dimension. Out on Foot is Elmore’s new collection of true stories that provides a rare look into law enforcement. The book covers not only the routine nightly patrols of the Border Patrol but also actual paranormal activity as it happened to agents in the field.

“This was never more evident than when the ghost of a recently fallen fellow agent began to appear on top of the cliff from which he had fallen to his death,” said Elmore. “It was one of the most bizarre events in the history of the Border Patrol, and Out on Foot is the first book to cover this mystery in detail.”

In the pages of Out on Foot, readers will go on nightly patrols with the agents of the Brown Field Border Patrol Station in the Otay Mountains east of San Diego, Calif. The stories in Out on Foot involve smugglers, mountain lions, ghosts, and even a Sasquatch that were encountered in what Elmore called “an isolated no-man’s land.”

ISBN-10: 0692488383
ISBN-13: 978-0692488386
Softcover, 6” x 9”, 236 pages, $17.95
eBook for Amazon Kindle, $9.99
Published by Duffin Creative, available through

About the Author
ROCKY ELMORE is a retired United States Border Patrol Agent from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. After engaging in a full career in the private sector, he joined the Border Patrol when he was 34 years old and served for the next two decades. Rocky was assigned to Border Patrol stations in San Diego, Calif., Kingsville, Texas, and Tucson, Ariz. At the age of 54, he became a first-time father, at which time he decided to retire from duty and embark on his next adventure as an author. His website is


  1. Replies
    1. only if the turds are hard

    2. So there is a Mexican Bigfoot after all!

    3. tham mexicuns keepin jumpin da bordar ans takin tham jobs frum US amurkins
      git that thar bordar closin

    4. Dare are uh plenty uh dem mexican bigfoot. I seen em on Youtube.

    5. GRAYs have bases in the desert near the border so thinking that's a bigfoot but its a GRAY hybrid

    6. The Grays are a boring colour,if i ever meet one i'm going to spray it pink xx

    7. that's ART BELL country Midnight in the Desert action going on!

  2. Leave out the crap about bigfoot and it would be an interesting book. Bigfoot is probably just a Mexican sneaking into the country.

    1. Naturally... A normal person would retract participation in a topic that causes boredom.

    2. Hey Itkomi, why don't you go out in the field and find bigfoot.

    3. As quick as you're willing to cough up and make that financially possible, I'll be happy to oblige you!

    4. ^ I`ll be more than happy to oblige you dear `tomi..nudge nudge wink wink .. wan k wa nk

    5. ans tham jihadest comin frum mexico to heers

  3. Are you broke?
    Get a bank loan
    Sell your car
    Use credit cards

    It's just short term because your so smart and have so much knowledge on the subject you will find bigfoot in no time. After you find proof you will be rich and famous and living the high life. Seems like a no brainer. That is unless you don't actually believe in bigfoot or your knowledge on the subject. It's easy to sit on your fat ass and talk s hit isn't it. How about you back up your beliefs.

    1. Thanks for the compliment pal! Just as long as you can jump into my boots so I can have a career break, I'll be happy to pop over... I'm not the one talking turds all day, remember.

      : p

    2. Compliment?
      F uck your career. Don't you want to be the one that finally gets proof and becomes rich and famous. You would be a worldwide celebrity and bigfoot lovers would throw themselves at your feet. Sounds pretty good doesn't it. So what's really stopping you? Belief?

    3. Your career can't be too important. You spend 24 hours a day on a bigfoot website.

    4. How about I teach you the ropes and you pop out into your back yard and do it for me? We'll be a team if you like?

    5. We'll call it sharing ideas look... I'll show you the ropes with Sasquatch, and you can give me advice on integrity? How's it sound, partner?

    6. Don't pass the buck champ. What's really stopping you from going out there and finding the big fella. Belief?

    7. Your just full of excuses. You don't really believe in bigfoot do you? Your the biggest skeptic on here aren't you?

    8. Who has the requirement of mere belief when there is evidence to be convinced by? What's stopping you from joining the A-Team? Fear?

      What's for sure, is you're not the biggest sceptic around here, ha ha ha!!

    9. And tell me... Why aren't you over on "sceptic" blogs talking about "how much Bigfoot doesn't exist"? None of them are over here reinforcing their "beliefs", surely? Anyone would think you're a grade A "bleever" the amount of time you spend here??

    10. I've never met anybody who talks more s hit than you. You don't even make sense most of the time. You need help.
      I'm not a retard I don't believe in bigfoot. So why would I join your team?
      Just be honest for once. What's really stopping you? Belief?

    11. "I've never met anybody who talks more s hit than you."
      ... Yet you've never demonstrated where this occurs, and you spend your existence at a blog you "don't find credible", saying the word "turd" all day?

      You're either afraid of be idea or come here because you "believe". I told you, why would I just believe when I have the evidence to reference? Surely you're not too scared to join the A-Team, right??

    12. anon- you must get tired of coming on here all the time with the same tired spiel typing from your dingy basement . We don't have to prove anything to ourselves because we believe and why should we care to make you believe if your mind is so closed it is like a dungeon where the key was thrown away . You've probably spent zero time in the woods and have no interest in anything on this site other to come on and annoy us all. You must be proud of your daddy Joe Nickell


    13. ^ Shut up, fake Joe. We all know that me and Joe are the same person. You silly twonk.

    14. 4;27

      Tell us please how much time you`ve spent "in the woods" ?

    15. I`m going to let you all in on a little secret of mine.

      I do believe in bigfoot .. but I`m damned of I`ll admit it here on this site.

      Fake Joe.



    17. TRUMP giving them all HELL

    18. 6:12 and 7:41 are the fake Iktomi AKA the sad tosser with no life who is obsessed with the real Iktomi. Both me and Iktomi have people so obsessed with us they come on here pretending to be us . It's both flattering and sad


    19. ^`d say it was "sadly flattering" ?

    20. ^ Believe nothing that fool TomiJoe says..he`s fll of abuse and contradictions at the best of times...most of the timne though he`s just a gibberish monger.

    21. it's flattering because you want to be me so much and it's sad because you have no life. Now go and change your diapers


  4. Anyway turd talker, why don't you get off your ass and find bigfoot? Just admit the real reason and you can get rid of that burden.

    1. My doubts about the topic have eroded, dear boy... I have no reason to prove anything to myself. If I had doubts with my one beliefs, I would be over in "sceptic" blogs defending these and attacking people who didn't think my way... Do you see where I'm going with this?

      Fear is a powerful emotion, makes us do some silly things.

    2. Fear is very powerful. I'm afraid to go look for bigfoot because I know I won't find one because they don't exist.

      I might find some turds in the woods that I like, though.

    3. When are we getting verified?? I put in several complaints already!! This has to stop!

    4. My doubts about the topic have eroded, dear boy, and yours can too. All you have to do is pretend that bigfoot is real. It's simple enough. And then you can talk trash all day long and cut and paste just like I do and feel important and conduct yourself conducive to that of a bully who has no knowledge of the topic matter.

    5. Who has the requirement of mere belief when there is pretending to do?

    6. ^ Still has a space on his pillow for "Teddy". "Teddy" really his gay ploy to hide the truth that in fact Teddy is a real man that sleeps in his bed ?

      I guess we can only wonder .

    7. 6:09... I'm very lucky you see. I have close affiliation with some of the very best researchers in the country. And not these jumped up clowns that would like people to THINK they know what they're talking about too. Some of these people have decades of experience in the wilderness over people like you, and have seen these creatures on multiple occasions. The only turds in the woods are you when you wonder off the main road to urinate.

      6:36... I don't need my cut and pastes to make me feel all important, I've got you and at least one of your fellow psychos spending every day of your lives name dropping me on one of the most well known blogs on the topic, anyone would think I'm really important! Heck, you think of me so much that you're even attempting to be me now, it's really like a groupy club when you think about it!

      6:37... Are you talking about "pretending" when you're pretending to be other people? You psychos are already pushing the boundaries of audacity.

      6:44... "If anonymity is one factor, psychological and emotional issues are another, according to Suler, who says many trolls likely have problems with depression, low self-esteem, and anger. They want to inject their own emotional turmoil into other people by luring them into negativity. It's a way for them to feel some kind of control or power over their own disruptive emotions, at other people's expense."
      ... Sound familiar?

    8. I wish I was luckier, though. I try to have a close affiliatin with some of the very best pretend researchers (morons who never graduated from high school) in a completely different country from where I live, but they won't have anything to do with me. I don't know why. I praise them daily and beg them to be friends with me, but they ignore me.

      I feel important because no one likes me on the least significant blog dealing with this topic. I could go to other more significant web locations dealing with this topic matter, but I afraid to since they would probably force me to behave like an adult, and I'm just not capable of that.

    9. Thanks for your honesty, Iktomi.

    10. sometimes trolls looking like bigfoots so you thinking that's a bigfoot over there but its a Troll

    11. 7;12 he is called Teddy...that explain`s it.


    12. JoeTomi is feeling rather "tetchy" today isn`t he ? ..he seems to object to people having a viewpoint or even replying here.

      People react...don`t they ?`s entirely his own fault with his constant chirruping and abusive comments

    13. Just remember pal... People who are contented in their beliefs don't do what you do. I have a million friends who don't remotely believe in "Bigfoot", but they're confident enough in that belief that they do t have to come here.

      You're either not that sure of yourself/fear the topic, or aren't as "sceptical" as you would like people to believe. Either way, you're a bigger whacko than anyone you can point to.

    14. ^ Chirrup chirrup tweet tweetle chirrup

    15. According to Facebook, you have 14 friends, not one million.

    16. Where's the Boy Joerg account gone then, Donald?

  5. Replies

      Page 15.


    3. Lol that gun turret suit hahaha people believe that? Hahahahahahahaha

    4. It's a natural anatomical feature of obese elderly people... Just look out into the kitchen now while your momma is knocking you up some cookies.

    5. I'm such a douche, that I have to insult other peoples mothers.

    6. Inside America's only Muslim-majority Hamtramck, Michigan
      the call to prayer echoes through the streets five times a day


    7. And I should be considered as an expert on the anatomy of obese elderly people since they are the only ones that will have sex with me.

  6. Is Dmaker still proclaiming to be Alaskabushpilot's special lady ? Won't the other ISF fruitcakes like William Parcher be jealous ?

    1. I thought Drewbot was Bushpilot's lady. His claws come out anytime anyone even remotely questions Bushpilot's lies.

    2. It's like a prison romance.

    3. NSA knows ALL, sees ALL, hears ALL
      its all for U SAFETY : )

  7. Sounds like a great book. Would be neat is someday the most decorated USFS ranger, that being Bob ( Action ) Jackson would write a book about his adventures with the Forest Giants in and outside of Yellowstone during his career.

    1. ans tham bigfeets eatin me hawgs ans chickins ans me dawgs gits all riled up thay shure do

  8. Replies
    1. Ooh you have one on offer ?

      hahahahahaha dipshite


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